Chink v rostie

Kike nog here, quick question:

-If- a racially loyal white woman isn't available for -you-.

Which will you pick?

>white roastie

A shame to the white race.
but, when the white race will rise your offsprings will be part of it.

> a loyal asian

Sure, she'll honor you and will raise the children well.
but your kids will no longer be white.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A slavic girl

Now Kys memeflag

Worthless hypothetical I'd rather be extinct than bred out into some Jewish esoteric kaballah experiment

I’d pick a loyal Asian woman over even a trad white women. At this point, I just want to see all white women miserable.

Loyal Asian anytime, over that impure roastie with DNA in her smelly cunt from BBC and other sand niggers.

Mods ban this demoralization thread

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That’s a nip?!?

I'd rather get raped by a gang of niggers than date a roastie

She's Russian you yellow fever faggot

I don't have money for a rope, plz send gibs.

She's actually English/Ukrainian.

Racemixing vs thoroughbred. LETS GET IT ON!!

Ukraine is practically Russian anyways. Slavs are the true master race.

Asians are roastie trash. You have to go out of your way to find one and even then she'd be racemixing with you, will have had miles of dick through her already, and then your microchimerism kids will be alcoholic gooks and she'll return to her nature of laying around on the phone getting fat and complaining about drumpf.

AND they're goblina tier ugly.

>Ukraine is practically Russian anyways
Can't argue with that.

that red head lady is one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen


A shame to the white race is still white.

if it aint white it aint right

From nip to the master race.

Share blue is in good form today.

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>Chink v rostie
there is no comparison. western white roasts go directly into the trash

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She's actually just a thot, race doesn't matter

No option for white trad wife (male) + artificial womb?

The answer would be obvious, so no.

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Why not both, ma nigga?

You're going to make me convert this into a gif myself? Fucking rip you lazy bastard

But he didn't say a roastie asian. He said a loyal asian or a roastie white woman in the OP, which is disregarding their overall benefits and drawbacks.

Jow Forumsbettereveryloop

Marrying an east-asian woman is a step up on the racial ladder for a white male.

Cheating is a part of Asian culture. If you're not cheating, people will laugh because surely you must be joking. Or you're a total fucking loser.

There's a reason Asian women quit working once they're married. They're out there satisfying themselves once they drop the kids off at school.

Anyone who doubts this has never lived in an Asian society and spoken the language. Most bars and men-oriented events are actually sex parties with 50-60 year old guys and 20 year old girls, all of whom are "virgins" and never touched a guy before they talked to you, despite them working under the table at that facility for several years. The number of young women doing these jobs is ridiculous, and doubly ridiculous considering most old men partake in sex business and the old population well outweighs the young.

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I mean I'm already hapa so it's a moot point.
But I married a qt white girl, divorced her, and now have a qt friend I occasionally fuck that's the same flavor of asian I am, but with japanese mixed in, instead of white. She keeps trying to hook me up with her white friend, but I'm categorically uninterested.
So now I roam geek events like conventions for friends and occasionally make multiple long term, open relationships. Eventually I'll find the girl that wants to be a woman. One day.
Incidentally, the girls in the Nevada brothels, they're very good at teaching you sex if you pay for it. Spent 200 bucks one night for like 6 hours for them teaching me how to give their girls orgasms in various ways. All std tested, all clean. Never had a problem with them, even once. I now call ahead so the girls that liked me (some did, two didn't), were always there. Now we chat about life and stuff and they're teaching me to pick up girls and get in their heads.
I'm telling you, treat prostitutes well. They will give you everything.

I already made my decision. Look at my flag.

>Asians are roastie trash.
American “Asians” aren’t truly Asian. If she wasn’t born and raised in China/Japan, don’t fucking bother.

"muh flag"

Married an Asian.

Not white according to you guys already though.


Close, but I'm an engineer with frequent business trips.

I recently did some work for a certain major international company in Vietnam. Their main location is in a small town, and at the end of each day, they wined and dined and provided us with homely small town girls to fuck.

She begged me for a baby, and being drunk, I came in her raw. Her phone wallpaper was a picture of her boyfriend (husband?). I got tested afterwards and I'm clean, thank god. But it cemented the realization that there are no pure girls--and homely rural Asian girls are just as bad if not worse than city girls.

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>your kids will no longer be white
at least they won’t be brown. jews want to scare you away from race mixing with asians because it is the perfect combination of genes and ruins the jewish brown slave race agenda


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Is the girl in your pic the girl you shagged? M8 get some standards.
>complains about unfaithful girls
>goes after desperate uggos

You’re forgiven. Japanese is necessary to get access to the prettiest girls. People here don’t speak English, I mean, some girls do, but language barrier is an issue.

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Not worthless, it's the choice many men face


Did you read what I said?

The company provided her for me. I didn't go out of my way for her, and honestly, I wasn't going to insult their company by rejecting their hookers.

But the point is the
>muh traditional rural asian qt
bullshit is just that: bullshit. Most young women are out there fucking for cash. Dumbasses on Jow Forums just don't realize it because they haven't integrated into Asian society.

You mean the prettiest wives. Not faithfully marrying a virgin is degenerate.

If a woman is not pregnant or a mother, she is a braphog in waiting

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Then I suicide at the airport

the thing is, asians willing to race mix with you already have a very high chance of being an asian roastie.

i will never gf an asian girl who has fucked a whitoid


She's cute but she's not your wife. Post your real waifu.

They won't tell you that they fucked a white guy. But trust me, the chances of you being the first are rare. No woman just outright says they like fucking white dudes unless they're over 30 and really fucking desperate for cock.

We met when she was 17. I know her whole history. It's not like I chose the first whore that revealed herself to me, unlike yourself.

Even in Japan you’d be hard pressed to find a girl who’s a virgin into her 20s. Though it’s not as rare here as the west.

It can’t be worse than refusing to go to a Nomikai. You can literally find way prettier girls walking around Shibuya on a Friday night in less than 10 mins of looking. You couldn’t pay me to fuck a girl that ugly.

>bullshit is just that: bullshit. Most young women are out there fucking for cash. Dumbasses on Jow Forums just don't realize it because they haven't integrated into Asian society.

You’re mostly right. Your point is just a lot more jaded/negative than what I’d make. Women are the same pretty much everywhere you go, though you’d have better odds of finding a decent girl in Asia due to strong traditional and family values restraining them. Women’s lib isn’t popular here. Your best bet would probably be to find a rich Chinese girl from Hong Kong actually, but for that, you better be a rich, good-looking, top tier dog yourself.

White whores are no match

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Your sons will be proud of you.

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t. Schlomo


look at it this way OP, what is more cucked
being in an 'open-relationship' with a modern day white woman or marrying a traditional asian

either way you're fucked because women are all the same

Lmao based

>the thing is, asians willing to race mix with you already have a very high chance of being an asian roastie.

Look at pic. But the majority of Asian girls want a foreign bf.

I don’t have a wife. I’m 28, and still not ready to settle down, especially after discovering my popularity in East Asia. That’s just a girl I met last weekend, who is really into me, making hard eye contact, and touching my hands, but who I’m struggling to communicate with as she speaks NO English at all, and my Japanese is poor. The hot girls will require you know Japanese.

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these days with the way how roasties loves to document their escapades on various social media. it takes about 2 minutes to gauge how many fucks she's had in her roasting years.

if she's fucked a whitoid, she'll most likely want to show it off in some ways.

Think about this: you find a white girl who fucks a black guy at 17. Do you think her first black guy was at 17 and that's when she lost her virginity? If you think so, I've got a bridge to sell you.

how are you doing in japan, david-kun

You're falling into the abyss if you're choosing to sleep around in up through your 30's. Not saying you are one, but that kind of behavior is nigger-tier.

You have no idea how we met. You seem to have this fantasy of her keeping her dirty past from me. Maybe you're just venting about your own experiences.

You know nothing about Asians.

Look at /trv/. Every white guy there says they took a bunch of girls' virginities during their one week trip. Either Jow Forums is full of some truly charming princes, or women lie.

Living and working in Asia, I can tell you, we don't get a lot of charmers here, and people also never like revealing uncomfortable truths.

>thinking Japs will post private matters on social media
Lol. Enjoy scanning through 100s of pictures of food. Japs are big on privacy matters.

Difference being, anyone with a brain hates niggers, whereas the Japanese absolutely love the west. They’re completely fascinated by it and think it’s supercool.

Meanwhile, who the fuck wants to go to Africa? Or the ghetto? Exactly.

I found her Instagram. Maybe I should hit her up?

You're bragging about your girlfriend on Jow Forums my man. That says enough about your status.

> anyone with a brain hates niggers,
I see you've never been to Korea or 六本木.

Don't fret. You'll find a cute trad waifu soon, user.

Who’s david?

I’m here for the long term, and I have big plans career wise. I’m not gonna settle for the first girl I meet like some beta male loser. I’m gonna go for a top tier Japanese or Chinese girl. Someone who’ll make a good mother and looks like a doll. I have till 35. 7 years.

I agree with you, but you don't have to fuck them along the way.

I'm married.

I just fuck your gf and loads of other guys' wives whenever I have business in another town.

You because you are obviously a sexpat

If you want. She doesn’t know English, and it’s not like I’m the only guy she gave her Line to that night, which is where her picture is from.

Nope. Not yet.

And we got the reveal. Just another nigger.

Roasties are an automatic no. Genes are only valuable if they're good, and roastie genes are trash which is why their roasties. I don't find black women attractive in the least so I'd never date one, but i would propose that a black christ-chan is superior to a white roastie for those who are inclined to mix.
Trad anything > any roastie

But I’m not. Lol. You’re obviously jealous though.

I was just joking around. I'm loyal, user.

Why would you go immigrate to another country without knowing the language?

I would never date a roastie under any circumstances. They are garbage people.

thots have thot daughters

You're in for a surprise if you ever go to Japan.

The OLs at our company laugh about how the guys at our company are fucking girls whenever we go somewhere. And I'm sure those same OLs are fucking dudes who they meet on weekends.

If you think cheating is degenerate, you're not fit for Asian society or an Asian girl. They don't tell their spouses they do it, but everyone else sure as shit knows about it. They just shut up around family to preserve the 和.

Carreer opportunities. And cause the best and fastest way to learn a language by living there.

It’s not like I don’t know Japanese. I knew both kana, the grammar and 700 kanji before landing.


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You're proof that foreigners who come to Japan get sucked into a degenerate spiral and can't escape. People like you think they're special because all of a sudden a bunch of women want you and you don't know how to handle it. It's the same story every young actor goes through. You already lost mate.

What are your stats fren? How does one attract azn qts like you say you do?



I never said that a bunch of women want me.

I've said that everyone is fucking everybody, and most young women are fucking for cash. We have inter-company parties of over 100 people at a hotel/onsen and women are paid to pour drinks and we feel their tits. This is normal. This isn't some rare degenerate thing.

You just know literally nothing about Asian society, especially if you think you have the one (1) pure Asian girl out of the whole fucking continent.

I second this. Most modern white women are skanks nowadays

>Kike nog
>gay flag

I’m good looking. Girls here always say I look like a movie star, and it wasn’t much different in Spain or the USA. I often get compared to famous people. I’m also not a total sperg. I have a broad range of interests and stories to tell, as well as a decent sense of humor.

I do much better here than I did back home, cause the competition is much lower here overall, and I get the foreigner bonus to boot. Girls in Spain expect too much out of you, and being good-looking often isn’t enough. Social circles were very important there, and I just didn’t like the same things the Spanish liked, as they’re all really lame. So I had trouble clicking with groups where everyone has known each other since school and they all grew up with the same Spain exclusive pop-culture stuff, and American/English jokes/references, etc... just went over everyone’s heads.

>I often get compared to famous people.
People say I look like Brad Pitt all the time, but I look absolutely nothing like fucking Brad Pitt.

People are just blind and it's all about the art of gomasuri.

Of course stuff like that happens. I think you're just mistaking the big cities for the whole of Japan. It's not like Japan is void of degeneracy. When a white man goes to East Asia, you are archetypically tested and you failed.

You WILL reap the consequences. Life isn't just about sex. Have fun while it lasts, because it's gonna crash harder and faster than you thought it would.

Hymen is a pretty dead giveaway mate

I would get this in Spain and the states too.

I’ve been compared to George Michael, Enrique Iglesias, and “a tall Kit Harrington” when I had long hair. Here girls just say I look like a Hollywood star, without pinpointing anyone specific. And when I approach a group of girls other foreigners are trying to talk up, all the girls instantly zero in on me. My looks have never been a deciding factor when getting girls when I lived in Spain, often punching below my weight since I’m not a “bad boy” and that’s all western girls really want these days, but here in Japan it’s a different story, it’s like the only factor that matters. I think looks matter a lot more in Asia than the West.

I live nowhere near a big city. I live in a manufacturing town. Most of where I go for work is other small towns.

You really know nothing about Japan.

This is stuff all provided by the bosses of major Japanese companies. Division bosses of the manufacturers of certain valuable Japanese machines that you use quite often are paying for everyone to fuck girls, and refusing would be more embarrassing for them than it is for us.

My wife doesn't give a shit because she knows it's the only way to climb the corporate ladder.

There are only consequences if I don't participate. Your ignorance is showing, and hard.