Former tranny predicts Contrapoints' fall

Guy who trooned and then untrooned himself says contrapoints aka nick parrott is headed downhill

Attached: nickparrott.jpg (300x400, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Trannys are nutz for the same reason women are not equal in sports. I am post op. It's a great way to fuck up your time on earth. The deathless suicide! Thanks feminists and jews for killing me

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Attached: WOMEN Q Angle Q Factor HIPS.png (663x624, 67K)

>caring about some future 42%er

I swear the only people watching Contrapoints are you weeb faggots.

NO! Clown world is not ready yet!

Once LGBTQP+ are advocating for the legalization of child brothels is the pendulum ready to swing. And once it does, it will be an axe.

Attached: it6lvle8bts21.jpg (512x768, 79K)

I wanna see trannies in bikinis! Heh
Fukkin reality right there. You can't be a woman. But you can pretend all you like!

Lyrics~ The Great Pretender-Platters

It's a fetish that gives white men credits in the oppression olympics. You get tons of free publicity and you can call yourself an activist eithout doing shit

Yup, and then their idea of a one-party communist government in the USA goes down the shitter.

from a really tall building i hope

Attached: 1554855934639.jpg (640x427, 34K)

Attached: Yuri useful idiots will be lined up against the wall and be shot.png (500x867, 178K)


I always had an odd feeling with the rich whites running the show of Antifa that they have that goal, after they take all of the guns.

Interdesting, could he be related to Hambachs father-in-law? Is all of this anti alt-right tranny shit just an act to get back at Hambach and "his people".

dumfukkerz delight!

Attached: Yuri Bezmenov Marxist Lenninis does not tolerate the useful idiot.jpg (626x563, 79K)

Teach the world of the mistakes you made so that others realize how self destructive it is.

>bitter fail tranny projects his own insecurity and failure onto a famous youtuber
he's also a libertarian lol

Wow, a communist tranny having a mental breakdown
Bold prediction

I'm 100% sure contrapoints is astroturfed and funded by some non-profit or think tank. The exact propopogandists have been pushing it. They act like these things naturally pop up on their and they just promote, not like someone literally manufactured this and told them to push it.

And this is probably the case with Blaire White as well.

And a lot of other shit.

The whole Kraut and Tea shit clearly had outside involvement.

Yeah, 'out of nowhere' a tranny pops up and starts 'deradicalizing' people. It's so astroturfed.
The media will all start trumpeting certain causes, like that faggot journalist who was mad about being called an effeminate lisping queer once or twice. All of a sudden every single fucking newspaper pops up with a story about 'abuse' and 'harrassment', and youtube starts banning people. It's all fake and coordinated by media companies and leftist insiders.

I got the idea from reading this:

It's a huge redpill about the funding the tranny-movement actually recieves and how it gets and uses that funding to fund junk-pseudo science to make it look more legitimate and doe stuff like social-media blanketing and literally paying people to harass anti-tranny internet users. Creating this sense that it's accepted among the majority.

Any of these trannies on youtube like Contrapoints and Blair have probably gotten some kind of funding or grant or assistance from these astroturfing groups.