White trash mob rob rob North Face store in America

Shoplifting 'flash mob' steals $30,000 in merchandise from outdoor wear store.


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Maybe in Japan.

>tfw in america store employees are not allowed to chase after shoplifters

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>White trash
You faggots with your squinty eyes suck at this shitposting thing.

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Because your life is worth more than the items.

Like a pack of gibbons ransacking a date cart

Fuck it that's your bosses money anyway not yours

>>tfw in america store employees are not allowed to chase after shoplifters
What incentive do they have? Not like any of them own the store, who gives a fuck.

>fuck the EU

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Bait. Ignore. Jannies remove.

This may meet the definition of RICO

>people take your property right in front of you
>let them go
absolute cuckoldry

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I wonder what would happen if pol tried to make this a meme. Every time blacks do something like this, post white trash did it instead... would media eventually start claiming white trash is racist language? Would they panic, because it calls it out, but in a way they can't as easily cover up with filters?

Absolutely worst idea ever unless you are the owner of a business that sells extremely expensive items that for some reason aren’t insured

No reason to risk your life for a couple of coats

Imagine risking your life for a person who pays you minimum wage... and I'm the cuck

Niggers. Now theres a fucking shocker.

>People take the property of a corporation right in front of you
>Risk your life to save sheckleberg a few shekles
Based and Americanpilled

>risk your life and limb for a corporation's property that's insured against looting anyways
t. bootlicking boomer

Rob NorthFace in the middle of Summer.

I agree with the other people that regular employees shouldn't bother trying to stop robbers who may be armed and what not. However, it's even worse than this. I had a friend who works at a big chain convenience store tell me that they aren't allowed to do anything at all about shoplifting. They can't say anything, write it down, take a picture, call the cops, etc. They just let it happen. I guess the losses from stealing are less then the costs of loss prevention. It reminds me of a paper I wrote about hacking. In my research I found out that big companies are hacked all of the time, and hackers steal their data on their customers. That includes pretty much all of your personal information. The companies just let it happen because even if the story gets out, they never lose many customers over it. So why pay the money to improve their security?

You don't own the store you fucking retard

>$30,000 retail

$2000 in materials at most

The store should thank them

I thought I was the only one that realized it's a bunch of whiteoids in black face.

Yes, but the shoplifters life is worth nothing. One well trained guy with a handgun could have killed at least a few of them.
So, the real issue in the USA is we aren't allowed to shoot thieves anymore. After a few thousand niggers got shot, shoplifting would go down.
So, the real issue is the law, the courts, and judges. Prison doesn't work, only murder will teach these savages.

It’s literally m00t. He never fit in here.

10 round magazine laws soon
10 niggers rob store
>niggers are starting to evolve and learning math

who gives a fuck. the robbers can have guns. LMAO am I going to sacrifice myself for a winter jacket? I'll pocket some items during the mixup. Jews make all the $$$ from the corporate profits anyways.


We nuked you twice faggot

This user gets it.

This is another reason why the "socialists" have some momentum. Clearly there's glaring problems with a model based around maximum profits for a few individuals on a planet of finite resources. Trying to make laws that attempt to benefit the overall society will have appeal as technology allows interconnectivity to increase.

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Not quite. More like the liability of potential lawsuits, workmen's compensation, and bad media exposure are worth more than the the items. Retail workers' lives mean nothing to the company.