Don't let anybody tell you what you can't wear. Your body your choice.
Don't let anybody tell you what you can't wear. Your body your choice
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Zwartie Piet is based.
Soulless reptilian eyes.
Unless it's marginalizing, sorry.
it's just the soot on his contact lenses ;)
I'll wear skin of jews killed with my own hands when the war comes
Based Zwarte Piet, the only good black guy
t. Rabbi Shlomo
Whatever country does this is based.
It's a national holiday in here. There are some (((protest groups))), but it's just a small group who get a lot of attention though. But that's just because they cry so hard, most people support Zwarte Piet (Black Pete).
Ew. Better than soap, i guess, but there's gott be something better we can do with dead jews
Every major intocht has protests nowadays though. Maybe aside from the schiereilanden.
de pieten sinterklaas move>>>>flossin
>cry so hard
Well seems to me the pro side cries way harder whenever somebody speaks their mind.
Yes but mostly it's max 10 people and the bigger ones are organised by (((The Open Society))). Soros is the biggest biggest cancerous tumor on earth. It's the same with FvD meetings, every meeting I've been to there were like 3-5 protesters standing in the distance with their signs. It's a protest, but it doesn't have any impact
>Well seems to me the pro side cries way harder whenever somebody speaks their mind
>being proud of making children cry by ruining their holiday
>the absolute state of the left
It was literally only one child.
People get annoyed because Europe doesn't really have a culture anymore, and the few traditions that we have are becoming taboo because of history. It are always the unsuccesful niggers starting shit because they can't accept that they are at the bottom of the racial hierarchy and incapable of embracing the fact they will never reach big succes within society due to largely genetic reasons. It's jealousy which infuses the protests from the nigger's side, and weakness from the social justice warrior's side.
FvD should be protested against though.
It's a shit party, just classical pro-Israel republicanism, not willing to throw over our current financial system of fractional reserve banking and thereby letting our society continuously influenced by international media, which stocks are largely owned by big central banks, run by Jewish gangsters from overzeas.
My own necronomicon should be made with human skin even though I'll use subhuman I think it will work
They do have some Jewish partners and influences, but they are the most anti-establishment party we have. They also called out Soros multiple times. In my opinion it's the most based party we have
They are also pro free-market and refuse to centralize the economy which means the most influential aspects of our society will be the big media companies which have been brainwashing people since God knows when.
Also, they refuse to discuss the LGBTQ question and don't talk enough about the preservation of forest areas and nature in general etc. I'm not left-wing at all, but living in the countryside is a thousand times more preferable then living in the cities were degeneracy is increasing by the week.
>which means the most influential aspects of our society will be the big media companies which have been brainwashing people since God knows when.
These companies advocated a propaganda campaign against FvD, yet they still grew big very fast
>Also, they refuse to discuss the LGBTQ question
No they don't
>don't talk enough about the preservation of forest areas and nature in general
A couple of months back they were informing people about how the government and organisations (sponsored by GroenLinks) were cutting down lots of hectares of forests to increase the battle against global warming. Yes lefty logic is this retarded.
>living in the countryside is a thousand times more preferable then living in the cities were degeneracy is increasing by the week
I agree with this
Dragon Ball fans should be able to cosplay as Mr Popo
> These companies advocated a propaganda campaign against FvD, yet they still grew big very fast
> Also, they refuse to discuss the LGBTQ question
Cite me some examples. I haven't been keeping track of them since the EU selections. I have attended a FvD meeting and Thierry was in full support of a homosexual 16 year old. Also, Nanninga has stated to want to protect homosexuals from the intolerant immigrant and wants true inclusivity.
> A couple of months back they were informing people about how the government and organisations (sponsored by GroenLinks) were cutting down lots of hectares of forests to increase the battle against global warming. Yes lefty logic is this retarded.
That's just pointing and whining about your opponent. I don't see them advocating for the preservation of local nature at all. They also continue to push the drill for gas in the north parts, even though they could also push for an increase in taxes, which i'm fine with, as long as the money goes towards creating a healthy and stable society.
zwarte piet moet gewoon blijven. negers, hou op met huilen!
If niggers really can't stand zwarte piet, there's 1 simple solution, leave the country.
At what moment when niggers decided they would immigrate to the netherlands, did they see zwarte piet and say: "I'm ok with this"? if it really offended you, you couldve gone to any other country. But no, you went to the NL, and now you cry like a bitch because the culture isn't what you wanted it to be. fucking pathetic.
You are lost, once the black faced two eyed phynx stares into your soul you become nothing but an empty shell
So their influence is declining, more and more people don't fall for their bullshit anymore
>Cite me some examples. I haven't been keeping track of them since the EU selections. I have attended a FvD meeting and Thierry was in full support of a homosexual 16 year old. Also, Nanninga has stated to want to protect homosexuals from the intolerant immigrant and wants true inclusivity.
You gave your own examples. They don't have a problem with homosexuality yet they don't support the prideparades. Sexuality is something for in the bedroom, not for the streets
>That's just pointing and whining about your opponent. I don't see them advocating for the preservation of local nature at all. They also continue to push the drill for gas in the north parts, even though they could also push for an increase in taxes, which i'm fine with, as long as the money goes towards creating a healthy and stable society.
You may have a point here. They don't want to increase taxes and I agree with them on this point, but they could do more to preserve local nature. It's just not that high on their agenda. But I'm sure that if local people demand more awareness for this, they will listen. Creating a healthy and stable society is their goal (yes probably form any political party) but they do favor bottom to top investing instead of top to bottom
I was wondering, what's FvD's stance on zwarte piet & sinterklaas as a whole?
Only if they aren't wh*te.
Keep it. They don't have a problem with Zwarte Piet and want to preserve our traditions as they are/were
> So their influence is declining, more and more people don't fall for their bullshit anymore
Capitalism is hardly any better then socialism.
We still live in a over-sexualized society where raging alcoholism and drug use among the youth are growing, junkfood is freely distributed, pride-parades still have massive growing support thanks to the media and where the big companies are still pushing for open borders, increasing the support for migrants and refugees among a substantial part of the population. This cannot be fixed without a full-blown centralisation of the economy or a massive (violent) campaign countering the current states of affairs.
> You gave your own examples. They don't have a problem with homosexuality yet they don't support the prideparades. Sexuality is something for in the bedroom, not for the streets
So you're in support of pedophilia, as long as it's in the bedroom? Homosexual men are 1.5 percent of the population but are responsible for nearly 60% of the venereal diseases, homosexuals (and other LGBTQ filth) are more likely than straight people to have mental illness, and 99% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within a decade.. This should never even considered to be accepted, wether it is in private life or public life, let alone celebrated.
The party is too soft and plays too safe.
wear what you want, society will still judge your retarded ass
>We still live in a over-sexualized society where raging alcoholism and drug use among the youth are growing, junkfood is freely distributed, pride-parades still have massive growing
That's what those companies want you to think, yet their support is declining. It's a very socialistic approach, like the North-Korean media saying that their country is doing fine and is in fact the greatest county on earth.
>So you're in support of pedophilia, as long as it's in the bedroom?
I should've clarified as long it's between adults. But no I don't support pedophilia. I agree with the rest you're saying about homosexuals, but I believe if it isn't so normalized on the streets and celebrated it will decline as well. Yet there will always be some people who enjoy fucking a man in their ass. As long as they do this at home it's okay with me, but they shouldn't get any special treatments for this. I think FvD also thinks about it like this, but yeah they have been a bit vague about this like you earlier stated. When it comes to it though I think they support your point. They bring it a bit safe, but when they go full Jow Forums the establishment will kill Baudet like they did with Fortuyn
Obviously an american since they are the only people who fly over every christmas to protest. Dutch happily explain to them that fat santa was invented by coca-cola and eskimos is equally as racist.