The Proud Fags just kicked a guy out of the "Free Speech" rally for having a sign that named the Jews...

The Proud Fags just kicked a guy out of the "Free Speech" rally for having a sign that named the Jews....These guys are retards and if you support them so are you

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Zion Don's best friend...
Wonder why libertarians still support the orange goon.

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Theyre proud boys, not intelligent.

"naming the jew" just gets them written off as racist assholes and gives the liberal media fodder to circlejerk to. Subtlety is an artform and very effective weapon. You pol fags cannot grasp this concept.

>Just stop antisemites, trust the plan, 4d chess you shills

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>we have to make sure the media that demonizes us no matter what we do doesn't call us nazis! think of the optics!!


Where? Pics or webm?

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Charlottesville is an amazing example of what happens when you faggots get involved. Or giving the left excuses for defending antifa.

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>Proud Goys

>names the jew
>you’re a retard if you support this

Fuck off kike. MUH PROUD BOYS are JDL Kikes.

yeah, these guys really care about the white race

No, all you have to do to show solidarity, but you cucked out to show to lefties how not racist you are. Now enjoy getting steamrolled by the left. At least cheeto elvis has zany edgy tweets!

Better call Mike "turning those fruits into vegetables" Pence

>left vs right
>meme flag
Why are you so bad at shilling?

It's a free speech rally.....the whole argument for censorship on the internet and everything else falls apart....retards are making excuses because they think these nerds are cool because they street fight and accomplish nothing...except making any right-oh-center politics look dumb....because they throw free speech rallies and throw people out who have opinions they don't like

>We should get put in camps! Think of the optics

>Im so above the dichotomy, Im so woke
Ok nigger, you are very edgy and smart, now enjoy losing

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Proud Boys are Zionists.

The right cant into original memes, pretty sad

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Why do Jews LOVE Black and Yellow so much?

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>Zion Don's best friend...

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>Lets put some equal signs between unrelated things, this is proof of this being true

>herfderf heetz duh joooooooooozzzzz
Fucking retard.

>meme flag

Which sign tho? It is reasonable to kick out retards with swastikas


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Black stripe
Yellow paint
Them niggers scared of it but them goya aint

Some FREE SPEECH rally you're holding kikes....real free huh? Stupid Zionists can't handle anyone talking about Jews and so your Proud Goys exposed themselves for kicking the person out.

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FREE SPEECH fucking homo


Thank you Father for Trump, I bless Israel in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

As the Bible says, salvation comes from Zion. When the Lion of Judah returns, he will tell you fake Christians "I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness."

Repent. This is not a game.

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Everyone at charlottesville were either volunteering for the CIA or paid federal employees.

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Muh free speech is a meme anyway


Fred Perry is British. Tell your Proud Boys to appropriate another countries culture and casual wear.

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Roger looking sharp as always, I like his taste

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Supporting free speech doesn't mean you support everyone being slowed to say everything everywhere they want. In this case, you will just get endless noise

It was on the live stream...I'm sure it'll turn up...they kicked him out. I can assure you it happened

There are only so many workable color schemes. Yellow works well on a black background, blue and white go well together. Reds are often avoided in large doses. Hail, color theory.

It's jews.

>supporting free speech doesn't mean you support people's right to say things

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jew hater is allowed to stay:
>reeeeeeeee proudboys hitaar!1!

jew hater kicked out:


>reeeeeee muh freeeee spich

kys fgt

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>We're fighting for free speech, not hate speech.
The absolute state.

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Free speech =/= free noise

Homo face.....probably at a free speech rally is where one celebrates the right for one to exercise free speech..maybe a church picnic or something, yeah

Wait why does everyone start worrying once you name a certain group of people?

>isis joins free speech rally
stop coping

ISIS is Mossad.
Proud Boys are Mossad.


How the fuck would a bong know?

If we say bad things about them, then people will call us nasty names like Nazi or Anti-Semite. We can't let that happen because it destroys everything we stand for!

Proud Boys looks like an empty organisation. Support free speech, but what exactly do they want to say. Same with sargon, "lets all sit and have a debate", well, but what will your position be in this debate, and how do you decide the winner.

On the other hand, I support good optics and kicking out wignats

Only retarded boomers think those are threats. Sending 38 billion dollars to Israel doesn't disprove his own loyalty to kikes.

It seemed like that dude was a plant and agitator. He was being weird on the We Are Change stream. Could tell he was up to something.

If they had a conference, then maybe. Protest is not the place to debate.

Free speech is a non-position anyway.

Damn fucking rights! Based isis....better then muh western chauvinism/ Breakfast cereals. At least they have a conviction. Never knew you all loved Gavin Mcinnis so much

go spoon yourself, retard

There just keeping you going in circles. Trump has been very cozy with Jew. Just look at who he is conceited with.

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Lol yeah Jews are not known for playing both sides.

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We already knew they were 'alt-lite' at most.

who was the guy kicked out?

Kek, they really do love that specific Fred Perry polo.

I mean, it is the most aesthetic one I guess.


And literally no one has shown what the tattoo was

is it just me or does antifa look like the skinny kultirans and proud boys look like the fat ones

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they're both controlled by this

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jew to us this, brocky boi - In what wing of or federal government do all motions, votes, bills, acts, budgets, and general support "for israel" begin?

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Makes me cringe so hard seeing them in Fred Perry.

If trump is legit why doesn’t he round up the kikes and throw them into camps

This pic applies to all shills infesting this place and anyone with an IQ below 100. The reality is that Charlottesville scared the Jewish establishment to its core. They know that having thousands of white men organize and occupy physical space creates a powerful psychological effect on people. It encourages those watching at home that there are others who think like them and are not afraid to show their faces in public. Think of it like the bystander effect. Humans are naturally reluctant to join in unless these see others are already doing it and are not afraid.

That is why the degenerate left was so successful with the Feminist movement, LGBTQ movement, Civil Rights movement, etc. They were not afraid to march and occupy public space. They are still doing this today and that is why they keep winning.

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Didn't Mueller put that pinhead in prison already

So you're saying unlike antfa the proud fags carefully message their imagery and are too cucked to say what they mean?

Fuck off asshole you childish and clumsy attemp to sow discord will play better on reddit where the retards are put out pasture you stupid faggot.

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Get lost tranny your tricks are played out you dumb fucking cunt.

Holy shit seeing that nigger beat down that tranny was so fucking satisfying. It was so well done!


> The reality is that Charlottesville scared the Jewish establishment to its core.
The absolute cringe. All cville did is gave the left moral license to deplatform the right
> That is why the degenerate left was so successful with the Feminist movement, LGBTQ movement, Civil Rights movement, etc. They were not afraid to march and occupy public space.
Because the right won't attack them to the extend left does. This is a negative side of falling for free speech absolutism

You mean kicked out a plant that was put there to generate bad optics for the news?
Its Proud Boys, not Dumb Goys rabbi.

>Cocaine boys

They are degenerates that fuck each others gf and snort cocaine

I support Israel over Muslims wtf is pol on about?

>The absolute cringe. All cville did is gave the left moral license to deplatform the right
It's also essentially the justification for Antifa. To prevent groups like those behind Unite the Right from gaining steam, they get engaged by Antifa early on. Even if those groups persist in the face of that violent engagement, they're extremely unlikely to attract large mainstream popularity from right-leaning normies who now associate them with street fights with Antifa.

>I support Israel over Muslims wtf is pol on about?
You're an Israeli shill.

Excuse us for not tolerating controlled opposition out to destroy optics like dumb fucks.

I'm going to unironically join ANTIFA just to punch one of these proud-boy knuckle-draggers in the face.

Yeah, the big talkers here are Anonymous, safe in their mothers homes. Pathetic.

I don't support either side in these phony protest/riots.

Unironically this but the number of propagandists and 12-year old stormfaggots outnumber the critical thinkers here so you're gonna get dogpiled on.

naming the jew every single time you briefly have a platform to be heard is not LONG-TERM EFFECTIVE. letting the enemy hang themselves with their own rope and sowing the seeds of redpills that will let them find the information on the jews on their own and put the pieces together IS LONG-TERM EFFECTIVE.

You were already a soiboi faggot to begin with so enjoynthe initiation by pegging. You will be right at home.

The pegging initiation used to be kind of fun, at first.

Once we realized that the Proud Boys enjoyed being sodomized, it sort of lost its appeal.