Why don’t you accept her as the new Little Mermaid?

Why don’t you accept her as the new Little Mermaid?


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Nigger mermaids lol

It doesn't make sense, blacks cant swim

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>"big mad"
Why do they always talk like children?

Because niggers aren't human.

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I will only accept her if we get some good close up shots of her feet after the transformation.

Forced diversity
Fuck off you sub human

Heil the fatherland

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have sex sweetie

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morgan freeman, duh

No one should care. Disney knew what kind of reaction the casting would get. Probably started the hashtag too.
Now the movie is getting tons of free publicity and people will flood the theatres to show how much they aren't racists.
Pretty genius, really.
Best think to do is nothing. Without all the outrage, this movie would be forgotten pretty soon like all the Disney remakes.
The classics will live on.

Subtle kek

Dumb dumb

Maybe white women will wake up

It’s not that she’s black.
It’s that her eyes are so far apart that I won’t be able to tell which other characters she’s actually talking to and thus I won’t be able to follow any of the plot/dialogue.
It’s going to make the film very confusing to say the least.

Just so we're clear, it's the blacks that have designated a "white" twitter and a "black" twitter. Yet another example of how they self-segregate and then cry racism later.

I think the worst thing about this is the astonishing level of hypocrisy surrounding this issue. The negative reactions to so-called whitewashing, which is usually a result of localization rather than politics or racism, get a ton of media coverage and positive support. There's widespread hysteria and the media universally agrees that it's racism.
However, when white characters, whether they're historical, ficitonal or mythological, are turned into black characters for the sake of political propaganda, the mainstream openly celebrates it, and claims that people who complain about this are racist and/or whining about something that is inconsequential.

Now, if they want to be hypocritical assholes, that's fine. They always are. But the fact that they can't see their own hypocrisy is the worst part. They whine ten times more than white people, and do this shit ten times more than white people, yet white people are the only ones who get targeted. How is it possible to have this little self-awareness?

>not Bill Cosby

Because we want mermaid not mermAIDS

About the author:

World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

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I'll tell you what. You can have this, and next year we will make a live action version of "Princess and the Frog" with a blonde haired, blue eyed aryan woman. And y'all can get fucked.

Deal? Deal, faggots.

His point exactly.

Outstanding and underrated comment I must say.

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Because of immersion. Niggers cant swim and everyone knows it.

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Ohhhhh, so you admit that we are being mistreated...


Wrong movie

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No one cares about The Little Mermaid you god damned tap dancing faggots!

Yeah. This is what I thought as well. Fuck them.

I don't care.
Even a little bit.

Mermaids live under water. Now, if the movie was "The Little Sea Otter" we'd have a real problem.

that is exactly what a tap dancing faggot would say

You know what the REALLY funny thing will be? Ursula will magically become white. Just like Scar did.


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>all these mermaid threads
white genocide aside, i cant be the only one who finds this woman very beautiful

That’s a lousy trade on our end though. No one gave a shit about the frog movie.

I'll support the change if they change the name of the movie to "The Little Seamonkey"

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>trust us, we checked every single complaint to make sure they were ALL white people
It's just all so tiresome...

They turned Triss into a nigger? Oh fuck off.

I'm more mad about Disney remaking everything and not making anything original anymore with all the money they have.
They just keep giving Walt reasons to spin in his grave.


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>Twitter is mad.
Apparently this is newsworthy these days. Fuck journalists and fuck their media.

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Honestly, I'm just so sick of the virtue signalling. We get it. You're (((progressive))) because you cast a black woman to play a role for a white pale redhead. It's just so tiresome.

Keeps the movie rights to the stories in their hands

Disney emailed the casting director to hire a ginger for the part but he was dyslexic.

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Oh that's subtle

>the nation celebrated the national holiday that symbolizes all men being created equal
Why, in this modern age, do people change literally anything just to suit their narrative?

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Princess and the frog originally featured a white princess. Its a fairytale from Europe. Disney blackwashed it. Stop steal our fucking stories and stop messign them up you fat american fucks.


The fuck did they do to my book?

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Damn I was gonna watch that Castlevania anime someday. Fucking turned one of my fav villains black!

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>Why don’t you accept her as the new Little Mermaid?
Because I don't have to.


time for some much needed diversity in other history!

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>White Twitter

That's a thing now? The white race didn't subdivide itself on the social networking... that's all niggers and their black twitter bullshit. This is them projecting too.

It's their newspeak masquerading as memespeak. It's slang basically.

Yes. Kek.

Why do you guys even care at this point? Anime is 100% white and loads of blonde haired main characters.

This is true, every, and mean every black I went to boot camp with could not swim to save their life
t. CG

I just don't want to see blacks in anything.

Controverse marketing. Short term gains, long term loss

just don't go watch it, not even ironically

They think it's 'unfair'.
'Unfair' that there are lots of white characters in film/tv/plays/mythology (that whites created) and very few black characters (many of them created by whites too) so we 'have' to even things out. Never mind the fact that we created this stuff, that it wasn't taken from them and that it wasn't made with any intention to exclude them. It's just pure jealousy in my opinion, blacks want our stuff but with blacks stuffed into it.

1. Dont bother hiring new writers, just recycle old fairytales and change lead characters pigment.

2. Start racist marketing campaign.

3. Succes

Some hate crimes as byproduct but who cares.

I think she's cute

I think you should neck yourself

t. gypsie

Niggers eyes are in different zipcodes.

It's so much worse than just "turned Isaac black." They turned him into a full-blown bush-whacking jigaboo that stands up to white slavers. He also isn't cheerful at all.
Also, Hector is a whipped bitch, and he doesn't even meet Rosalie. And this is when he's supposed to be an acting Devil Forgemaster under Dracula.
I fucking hate Castlevania S2 so hard that I could write about it for hours and hours. There aren't even stars in the sky to outburn my hatred.
I mad.

Why should I? Can we get a White man for MLK movie next please?

Chocolate starfish

good casting, subtle

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>people will flood the theaters to show how much they aren't racists.
>Pretty genius, really.
No, it does not work like that, that worked in the 90s


Triss is a negress? WTF is wrong with this world?
fucking blackwashing

For fucks sakes it’s not like they are casting a nigger to play Batman or something
Just drop it already. It’s the little fucking mermaid. Who cares about Disney princess fantasy’s that turn all young females into overly entitled brats.

Why is this just a fact? Yet they still loiter at pools...

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>these names
nothing of value was lost

Yeah this meme isnt very funny

....actually the worst thing they could do next is ALSO cast the Prince Charming as a BLACK man or a man of ANY other ethnicity than white. If anything it would be a huge improvement over having a white man/mermaid romance. Nothing like a romance show about having a white man fall in love with and sweep a black female off her feet. Except the liberal elite can’t handle the idea of white men colonizing the womb of a minority.

Blacks are appropriating our culture!

We must fight to protect diversity!

Have children spinster.


They have higher density than whites so they sink in water. This makes swimming really hard for them.


Heh, well done.

Mermaids are apart of white culture/folklore

Its not an african story made by nigger sailors that didnt exist

But its whatever, I wouodnt watch the show regardless who the main actor was



Shut up, GINGER.

Not true, I grew up with a few niggers and they could swim fine, broke ones nose in the pool, been there done that, absurd myth youre pushing

Except all of the other people's property in their pockets.
What? Density is a social construct.


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This is the real outrage here. Forget race, Hollywood and SJWs are trying to ignore the centuries of oppression gingers have faced by getting rid of every ginger role model they ever had. Imagine trying to cull the smalest most oppressed minority in history in the name of "black diversity"

As long as they dye her hair red.... fuck!

Little girl idols are all turning them into overly entitled brats anyways.

Seriously, if the Prince Charming of the show is cast as a white man, we are good. Because that will show women that it’s only good to breed with whites.