Newest national IQ data (2019)

So these are apparently Richard Lynn's most recent numbers, from this book

Why is Belarus so high? Aren't they slavs? Are they even a first world country?

Attached: NIQ-List-JT-1.jpg (1320x710, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Japs 5 points above K*reans
Okay, this is epic.

The source is the same a meme combo of kid results and bad maths. Remeber that the only IQ study done on europeans all over europe about IQ was Buj et al. The rest is combos made by Lynn, that seriously no one understands.
At least use pisa and only pisa results that would be more accurate.

Attached: Buj_IQ_d002-7Europesra022sjdjjdnan-bc3s370.png (4592x3196, 1.21M)

Belarus will join PISA soon and we'll put it to test.

my peeps in Nippon.

Guatemala falling into complete ooga booga intelligence is also strange. The image is from an Unz article reviewing the book, so I'm just assuming it's an accurate transcription of the data.

the left country will colonize the right country

can we all agree that belarus is the biggest surprise here

Here's an article from the co-author explaining some of the gaps for anyone interested

How the fuck do we have the same IQ as Norway? We have California and literally all of the blackbelt holding us back

Guatemalans and Nicaraguans basically getting every question wrong is more surprising to me.

It's not though. Look at PISA scores. Poland and Belarus very closely related. Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth was mostly Belarusian.

the methodology doesnt make sense, 100 should be mean result to be comparable with iq


They are not even on PISA i guess.

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Every country under 100 should be exterminated

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>exterminating usa
good luck estonia bro u can do it!

It is you dummy. 100 is the global mean. China is a 104. Do you know how many Chinese there are? Each countries score compares the state mean to the global mean.

>I'm too stupid to read the fourth post
I know. Your meme flag already tells me this.

>Belarus 102

Below 90, as expected.

It should be done on voluntary bases to stop global heating. Think of the children

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What happens when bottom tier "people" immigrate to top tier countries? They bring it down. Ethnostates like Japan don't let in anyone dumb so they rank first. Belarus is not ifested by immigrants due to it being a slav country. And lets be honest, slavs are better then niggers.

lack of niggers

Belarus is basically Poles/Lithuanians from the Commonwealth. Poles would be as high as Belarus is if it wasn't for the fact that majority of high IQ ones were murdered by Russians.

I'm not surprised whatsoever about Spain though, they seem to be the most primitive of Europeans after Balkans.

>Italy 94

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>the US is only 10 points behind Japan despite 10s of millions of niggers, spics, and other subhumans

Pretty impressive desu

Wasn't Lynn proven to invent numbers?

Rich Lynn's IQ data is a bunch of garbage that shouldn't be taken seriously.

I have no idea how Becker and Lynn curved the scores, but that's not what they did. They conclude the global average IQ to be 86.72. I would have to buy the book to find out how they set 100.


>the dude that lost his emeritus professor status
>the dude that failed to pass peer-review 2 seperate times

He is not even citing IQ tests, he is putting variables and multiple datapoints into a computational model. That includes PISA scores, private school WAIS tests, GDP, patents per 1000, et cetera.

Only kikes and Jow Forums like his work.


Look at how low India is

Keep in mind that Russian score pulled down by not-Russian population in places Dagestan or Tuva.
Without them we would be on the same level than Belarus.

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Why aren't there any competing intelligence researchers coming up with opposing numbers? If Lynn was egregiously wrong, I'd expect leftists to immediately pounce on him and tear him apart. Instead he just gets blacklisted.

Preserved soviet education system.

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Imagine having a lower IQ than a gorilla

Something seems off about Nepal's numbers.

Also, China. Having kids at the country's most elite schools take tests doesn't represent the nation.

How did Nepal get 43? They are definitely not more retarded than the Congolese.

Wasn't Sierra Leone like 91?
Now it's the last one on the list??

But there are? Lynn is not carrying out actual studies in countries, he's taking existing data and projecting from that, and sometimes making it up. That's why his "studies" are shit, he's comparing countries who had their IQ scores collected with different testing perimeters, such as the scores in one country being from very good schools and the others from average schools. If he is missing data from one country, he just takes the scores of countries around it and makes it up.

North Korea is #0

*china samples taken literally from one affluent area in HK.
If that is allowed, take the sample for the US from somewhere cold and northern please. Thanks.

Does he still create IQ data from converted PISA scores?

>canada is so high because of asian immigration


feels good contributing to the host contury. whites seriously suck at math tho

also why do i have to do 20-30 captchas everytime i want to post fuck this niggersite

Becker mentions these in the blogpost, but I'd probably have to dig into the book to understand what exactly the deal is. I have no doubt we'll get more accurate numbers in the future.

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why is Iceland so low?

Germany is much lower due to refugee influence (thanks, America, Russia, I see u guys). Ethnic Germans are around 107 (or rather, were, when they still had an education system).

Can you imagine how much higher the US iq would be without the spics and negroes holding us back? Foiled again by the dark hordes!

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Once again this only proves how retarded these studies here. Here have them stating that some countries only have one data set, that goes back to the fucking 1960s.
Jow Forums is retarded.

>At least use pisa and only pisa results that would be more accurate.

Problem with PISA is that China etc juke the stats by allowing only the best to participate.

I mapped it

Attached: IQ Mapped.jpg (1334x1310, 503K)

You are evidently not in academia. It's a quasi-religion. There are competing intelligence researchers, they are called MENSA societies, which Lynn interestingly disregard only to bundle up patents per 1000, GPD and GINI coeficients in order to produce his numbers.

Interesting how that works. A disgraced professor that lost his emeritus status is the authority on IQ and his research is used for internet IQ websites and quintitative analyses.


ah, germany will enjoy to be the last time above 100. In the coming years and decades we will never see this mark again

How the fuck are we the dumbest in Europe?

>Below 100
how can this be?

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Yikes let’s move to Nepal start the 4th Reich there no one will know what’s going on

>Netherlands at number 11 with a 101 IQ in spite of the hordes of 87 IQ Turks, 67 IQ Moroccans, 80 IQ Netherland Antillians.
We're the smartest white people in the world.

There's a map on here


Ne scad media tigani

I don't want to be salty, but I don't believe China average for one bit, unless their research is restricted to high-iq metropolitans. There's no fucking way a 1.4 billion country has such high IQ average, when they've hundreds of millions in poverty.

Bullshit study

>Gayreek doesn't like Lynn's work because it shows the absolute degeneration of the Greeks over the millennia.
>We wuz philosophers
And now you're the progeny of Turkish, Slavic, and negro rapists and Gayreek women

Isn't Sweden only 75% white these days?

Also,how the fuck can you have 60 IQ and still function?

>my peeps in Nippon.

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Lynn actually addresses this in one of his books. Apparently they're really dumb but not literal retards.
If a white person has a 60IQ he is a drooling retard, but in Africa you'd just be person who is really stupid like all others but not a retard

>China 104
Bullshit, seen enough China rekt threads to know these bugs just copy European ideas and a lot cheat in exams, thus the iq is greater than it should be.


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Lynn's data is derived from converted PISA scores. China only uses high performing schools from their coastal cities to represent them on the PISA exams, so they don't produce a representative sample. Which is funny because the population they want to sample is really mediocre.

Yeah, okay, we dropped 8 points in 2 decades. Seems plausible. Lynn, in his earlier meta-analysis, dropped greece 2.4 points without any substantiation. Also, completely normal.

Just how it's completely deontological to ascertain IQ by compiling a model out of GINI, GDP, PISA, WAIS, Stanford-binet, and remodeled obselete IQ tests.

You are evidently balkanite diapora or a turk, the phraseology is telling.

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I mean China also fakes their GDP data.
There's literally nothing honest about those chicom bugmen.

chinks have no creativity and braveminds that's why they always copy the west, even historically you can observe that.

Don't forget that IQ is NOT indicative of creativity or even the possession of a soul. There's a reason Chinks lack any artistic inclination or a sense of objective beauty standard.

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The "smart" jews only got 92.
You think this will sink in among the jew-lovers?

The kiwi gets it. Drop niggers from the US score and it goes up ten points.

>Yeah, okay, we dropped 8 points in 2 decades. Seems plausible. Lynn, in his earlier meta-analysis, dropped greece 2.4 points without any substantiation. Also, completely normal.
Look into dysgenics my Afropean friend
Here we are the first non yellowfaces

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>over 90
how can this be?

stop projecting turk.

>Israel 92


>Don't forget that IQ is NOT indicative of creativity or even the possession of a soul. There's a reason Chinks lack any artistic inclination or a sense of objective beauty standard.
Where's churches of similar beauty in Sweden?
Seems like you also lack artistic inclination. Might explain why your biggest export business is cheap DIY sawdust furniture

I'm not saying jews are planet brained, but If they cheated and only tested khazar larpers, instead of the whole country, things would definitely look different.

brainstats use Lynns numbers.


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Imagine how high your IQ would be if you lived in Padania and didn't have the swarthy Terroni pulling you down

Lmao white retards

This uses Raven's Progressive Matrices and WPPSI.

This is the future your acestors chose for you.
Now pay their social security, you ungrateful brat!

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Yeah, Brainstats uses Lynn from 2006, I posted Lynn from 2019.

Why would Belarus and Germany be so much higher than Poland? That doesn't make a lot of sense. You'd expect it to be a gradial increase/decrease by direction.

Or is it because Poland has experience a brain drain while Belarus hadn't?

>Mexico, below 90
88, mexibro, only 2 points difference, and same as Uruguay and chile and better than Argentina, Serbia and Romania. And this is with widespread extreme poverty, malnutrition, and lead poisoning. Inequality is the reason behind all that; work to fix it.

>1 pt colser to average

I wouldn't know

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>t. 94

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>Strategically placed city state
>High IQ
Also LKY, did an amazing job, please don't get infected with the democratic curse.

>How the fuck are we the dumbest in Europe?
Gypsy nation
