You Will Live to See the Collapse of the World

You will live to see the grim, meathook consequences of planetary overshoot. We are running out of fossil fuels, and we need an easy supply of them to keep the agricultural system running.

Being unable to feed the 8 billion people we have on the planet means death for billions of us. You will live to see it.

You will live to see wars that make World War One battles look like football games. Petrol and fuel will become so expensive that the lucky among us will fall to a Third World standard of living.

The unlucky will simply not survive. They will either be killed as the competition for resources intensifies or they will commit suicide in response to the massive anxieties of widespread social and ecological collapse.

50 years from now, industrial society will have unravelled, and the young will listen in awe and horror at our stories of strip mines, six-lane highways, plastic shit everywhere and mass shitskin importations.

Attached: collapse.jpg (341x148, 7K)

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what a doomer faggot. commit sudoku
meanwhile ill be fuckin hot ayy lmao pussy off the S.S. Hitler Starship on some turbo boosted hovercraft in a galaxy one sextrillion lightyears from year while brandishing my lightsaber at space niggers

Virtual reality might deliver us from this existential terror.

Checked and Ayypilled.

Yeah, shit's probably fucked NZbro.

>You will live to see wars that make World War One battles look like football games.
>Petrol and fuel will become so expensive that the lucky among us will fall to a Third World standard of living.

-t room temperature IQ who does not understand each of these statements make the other impossible

Based and checked

>You will live to see it.
cease your wicked promising, satan. you are a stumbling block to me.

Anzacistan will be the best place to watch the catastrophe from. Just as long as the fucking Marxist we have in charge doesn't let any more Muslims in

One happens before the other one, dummkopf

lol no. any modern war will cut off oil supplies instantly and Europe and the anglosphere -burgerica has no reserves

This is the problem with conservatives in general, just waiting for destruction because your base ideal assumes the worst.

I think this stems because they are [mostly] retarded enough to believe in Christianity, therefore they literally think the world is going to end and Jesus is going to give them a hug some day. I must emphasis, the people making big decisions in government are just waiting for the whole world to end and their sky daddy to save the day. What a horrifying thought.

Everyone throughout the ages thought their days were the end. Come on, if NERO was running shit still you don't think they were more justified to believe end times were coming? Anything bad happens and that justifies your thoughts With the internet, these same simple-minded people see things happening in the world to an extent greater than anyone before. They can't comprehend it, their brains are too little.

You will be the only thing that causes conflict due to your own stupidity, and you will die thinking some greater force is behind it.

>if NERO was running shit still you don't think they were more justified to believe end times were coming?

Yeah, what's 8 billion people on a planet than can carry 1 billion compared to NERO

The west has probably already died and most just haven't noticed yet. Thats how civilizations die. Its not all swept away one day in fire and brimstone. It just fades away to be supplanted by something new after a period of instability. Take Rome in your pic. Rome was sacked but the civilization went on. The civilization survived even when the germans took over italy for a time at any rate. Then one day people noticed latin was virtually unknown outside of the church. Few knew how to repair the crumbling building much less build anything new on that scale. Law and order had faded. Learning and the arts declined...ect. Yes you will live to see the collapse of the west and it will boring.

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No my sad friend but a glorious rebirth and awakening. It is always darkest before the dawn. Christ has returned, eat his body and be resurrected.

The revelation is that the simulation is created by your computer brain, and eating a mushroom will clean up your hard drive and destroy bad code, viruses.

Attached: mushrooms and bible.jpg (1954x3125, 764K)

Just wipe out all of africa, middle east , central asia, americas , and south asia and colonize them done you have all the resources you need

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Europe needs imports but there's significant oil in the North sea (UK/Norway). It won't last for several decades though.

Normies can't wrap their heads around EROI and planetary logistics. This might help.

Checked I'm down with this

The mistake you are making is to actually 'believe' the lie that these 'fossil' fuels come from 'large fields of dead dinosaurs'.
That shit is laughable, but it certainly FUELS the fire that the elite fan for their own purposes, that is,
To place the people of the world under enough pressure to actually desire all out war for something that is plentiful.
I'll tell you a secret:
Oil originates in the deep core of the earth, the giant oven that's constantly burning, creating methane gas that,
Through high temperature and pressure, is forced through the mantle of the Earth, in tiny cracks and fissures, migration channels, up towards the surface, where it's trapped in air pockets or pockets in rock, until it can be found...

UN says we can easily manage 10bn peeps sweetie.

Abiotic oil does not change the fact that we use it faster than it regenerates and the EROI from it has gone from about 100 to 1 to 10-20 to 1 and it's rapidly dropping even lower.

Oh no, how horrible. I really wanted this nightmare to continue

Fossil fuels are not a finite resource as we're told.

>muh magical abiotic oil
tell us about primary water while you're at it, faggot

What makes you think we're running out of coal?

capitalism will save us just relax

>muh dead dinos

You absolute fucking retard, abiotic oil is the process you described. Try not being such a fucking mouth breather.

That IS the process, Dino-Fag.
It is the ONLY process.
Oh my, your ass is stinging.

Dumbass we have over 500 years of petroleum.


Glad I live in a temperate rainforest then yall are fucked ima be fine

People like yourself, who don't bother understanding terminology, who refute just for the sake of argument are why were dead. I support antibiotic oil meaning the natural generation of it but you bunch of mindless fucks are incapable of thinking in terms of geologic time. Everything has a cost and we use it faster than it regenerates. Go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of shit.

How long do we have. I am boomer and just want to catch the beginning of the end.

I'm 25 right now. Will this happening come before I'm geriatric so I can die coolly

Abiotic means non biological where biotic means biological. dead dinos could be either bioticly or abioticly converted. The difference is only whether a living cell linked carbon chains or not. Plus it's not dinos its trees. 300 million years of cellulose unable to be broken down.

Should I listen to this guy or is it just another preacher of doom trying to sell a book?

America produces shit tonnes of oil in the south and alaska, not enough to uphold their military but enough to make foreign invasions impossiburu

>planetary overshoot.

LMAO. We produce more food than ever. We throw away a lot of it just because it's ugly.

> We are running out of fossil fuels,

Lmao the US is producing more oil than ever, other countries still have tons of reserves, we apparently decided nobody can use coal anymore, and we have all sorts of new green meme tech popping up

Get the fuck off the board you plebbit nigger

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Beardy-weirdy envirotard.

We cannot keep living like we do. The big problem now is Third World people wanting to imitate our degenerate and wasteful ways. Nature is tired of being disrespected.

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Yeah I know

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I would be so happy.

The collapse has been going on for a long while now. It's not something that happens in a single day.

If only there was some other neigh unlimited source of power in our solar system we could harness

But the Turd Worlders are going to do absolutely fucking everything they can to have Western standards of living, including burning trillions of tons of coal and oil.

>Being unable to feed the 8 billion people we have on the planet means death for billions of us. You will live to see it.
Yay Imma live to see it sucks to be all of you

like South Africa.
According to the Global Footprint
Network, humanity currently live as if it
had 1.5 planets and concludes that this
can only continue for a short time before
the system forces a return to
>forces a return to
s (phosphorus and
nitrogen cycle).
we have about 50 to 70 years left of

Attached: latest.png (550x242, 115K)

China, India, Brazil, and Africa as a whole gonna have a hard time once the WMB is overburdened

>peak oil
This meme was disproven like 20 years ago senpai

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>You Will Live to See the Collapse of the World

Outstanding! Can't wait. We deserve it. Feel kind of sorry for the animals, though. They have no idea what we've done to them.

Sounds like you everything fucking figure out. Tell us what to do o wise ass faggot? We can't go on with out infinite knowledge

Lol go ahead Greece can't even do anything without help. Your country is a retarded old senile man