On the subject of multiculturalism

(1/3)I was born and raised in Romania. Demographics put the number of Romanians at 88%, Hungarians 6% and Gypsies 3%.
So we are talking about a mostly white country. At 20 I left Romania to explore Europe. I worked and lived in: Cyprus, Serbia, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, Denmark and Germany.

At age 30 I had enough of living abroad so I returned to my homeland. It was mostly unchanged demographic wise. It also felt much safer. I just arrived from Germany, a country that did not fell safe.

There is still a lot of corruption here, but I can see a slow and stable increase in wages, infrastructure and the general well being of most people.

With the exception of Cyprus and Serbia, the rest of the natives from the countries where I lived reported a decrease in living standards. Less save, lower wages and a fear of losing their identity as a nation. I'm sure there are Germans or Birts that traveled for a long period of time living in other countries. When they came back... they did not find their homelands anymore. In the 90' I visited Germany... it's not the same country in 2016-2018. I'm sure the changes are even more shocking for a native Germans.

Attached: afairandbalancedworld.jpg (1041x750, 80K)

(2/3)BUT SAVE THE REFUGEES!.... I lived for 2 months with a Syrian refugee in Germany. He invited me in his apartment rent free. I never paid for food or weed/hash. During my stay at his place I meet a lot of refugees from Syria, Iraq and Iran(they posed as Iraqi/Syrian refugees to the German authorities because of the free money).

They told me many stories, I might share a few here if anyone is interested, that helped build in my head a more balanced assessment of the situation. Sort version: mostly young males are leaving Syria. This in turn will weaken Syria in the long run. Without it's youth any country is doomed.

Europes population is decreasing. Germany especially needs workers. I know, I was there in the factories. I can provide proof that I worked for 18 different companies during my 2 year stay. Of course they need young males for the hard factory jobs. So what ends up happening is that Europe is getting flooded with people from other nations. But it doesn't end there.

You see the countries that are loosing young people will also be flooded by other nations. Syria will soon be flooded with Africans. In 100 years they won't have a country to return to.

(3/3)I'm not here to discuss conspiracy theories. Let's talk solutions Jow Forums.
My proposal is as follows: Every nation is to maintain their native population at a minimum of 85%. The rest of the 15% will be as follows: priority neighboring countries population and secondarily people from far away places. The foreigners are to be equally distributes as to avoid clumping up in one city.

In the picture you can see the world map. There are two regions selected. The two regions have had their native populations decimated and replaced. In my opinion they are the best places for a multicultural society. Nobody will feel that they are loosing their homeland. And both regions are wealthy giving more incentive to move there.

Opinions please

>I worked and lived in: Cyprus

Oh no no no no no. What "vaccines" they they give you there?

>Every nation is to maintain their native population at a minimum of 85%

Denmark has a policy apparently of 51% Danish ethnics per postcode. I think this would be better than a blanket countrywide census which might be too late to catch large immigrant ghettos.

I say 75% local ethnic natives in every postcode. Places like *ahem* Tasmania or *cough* Uruguay will assume that natives are WHITE for the purposes of this venture.

I was not aware of the 51% policy in Denmark.

Romania is not 88% ethnic romanian, it has never been the census that was done in 2011 is fake and the country is not improving, just because salaries are rising a bit it doesnt mean prices have nearly doubled on most of the food and quadruple on electronics and dont me started on real estate.

I'm assuming you are either from Oltenia, Muntenia or Moldova. I'm from west Romania. Things are improving here.

And yes I know the census is old and sketchy. But if you take a walk in Cluj or Timisoara you will see mostly white people.

It's not comparable to UK where you see mostly other races.

Could you provide any evidence of this 51% Danish ethnics per postcode? I failed to find anything.

Your mostly "white" people are not ethnic romanian but immigrants that come to those cities and I dont know where you live but in my city I can see constructor workers that nearly all are asian,I see niggers and arabs when I go to my city center and I even work with a few nigger interns.
And things are not improving the cost of living are rising each year to the point of making life here exceptional hard, no matter how much you increase the salary its pointless if prices on everything goes up too especially on food and electricity.

I live in Timisoara.

We do have blacks, Asians and Arabs. But very few. Most of them students.

We have had an influx of Asians in the last years. I don't mind that. They are a net positive to society.

I'm not sure what you are working, but with 3800 RON/month I'm doing just fine.

After we fix the corruption problem things will be much better.
First thing is to move the capital from the swamp rats nest that is Bucuresti.
Brasov seams ideal for the capital imo.

But you said that Romania was homogeneous nation and things didnt change now you are saying that in reality its multiracial and the demographic its changing but its okay because they are asians? Cant you see you are countering yourself in everything you claimed ? And unless you earn double the amount you dont make 3800 ron a month after taxes.But you are some retard marxist from those infamous 3 cities that keep producing you and thats why you see no issue with anything.

I have been to your country. Brasov was comfy. Bucarest was a bit of a shithole.

>you said that Romania was homogeneous nation

When did I say that miticule?

>demographic its changing

Yes there are a few changes. And I'm fine with it as long as we keep the population at 85% natives.

> its okay because they are Asians

Yeah I prefer Asians. They have a better track record.

Yes Bucuresti is a shithole.
Filled with rude people and general degeneracy.
Also very uncivilized.

Just follow the mountain line Mr. Australia user.
Romania is split in two by a mountains.
Everything south of the mountains is filled with savages that interbreed with Arabs.

North of the mountains you will have a great time. Nice people there.

>When did I say that miticule?
At age 30 I had enough of living abroad so I returned to my homeland. It was mostly unchanged demographic wise. It also felt much safer. I just arrived from Germany, a country that did not fell safe.

Also be careful with the insults.
>Yes there are a few changes. And I'm fine with it as long as we keep the population at 85% natives.
It has never been 85% ethnic and especially today its not.
>Yeah I prefer Asians. They have a better track record.
You are a cuck like the rest of boomers here that dont give a fuck about races or the future of this country, have fun larping online marxist piece of shit.

Mitic being a mitic. Nothing new.

I'm a millennial btw. And I do care about the future of my country. A country that is mostly white.

Not Bucureti. That's part of the country has been fucking Turks for 1000 years. Inbreeds.

>hurrr just send all the Africans to the new world

Mr. Justin sure seams open to that idea


Those natural barriers worked well for most of human history. Getting harder to keep the hordes at bay now though.

Ce il bagi in seama pe ratatu' ala da-l in mm ca ii fut o flegma de il omor cacamas pe el de Bucurestean.

Normal ca in Bucuresti vede tot felu' de tuciurii ca deja un sector intreg din Bucuresti este aproape 100% imigranti in special Chinezi si Sobolani Islamici.

>Mitic being a mitic. Nothing new.
You seem to harbor some kind of superiority complex towards people that did nothing to you.
>I'm a millennial btw. And I do care about the future of my country. A country that is mostly white.
I said you think like a boomer and you obviously dont care if you are okay with asian immigrants and before me the stupid response but think of the iq and crime rate.
>Not Bucureti. That's part of the country has been fucking Turks for 1000 years. Inbreeds.
Yes because your city wasnt full with germans,hungarians,serbian,croats and everything in between but its okay that because they are "white" even though the ethnic romanian population couldnt even worship their religion yet alone hold authority position.

>Yes because your city wasnt full with germans,hungarians,serbian,croats
You say it like it's a bad thing.

Bah OP da i-a hai sa te intreb.
Cu deportarile cum sta Germania?
Sau ce se aude despre situatia asta.

Au de gand sa ii zboare sau nu?

I'm a mixed Romanian-German-Hungarian.
Proud of it as well.

We have only had things to gain from the white people that mixed with the local Romanians over the centuries.

>I'm a mixed Romanian-German-Hungarian.
And here it is from the mouth of the horse and he calls me a mitic.The absolute state of "romanian" posters.
>We have only had things to gain from the white people that mixed with the local Romanians over the centuries.
Yeah such as monopolies over entire sectors,"aristocracy",destruction of our culture and religion,famine.Truly amazing times.

I'm going to keep it in English for the sake of communicating with everyone.

I'm assuming you are asking regarding Arab and African deportation in Germany.

Here is the scoop from the inside (since I lived in the same apartment with a Syrian refugee): they have a pass where they periodically receive green or red dots. 3 consecutive red dotes and they are send back.

The dots work as follows: You come to Germany and enroll in language study. +1 green dot. You finish your language study +1 green dot. You don't +1 red dot. After the language course if they don't get a job in a set amount of time they get +1 red dot. If they get a job it's +1 green dot.

I hope that clarifies how things are going in Germany.

Many panic at the second consecutive red dot and decide to play along. Others go in the completely opposite direction and begin to sell drugs an avoid dealing with the state retentively.

>I'm going to keep it in English for the sake of communicating with everyone.

Fair enough
Now,do you have any idea of how many get deported(as a %) of how many there are there.
Or how many got deported(raw numbers).
And where can i find some stats(websites,blogs,etc)...even if it is from loony leftists.

Very few actually get deported.
As I said they just go underground and that's the end of it.

Heard they are ramping up soon.

I honestly don't think any of the cultures/civilizations we know today (outside of insular groups like tribes in the Amazon, or nomads in Central Asia) will exist in another century - at least not in the way we know them now. And that's not just "The West" - that's everyone. Sub-Saharan Africa's going to move into the Middle East, China's going to move into SS Africa, Europeans/white people are inevitably going to move somewhere (maybe they all head to South America while the Latin Americans currently in South America go north lel), etc.

The low cost and ease of transportation in the modern world coupled with the inevitable environmental/climate change famines/wars are basically going to act like a reset button in a way similar to the fall of Rome. At this rate I'm so pessimistic I'm considering the best possible scenario to be one where there's as little political violence in my homeland as possible.

>The two regions have had their native populations decimated and replaced.
You can add the UK too. We are already too far gone and 98% cucked.

I know Mr.UK user. I lived in your country.
Studied Criminal Psychology in Manchester.
In my dorm I had 2 chinese, 2 africans, 1 mixed arab-brit, 1 romanian (me) and just one full blooded brit. Felt weird.

I still have hope since UK belongs to Europeans. Maybe we can do something to stop the invasion of your country.

This was in 2010. God knows how things are now.

In Germany 2016-2018 I felt a silent desperation from native Germans. It was sad.