Why it is socially acceptable for women to mock men on things they can't change like height or dick size but if a man makes a remark on a girl's weight he's a horrible bigot? Aren't we supposed to be equal?
Why it is socially acceptable for women to mock men on things they can't change like height or dick size but if a man...
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Its just a seething broke ass bitch
*taken care of.
>Aren't we supposed to be equal?
Duh of course not. women are 17 times more valuable than mean didn't you read the sacred texts of Duluth?
This is just some random nobody. Random nobody dudes will make similar comments about female weight to their nobody friends and nobody cares, either.
We let them vote. It's literally our fault. We should in ironically support Islam. They keep their women in check
>bohhoooo mommy gets mad when i say bad things about women :(((((
Im 5'4 i got something she can take care of XD
Because men have muscles and drive cars but women are frail little rabbits who can't leave the house therefore everything they do is good and everything men do is bad :)
just call women fat
works every time
Reminder Incels need to die
>American tourist in Vietnam
I laugh every time
Speaking of rabbits I hit a baby weedwacking yesterday. It was pretty bad off. Threw it into my catfish pond. I've never seen anything more brutal in my life
>he's a horrible bigot?
The true red pills is not giving a fuck if you're called a bigot
Well you let them talk like that. Whenever my sister and her friends talk shit like that about men I call them fat whores, and tell them that if you talk shit expect shit back.
>playing a piano makes you a stalker
Why would a 5 foot 8 man date a taller woman anyway?
Or why would a woman 5 foot 7 or shorter talk back to a taller man like that, even if he isn't a lanklet?
Also reminder it's pretty much impossible for lanklets to put on as much muscle as manlets, meaning the stark division of "tall chad" and "manlet virgin" does not fit reality.
Based and vegemite-pilled
This though, I get off on making roasties seeth.
The real question is why men go on dates with absolute trash women like that. He has probably compartmentalized 500 red flags before they even ended up on a date, and yet he went anyway.
This is of course, only if it's true. It is the internet after all, so it's probably just a roastie fantasizing.
>caring about what a woman says
Fuck em. Call them fatty in public. Crazy and fat. Watch them prove your talking points.
I don't get why Jow Forums does shit like this to yourself. Everyone knows that Vox is the ebola of the internet, and yet you keep posting ragebait like this.
Fun fact: rabbit meat will slowly poison you. Minecraft isn't real life and they don't have the correct ratio of nutrients for a human for long-term consumption. They probably evolved like this on purpose so we wouldn't eat them, the cutness came later because we still killed the ugly ones when we got bored.
It's strange isn't it, why go on a date with a girl who doesn't show any interest in you? Women judge your worth in the first 10 seconds of seeing you, so there's not really any point in trying to "woo" a girl who doesn't want you from the beginning.
Save the women and children, am I right lads?
Keep your fucking eyes open next time you worthless fat piece of shit. Don't handle heavy equipment when you're still coming down from a sugar high.
>why would a woman 5 foot 7 or shorter talk back to a taller man like that
So he doesnt condemn his sons to being 5-7...
I agree. I have my own list of red flags anyway and if I see any of them, I just fuck off out of there immediately.
Equal, not equivalent.
>seemed perfect for her
At last I truly know
>rabbit meat will slowly poison you.
gonna need a source faggot
>You lied to get me to sleep with you, RAPE
>You treated me like a person and was honest and rational with me. That's so boring, you don't know how to treat women!
There's no winning with these creatures.
Here is my entire approach with women for my entire history of being with women, I am 49, I have been with 100's of women, many of which were half my age or younger, as recently as tonight: They talk to me, I try to mooch booze or coke or both.
End of strategy.
My cock is 7.25 inches and 5.5 inches in girth.
I am also 6"2 with a razor sharp jawline, so this inadequacy problem doesn't effect me I'm afraid.
Fucking emcels, she is literally just seething mad that some romantic probably handsome Chad is doing something romantic and noteworthy like this for a Stacy. Emcels will literally be the downfall of this world with their bitter hatred.
Imagine being so insecure you think you'll score points by posting something like this on a Mongolian tapestry forum.
>Aren't we supposed to be equal?
If you are this bluepilled you're not for this website.
The fact that you care is what enables it.
Stop giving a shit about the masses, call out the manlets and fatties equally.
So if a bitch is ugly as fuck in the morning after washing 3kg of makeup off their face, chubby after they remove the corset and flat chested after removing the push-up bra with padding; is that considered dating fraud? "rape by fraud" right?
>Men stop lying about job / status / wealth.
>Women stop wearing makeup.
Sounds like a fair trade.
Men are very insecure about height, like they literally cry about it. Women figure this out and use it to taunt them.
pff absolut manlet. I'm 7'2 with a 11 inches cock
What else are we suppose to do? Actually talk about politic?
Height doesn't work like that, and they have drugs that give you a little extra boost now
I killed a rabbit while cutting brush on my 10 acre property. Holy shit your a fag.
It's called rabbit starvation and it's pretty much a myth. It's because they are almost pure protien and nothing else. If that's all you eat you are missing nutrients and shieeet.
>If that's all you eat
>For months
It's typically Jews, and alphabets just trying to fan flames.
Can't let people get to thinking about the real issues now.
>t. manlet
The taller you are the more muscle mass your body can support. It's easier for manlets to look big because for the same time and energy spent in a gym, the same mass gained will appear larger on a tiny guy. Natty or not, tall dudes will always be stronger and bigger than small guys.
Manlets take selfies with their heads cut out so you can't see how teeny they really are.
I hope her ass gets sold to a whole cartel where she ends up servicing old blind men under the local piss water cantina tables.
Spend too much time among idiots and you'll regress to the level of one yourself. Just a thought.
Because women are untouchable in current year thanks to the media and the academia.
*to be
Not poison but due to extra lo fat the meat is not enough to survive on it. You will starve eating it no matter how much you eat of it.
I highly doubt that woman who looks like a young boy is getting flooded with guys wanting to fuck....
Fuckin roasted his ass
How is it socially acceptable that the half of our population who knows nothing about being a man is somehow in charge of validating others masculinity
KEK. she is not wrong
>Manlets upset that women don't like them
Life is going to be rough little guys
>I highly doubt that woman who looks like a young boy is getting flooded with guys wanting to fuck....
She's a feminist author so I highly doubt the things that happen to her aren't exaggerated.
Dude stop posting that thing from the X-files episode "host" it's fucking gnarly man
>staying sane
>self care and wellness advice
>literal prostitute
>that face
>those eyes
>that insane vapid selfie pose
>a feather boa
She's right though, this shit is beta as fuck. Especially when he gives up.
that lady has no idea what that meme is saying. She is only reinforcing the underlying message in her ignorance.
Because clown world obviously
Pump n dump and never look back.
How's Wendy's
Good thing I fucked hundreds of them in high school and college when I was still average height. Have fun catching up lurch.
Sounds intense. Baby rabbits bring snakes so if you find more, relocate them.
double standards! everywhere!
because it's socially acceptable to mock people in general, largely thanks to the breakdown of unified communities, national feeling and family
fuck women
What a rude bitch
yes the double standards are obvious and they exist because you are weak. do something about it or continue to be treated unfairly. pussy.
just don't engage with them, don't read their comments, the moment you forget they exist is the moment you became happier
Because double standards. Women are infallible and all men are sexist rapists. We know all this already.
Do women actually care about height?
I'm tall. But all my short friends are dating fairly attractive women. It seems like height isn't even really an issue for most women.
Because society doesn't care for male suffering because it is upon which all society is build. Woman have selective equality.
You must be taller than her everything else gives them the heebie jeebies biological.
>Thinking her as a female can provide any valuable assistance when two men are fighting
And I'm sure she's got three little brown things things you can take care of.
wait, 1.72 meters isn't enough now? must we all be 1.9 meter male models?
it is only socially acceptable to mock men. specifically the straight white variant.
Wonder are selfish and have no concept of self awareness.
blame instagram. if you arent 6'1, tanned, muscled, handsome and rich you are FUCKED
>but we have the finest tapestries
>you look like a tranny without make up, is that a man, why you lyin?
Keep projecting incel. And remember to have sex.
lets be real being under 6 foot sucks
He needs to be taken care of . lol . Men built , manage and maintain all civilization , roasties just live in the world we created . He/we are already taking care of this bitch .
Ask them what Patrice would ask women.
>What do you bring to the table other than your looks and your pussy?
have sex
>Why would a 5 foot 8 man date a taller woman
Because she's physically attractive and emotionally available? It may surprise you that even unattractive people have frequent and copious sex.
The same reason the the left applies this double standard. They are more equal than others
based turbo manlet/average sized maltese man
You can tease women about their height. You will be fine user. She will laugh. Everyone knows that twit is not acceptable behaviour