Tell me how blue-eyed blonde aryans are not the perfect race

Tell me how blue-eyed blonde aryans are not the perfect race

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they are the perfect race, that's why evil wants to destroy them

No. Kill yourself.

You're right, but Romans were between the first who tried to destory them

Green eyed red haired women are better

I don't think it's true, Romans were pretty arian, there are some places in chine where there was race mixing between Romans and Chinese and a lot of the people there have blue eyes.
Blue-eyed, white skin genes should be preserved and we should fight to maintain our heritage,

Strange face but nice feet

for me it's white europeans in general, but specially, french, italians, and portuguese
I also appreciate the dutch

Only fake blondes look good. Real blue eyes blonde people are ugly
>women with manjaws

Green eyes and blonde hair is the ultimate mix. Or grey eyes and black hair + pale skin

One of the most degenerate races. Especially the women.

THEY AREN'T GINGERS! So they're worthless

They are and they make all the lower races seethe with inferiority complexes
If you want to fuck blondes you are subconsciously accepting that their genes are superior to your own
Even if your monkey Dna makes you too dumb to realize it

this bitch looks slavic

the romans tried to enslave them cause they thought they were angels and wanted to fuck them

Aryan men are inferior to Asians when it comes to intelligence and inferior to blacks when it comes to physical strength and endurance.They are just mediocre.
Aryan women are sluts.

They are. But I don't understand why they live MED BVLLS like me so much
Pic related, her husband

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What a good looking couple!

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And down the toilet goes her heritage. Sad.

red heads are hotter

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Shit, this looks way too much like me and my gf, only that I am shorter than her and fatter and balder than the guy.

They are prone to mixing with niggers and farting out mud blooded, scraggly haired little gremlins.

They are too nice.

as long as you don't have black chimp eyes id say your fine

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every time you post a picture like this, 400 shitskins get horny and want a white blonde woman THAT much more, and go out and pursue it. Stop advertising your women you fuicking idiot, take a tip from the muslims and hide them away.

>Implying Leslie Jones isn't the epitome of female excellence
Nigger you gay

How do I get a qt blonde-haired blue-eyed gf? I'm asian btw.

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Perfect races have a survival instinct

i wish all other race could just vanish from the earth. aryans should be the only one representing human

No. They are not a race. celts are a race. aryans are a race. But blonde hair and blue eyes is not a race.

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you just have an inferiority complex you being a roach and all, keep seething and desiring a white blonde blue eyed woman you'll never have cuz you're a bug

>i wish all other race could just vanish from the earth
Especially dirty Malay sand-nigger-wannabe jungle gooks.

Beutifull,docile,and zero self preservation instincts.

Yea they are perfect-perfect sex slaves.

I did not claim that my race is superior unlike some faggots here. I already have a white blond blue eyed gf. Stay mad

Same deal, Aryan northern euro Germanic bloodlines.

they're dying

how much issues do you have with yourself that you had to get a blond blue eyed girl?
you feel inferior thats why you chased a white woman

you are pretty pathetic and a loser lmao

Love them, but they can't stay out in the sun for a full 5 minutes without getting burn.

>"kys kike"
Calm down satan.

>I already have a white blond blue eyed gf
pffffff sure, in your dreams perhaps

So you're saying we really are heading to a future like the Time Machine?
That white people are going to become the Eloi and the minorities will become the morlocks?

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White girls are more good looking. They are the natural sluts of human race. If you consider this superiority yea white women are superior maybe. She is not a slut like other white women since she is a muslim and learned to behave herself. Do you have a white gf? Also
>Reddit spacing
Fucking pathetic nigger lmao

I don't even know your flag dude. Not gonna try to convince you

Sad,but true.
The way things are,if blondes exist in the future it will be couse rich shitskins put them in reservations for sport.
Fucking blackpill....

Slavs are better looking than White people

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nope, am a brown muslim, my gf is brown muslim too

you only pretend you don't know this flag. You know damn well that we're the smallest country that managed to repel your roach ottoman ass, we btfo you in the mountains, it's all in your ottoman history book. You're probably 160 cm swarthy hairy little guy

The beauty of Aryan women deserves to be recognised and protected

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aryans cannot exist in a vaccume, they destroy themselves or linvite invaders. they need slavs or medes to protect them. there is a reason all of human progress came about while northern europe was under the yoke of orderly catholism

Slavs are white people, dumbass.

>tfw you are a white male but you got a asian wife because you get off on fucking girls of an inferior race
This is probably how Vegeta felt with Bulma.

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Stick her in the sun for longer than a minute. How can you be perfect if you’re not durable?

Slavs are not white people.

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literally googled vassal states of Ottoman Empire to find your flag. It seems it was an autonomous state when it was ruled by Ottoman empire. Then you guys revolted against it after it started to shatter. Even arabs were successful at declaring independence during those days so nothing glorious about it dude. Also I am Albenian descent too. pic related is me

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>Slavs are not white people.

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there is 0 reason to believe anything else

pure albanian here. my grand-grandfather raped a turkish goblina subhuman bitch and created you.

The majority of Roman emperors had blonde hair and blue eyes.

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They aren't. Brown girls are better looking, better smelling, better aging, and better cooks.

Slavs are white nigger. For all our hating on them, it’s mostly sarcastic. Almost nobody here is actually retarded enough to believe they’re not white. Genetic cluster maps show they’re European.

Romans were literally the basis of Aryan ideology. They think about the family, the fatherland, they serve in the army for their nation. And they have mythological links to Sparta. What more do you want.

I respect anyone with a gf. Important thing is culture instead of race. I wish you a happy life

reminder that the Roman empire survived for 1500 years

lol vassal state, never happened. You never fully conquered us because we fought you off in the mountains.
Albanians rarely look like that guy in the pic. That's probably some fashion model you found on the internet. Just stick with your wide hipped brown veiled ladies and don't touch white women and we're cool.

>Still biting the "muh nordick Romans" meme

Sorry but it was prohibited for non muslim man to marry muslim women. the one responsible for my Albenian genes was most likely an elegant Albenian slave lady

bro, just take a look at the Roman statues, they look aryan, don't need more evidence than that

>thinks İstanbul swarms with brown women
yeah I will also ride my camel in vast deserts of İstanbul with her dude
Not gonna ask which woman I will touch to an irrelevant reddit nigger from an irrelevant country sorry

>This fucking list again for the billionth time

What about Meds? Aka Greeks?

Because blonde hair, and green eyes are better.

those pretty white women and men are all stolen slavic genes from these parts

perfect for sucking my fat, uncut, brown dick. :)

There is no solution to biological inequality, where white female human beings simply do not find the Asian appearance physically appealing, on a male, for whatever reason.
Asian-ness is a net negative.
White women want nothing to do with Asian men. I don't want to live
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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Aryans are not only Nordic. And the statues resemble way more of Mediterranean Aryans than Nords. Although Meds and Nords are anthropologically the same but pigmentation of hair and eyes is different

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>Alpines, phalians, dinarics, armenoids. Are all mistaken for meds but meds are absolutely just pre nords.



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>tfw want a Celtic gf
>tfw all I get is blonde and Asian gfs
life is unfair bros



Greeks aren't white. Italians and spaniards are quasi-white; Bavarians, Welsh, irish, and other med rapebabies are dark white

Another blonde haired blue eyes Aryan supremacy thread. Of course, we all know who the real master race is....let's just ignore the roman empire or "We wuz emperorz n shieet" for snowniggers

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Good ole Dixie.
We have the best of all the white world.
Celts, Gemans, and Anglo-Saxons.

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Remove your flag, mutt.

Show flag and then we talk


Why are you assuming I'm a mutt? Are you a butthurt bavarab?

Please, do it, die, now.

The women are... Men, not so much.
> The Japanese seem to have the same problem
> Women gorgeous, men pathetic

You guys are on the periphery, but still European. Your closest genetic relatives are south Italians and Tuscans.

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Ohhhhhh. I thought this was a legitimate thread.
> It's simply D & C in another fashion
> OP is a boot licking, lap dog for effeminate Jews

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Greeks aren't even close to white

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Northern Europeans aren't Aryan.


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Vampire mattress kittens :tm:

Not exactly on the periphery...

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You realize this guy isn’t Mediterranean or even European right?

I am not MED but I am brown haired and sea-green eyed

Are you rich or something ?