>Brusilov’s offensive
How the fuck did the Germans survive 1916? What makes them so resilient?
>Brusilov’s offensive
How the fuck did the Germans survive 1916? What makes them so resilient?
we dont need much
little spikes on their helmets is the reason
>the Germans survive
protip: they didn’t ;)
because they where based and redpilled
They are fueled on victory and hatred.
They used Austro-Hungarian tropps as human shields against Brusilov.
And Somme was just thr Brits being retarded and sending in the 17th wave into the machine guns.
Just shoot back lol
Because they were on the defensive at that point of the war and had defence in depth which technology at the time did not permit to easily circumvent. They did lose though, only shame was that America and UK lobbied to keep Germany mostly intact to resume trade while it should have been torn into fucking pieces.
Bullshit, they were following creeping barrages. It just so happened that the Germans largely survived the initial bombardment and could fuck their shit up
France had 34k death, not counting missing and wounded, in one day during the initial 1914 German offensive.
You lot would’ve been number 1 then. Brits have always and will always maintain the continental balance of power.
The German imperial army was the GOAT at the time.
You retards trying to tear the central powers to pieces is why you are completely fucked vassal states to US and Russia now and in the future. Still a nation of stupid and petty frogs in love with yourself to see that.
Blame Richelieu for that policy, he came up with it and it was assfucking Europe all the way up until 1945.
What could have been though, prior to the war France was a financial power house and invested heavily into Russian infrastructures and idustries.
Only reason the war happened is because Germany was a military dictatoship with a ego longer than their micro dicks so they had to trigger another war in Europe to settle that and challenge both France and the UK in the Empire making scheme. Maybe you stupid nazi larpers should understand that before running your mouth.
Battle of the frontiers is fucking nuts.
The entire first month of the war is the best month of any conflict in world history. Feel free to @ me
literally bullshit, the children that post this never reply when asked for source
>he actually thinks Versailles was right and that the only guilty party for WW1 was Germany
o I am laffin
every single one of you "great power" faggots is to blame for WW1
20 million whites died because of your dick measuring competition and so that kikes could get even more entrenched into finances and banking world wide
fucking idiots
The French were the ones eager for a war after the humiliating defeat in the Franco Prussian war I wouldn't talk about fragile egos and micro dicks if I was a nation that threw away everything in a pointless altercation because you couldn't and still cannot get over your faggot fucking self.
Those battles were all before the development of modern combined arms tactics. It's easy to defeat an enemy that is being exceptionally retarded, even if they outnumber you.
Neither France nor the UK wanted war with Germany at that point of history and they actually tried to settle it before it got out of hand, implying anything else is a fucking lie. shut the fuck up.
Do you not realize how sensitive and strategically daft Wilhelm was? Constantly wavered back and forth over alliances, especially with Britain. Pushed for a navy that was fucking useless besides pissing off England. He was like Trump ratcheted up to the 10th degree
That's late 1800 politics you are referring to, in the early 1900 France was focusing on a defensive strategy making alliance with the UK and Russia. It's Germany who tried their hardest to start shit up as they did in Morroco you are a fucking retard.
>In reality we wanted peace
>which is why we would only accept the dismemberment of Germany and Austria as victory objectives
Bull fucking shit frog
German ego is hard to measure, germans refused to cooperate with scientists which tried to do it. Size of their dick is regularly measured by zurich office of dick and anus standardization.
As a result germans cant take their pills in time and often have Paraphrenia. So they start wars and beg for mercy when defeated.
>The entire first month of the war is the best month of any conflict in world history. Feel free to @ me
US landing at Incheong in Korean war was an amazing reversal.
Being German
>we didnt care about Germany at all
>which is why we made a close alliance with the nations surrounding Germany and hostile to Germany
No doubt this is this stunning French intellect I have heard so much about. The Germs certainly are not innocent but to suggest the French were not aligning themselves in such a way as to attack Germany again is a complete fucking lie.
Why are Germans so superior to other Europeans? Even the humble Volkswagen Golf is desired by all Europeans, who are unable to produce such a sophisticated and understated piece of engineering brilliance.
Victory objectives were to avoid another war that would cost us 1.7 million dead, and 4 million wounded as well as a destroyed economy and a good chunk of our arable land poisoned by gas you fuckwitt.
>France didn't want war with Germany
UK didn't want war in general, thinking it was bad business, but they wanted German naval parity even less. Had Wilhelm not been a greedy retard who wanted it all, he could have scrapped the naval plan, invested even more into the army, kept the Brits neutral and roflstomp France.
Maybe we are the real chosen ones
Wilhelm was a complete retard and his inability to think grand strategy is what killed Germany. They should have never had colonies they should have allied with Russia and they should have dismember Austria and split it between them and Russia. Much like the French and English the Germans only have themselves to blame
Man you have a low IQ. Those alliances were in case Germany invaded just like NATO is to this day. Neither Russia nor the UK would have supported a war of agression. Low iq trash kys.
>Had Wilhelm not been a greedy retard who wanted it all, he could have scrapped the naval plan, invested even more into the army, kept the Brits neutral and roflstomp France.
Dude was truly austistic. Read “, George, Nicolas, and Wilhelm” sometime
You still dont get it though. Achieving those victory objectives completely destroys Europe in a geopolitical context which is why your fate and future is to be dominated by large powers like the US Russia and China.
Are they supposed to roll over and accept German domination?
Like some kind of European Union....oh
>The French are a benevolent nation of noble birth that would never form an alliance for the purpose of offensive war with a neighbor rival you american pig dog
sounds believable no doubt.
If only they had 21st century American hindsight they might have won the war
Yeah because the US, Russia and China were super powers in 1914. Go fuck yourself, you are mentally disabled. WW1 cost us a great deal but what fuckefd us the most is leaving Germany able to fuck us just as hard the second time.
>lists battles the germans lose
why are the germans so great?
Not even the point the Brits are right about a balance of power a Strong central European state keep Eurasian powers aka Russia out of Europe like how a strong naval state in the UK keeps the US out.
Who said that you faggot... The point was to avoid a war that was likely to be another disaster for us, but Germany didn't care because they thought it would be a cake walk which turned out to be a disaster for everyone but the US.
Except obviously the policy failed since both the US and Russia are in Europe.
Russia less so since 1991 but they're slowly rebuilding their sphere of influence.
The entire thought process behind how the Germans thought about war is so superior to the way everyone else does including the US.
The Germanic people are one of, if not the strongest people on this planet. This is why the jew is so fixated on destroying them by displacing and outbreeding them, in these modern times they are about the only ones who can bring down the jew. The Romans should have eliminated the jew when they had the chance
Great grandpa was killed on day 1 of the somme. 36th of the Royal Irish Rifles. Such a waste
UK and USA forced france to accept treaty because they wanted germans to continue making troubles in europe
in 1910s germans were the demographic time bomb, there were more ethic germans in europe than russians and twice more than french.
When I was in uni, I read some of the diplomatic exchange of British foreign office, and it had some quite golden bits about Wilhelm. As one example, he went hunting with retinue that included British military attache, and suddenly started rambling to him about threat of the Chinese long after the Boxer rebellion in a way that caused ambassador to Germany to report about it by pretty much saying "what the fuck Willy" but diplomatically.
It failed because the dumb cocksuckers are still hung up on being petty manchildren
And yet.....there was another war. No doubt the plan worked out brilliantly for you.
probably the fact that they are one of the races on earth with the highest % of divine genetics transferred down to humanity through fallen angels and nephilim. compared to the rest of the earth, excepting some people in the middle east/mediterranean and europe, they are as close to demi-gods as a man can become. they are the descendants of the men of renown of old, and the advantages granted them are no fucking joke
Youl never measure up to napoleon and thats saying something I heard he was pretty short.
Based and Red pilled
Kek Willy was always going on about the 'yellow menace'. Ironically enough, history might just prove him right after all, with how China has been growing more and more forceful on the world stage.
Fuck Wilhelm. That faggot sent Kike Lenin and the Kike Bolsheviks to Russia to overthrow the Tsarist. He also allied with Muslim Turks and gladly helped them wage Jihad on Europeans. Not to mention Wilhelm even payed for a whole new grave and monuments for Saladin. What a cuck.
Not an argument paki scum
>including the US.
I mean that goes without saying, you US is basically Russia-tier reliance on out production but with lower willingness to have casualties.
Because of your president Wilson.
Napoleon was average height, anyway he left the country for worse than when he took power. Fuck that megalomaniac idiot.
It wasn't an argument, it was an observation. Cope.
If you would have succeeded in Dismembering the Germans in ww1 it wouldn't have mattered you have have been invaded shortly after by my nation or someone else stronger then you. The point of a strong central powers existence is a deterrent from external invasion to the European continent
Whiter then you MOhammed
Diversity is strength
Yeah, fear the golden horde. fuck off.
Fucking kek Wilhelm was always talking smack on the chinks
You are forced to speak English in order to function. You are more or less a vassal state in my nations sphere of influence you should have feared the burger hordes bitch.
Russia started the war, moron. Austria's demands to Serbia were imminently reasonable. Russia thought it was their chance thought it was their chance to take all Poland plus the Balkans. Your forefathers thought it was their chance to take Elsass and the Ruhr. Britain thought it was their chance to destroy Austro-German influence in the Middle East. Wilson thought it was our chance to become a superpower (he was right, you know).
Poor, idiotic Kaiser Wilhelm thought he was just backing up his buddy. His policy was literally just, "Whatever happens, we'll support [Austria-Hungary]." When he declared war first, Russia had already launched a sneak attack on East Prussia and were minutes from the border. France's army was already deployed. Britain was in the middle of deploying both their army and navy, even though they officially were not going to get involved unless Belgium was attacked.
WWI was the most retarded massacre in all history. Millions of people died because...why? And if Wilhelm had waited 24 hours to declare war, millions of Russian troops would have been halfway to Danzig and retards like you wouldn't believe the bullshit your state-funded revanchist literati are still pumping up your asshole.
was it autism?
it was a galaxy brain
the invasion of serbia was rough but literally no common person gave a shit
memes reflecting reality as usual
he got a big inferiority complex due to having a crippled retard arm and his mom gave him shit about his hand all the time which made him into a bitter inceloid (except he was royalty so he could just buy a princess despite being incel tier)
Name one ethno-linguistic group superior to the Germanic people.
>Pro tip:
>You can't
>Name one ethno-linguistic group superior to the Germanic people.
Literally everyone
When are you going to decide if you are Germanic or celtic? You are worse then jews with this shape shifting identity
>You are worse then jews with this shape shifting identity
English are Germanic, the rest are Celtic. It really is as simple as that.
Arabs, Persians, Africans, Chinese, Indians
Allying with Russia was unrealistic. Russia wanted to hold all of Poland and most of the Balkans. The only thing they could have done to placate the Russians enough to form an alliance would be to backstab Austria-Hungary, Germany's only reliable ally, and agree to let Russia take almost all of spoils. All while hoping France doesn't take advantage of the situation to invade from the west.
Realistically, nothing Germany could have done would have prevented British hostility. African colonies and economic cooperation with the Ottomans exacerbated it, but the British were well aware that Germany was going to be the first continental industrial power that could rival them at a time when their empire was waning and America had already overshadowed them economically.
The only reason Europe has peace is because America has forced it down their throats. Left to their own devices, the Europeans would most prefer every household to be a sovereign kingdom fighting forever wars against their neighbors while austically screeching THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE
>if you are Germanic or celtic
None of them
>Realistically, nothing Germany could have done would have prevented British hostility
Complete bullshit the only thing that started hostilities was Wilhelm's retarded idea to have both a navy and colonies. Germany didnt need or want either but he was buttmad at anglos so he demanded them. They could have been allies had he not been retarded.
Anglos are Germanic when Germans are winning and celtic when they are losing
It's totally normal for an offensive to have 3-5x as many attackers as defenders. This kind of ratio is basically required to approach an even K:D ratio. WW1 of course was even more extreme in the imbalance required, thousands of artillery shells would fall and only give the enemies headaches if they were in trenches.
Need more infos on that, also sources.
Cornwall? It's no where near as clear cut as you make it out to be.
History could have gone a different way if Russia hadn't fucked up in Russo-Japanese war, prior to it Britain considered Russia pretty much their mortal enemy due to imperialist rivalry in Asia, but defeat of Russia and it's internal chaos of 1905-1906 pretty much convinced British that military conflict against them in colonies wasn't really a plausible scenario and led to warming up the relations.
Man light cavalry brigade charge didnt teach them shit huh
next time nuke germany into hamburger molecules
finish the job russia & US
Do you want to be occupied by me or Russians? I will liberate the shit out of you if you want bby. Going to be a lot of war booty and cheap prostitutes next time we get to invade the continent.
The German navy in 1914 could not reach their African colonies without refueling in British or French ports. Their colonies were tiny and worthless compared to the French and British. Sizewise, they were similar to the Belgian colony, but much, much less valuable. They were hardly the powderkeg that clearly was going to get millions of people killed.
Just as provocative to the British of the time was the Berlin-Baghdad Railroad, which would have given the Austro-German alliance access to oil that the British wanted for themselves, not to mention an effective monopoly on African ocean trade. This is part of the reason the British took over Kuwait...15 years before the war started and at the same time the Germans were negotiating permission to build the railroad.
But most provocative was German industrial development. Britain was the only industrial power in the 19th Century. In 1900, only Britain and America were industrial powers. France, Italy, the countries that were then Austria-Hungary, Spain, Greece, and the countries that were then the Ottoman Empire are still not significant industrial powers. Germany was a land of cities and burghers. It was obvious that their industrial capacity would not only expand naturally, but quickly outpace Britain, just as America had. The status quo could only be maintained by neutering Germany. This is why the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to hand over so many raw materials, to keep them out of German factories, and why the Ruhr was semi-permanently (they hoped) handed over to French occupation.
lrn2 grand strategy, Wilhelm
based Wilhelm II accidentally destroying the German Empire with his gargantuan Krautism
This is a good point, but the French and Russians had already cozied up. The British were willing to jump in regardless of their relations with Russia, IMO. Nominally, Britain joined the war to protect Belgium.
Which part, user? The lighting the commie fire in Russia to bring down the tsar is well documented
How would he have known what Russia would become the bane of German existence? To him he just wanted to knock Russia out of the war
Superior genetics
Protect our jooish overlords before they were our overlords
Not at the Somme. Germans even said if they had been running they would have eventually overrun the trenches.
Incompetent Brit command decided this strategy thinking that the men would have more energy once they got into the trench.
And creeping barrage was only developed by the Canadians towards the end of the Somme. The inaccuracy of fire in the early battles meant that the barricades and wire went almost entirely untouched.