Get a load of this:
>n, who was arrested in the protests claims there was hard violence against the arrested: "They called us niggers and beat the sh*t out of us"

>The police in response: "They called us nazis"


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that's the article, it wont let me post the link

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Based kike, fuck niggers.

Just because you dies in millions doesn't mean you can oppress others.

Fuck you too. Free Palestine.

didn't your country genocide like 500k serbs? piss off faggot

Fuck Israel.
But that shit is funny.
Niggers have been condition (Mericas Fault) to cry "they called us Niggers so that means they're Nazis!" Anytime they get get caught acting up.
They realize it's their Trump card. A "Get out of jail free card."
Except... that shit doesn't fly in Kikesrael.
Ha ha. I dislike your Average Nigger more than I dislike your Average Jew. It's the Zog Machine I dislike the most.
But on am individual level... I really don't care for niggers.

is there any other generic word in hebrew for "blacks"?
I thought "kushim" was basically your word for "bleags"

Niggers>Kikes once you kill the pastor the black sheep eventually starves

>Just because you dies in millions doesn't mean you can oppress others.

Who are they oppressing again?

>Free Palestine.

Death to "Palestine"

you can always tell the muslims from the whites here because the whites hate the jews but the muzzies go the extra mile and start supporting arabs


Yes and most people feel shame. But sadly there are still fascists like you.

this. glory days.

I 'member. Good times. Good times.

Attached: Parada 29 Jun 19.jpg (1200x1200, 98K)

webm related is your brain on niggerism.

Attached: 1554293293824.webm (288x360, 319K)

Fuck chimpanzee kikes, fuck khazarim niggers

As a guy that sets up and works on kiosks like that, this makes my blood boil!


We don’t have the word nigger in Hebrew
Kushi is someone who is from Kush, which the Ethiopians jews are. crying over nothing

all co il are considered as spam
mods = fags
we don’t have a word equivalent to niggers

The people who orchestrated the riot were Arabs and lefty Jews. Not Ethiopians, the family of the dead dindu condemned the riots.

Fuck kikes. You wanted some pet niggers, enjoy.

and more jews per capita than the third reich

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I actually support our greatest ally

What does your greatest ally do for YOU again?

Sounds a lot like jews

What do you do for me?

We need a way to coordinate with African and Middle Eastern anons to start spreading migration propaganda to refugees to point them at Israel. Basically make them believe they will get the free shit they want in Europe but even closer to home. I want to see the world be forced to acknowledge the response which will be extreme.

>they called us the n-word
>only after they called _us_ the other n-word
when do we hit peak?

>Israeli Oppression Olympics 2019

i support white jews

we will just kick them out into Europe.
the only Africans we allow is beta Israel and there are very few of them left in Africa(about a thousand)

Jews and Israelis are the worst posters. Even worse than Canadians.

no such thing exists.
Jews are arab, converts are slaves

That's what i'm counting on.

we are part and parcel of Jow Forums
economical migrants will be kicked out to Africa, those who legitimately run from prosecution will be kicked to Europe.
The usual argument of we are a small country that can’t handle immigrants would be given.

Oh you can say that but if it's an extensive and protracted stream of humanity there will be violence. I wan't everyone's true nature on display.

We did that before, nothing happened, only you fags cared.

All our borders are militarized anyway, so reaching us isn’t easy either.