There is not god but Brenton Tarrant

best part of the video

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Other urls found in this thread:

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this guy is whiter tho

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right on time shill

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What? The part where the ammo clip beats him to the crime scene and nobody reported it? That's normal...

He throws it in front of him but you have to freeze frame to see it in the air. There are guys with the clip.

Maybe one day you faggots will figure out how to kill bankers and politicians

I like the part where the German March remix comes on and he jumps over the guy in the hallway. I think it’s right before it.

>ammo clip
Jesus Christ, and this kind of total noguns wants to talk about anything gun-related. It's magazine. Also pic related, it explains it. He even talks about in the video.

>do it for me

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Čus Čechbro.

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legit question why are you guys still on Jow Forums
why Jow Forums from all place ?
why not kiwifarm ?

shoosh rebecca

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i still doesn know who is rebecca but you could tell me why your gay club keep making those shitty thread since 2 months +
it's not today events
not political
it's you your cult jerking each others around and trying to be edgy
what's the plan ?

doesn't he kick the mag with his foot by accident after it falls of him? That's what I thought.

>it's you and your cult jerking each others around and trying to be edgy*
not like I or anyone care too you're always the same
just that kiwifarm would be a better place for you guys

thats 100% pure bred swedish right here


This blond ISIS kid will take revenge for the New Zealand massacre, mark my words.

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>N-not I c-c-care, senpai
>ends up being in every single thread

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>ends up being in every single thread
how would you know if you're not the one making them anyway dickhead

struck a nerve tell your boss to fire you life reject

>i'm not a shill guys
>but i have folder full of propaganda and i post them because reasons

Not making them, but defending St. Tarrant against schizos and shills.

>defending St. Tarrant against schizos and shills.
>on basket waving blog
>where no one the fuck care
>because reason

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Yeah. If his ammo clip wasnt in the gun handle howd he get the shells to come out of the gun nose?

>don't mind me just passing by posting my propaganda folder
>still not a shill


feel free to leaf at any time if you don't like it

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>feel free to leaf at any time if you don't like it
that one was actually funny tho
you could start to explain what you're doing here ?
why don't you pay respect to your idol somehwere else than Jow Forums ?
do you do that kind of propaganda somewhere else ?

>no one cares
>this is why I shill in every single thread
This is you brain on leaf diet

Keked and checked.

je to vypíčenec, upřímně je mi bez něj líp když mu neodpovídám. Je na každym threadu a útočí na každýho a říká stejný sračky pořád dokola

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Look Im not denying he wasnt based.
But if he wasnt really a sloppy mossad, why didnt he shoot up a synagogue instead of a mosque?
Surely he mustve known that all the shitskins are just the symptome.

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Why does Mossad keep trying to force this dead meme?

>First post Shill post
good to see you guys are strong at work checking what the goyim are posting.

>this is why I shill in every single thread
didn we just establish that you can't really know that unless you admit you're the one making them ?
but still newfag no one care
i already explained this to you and you could verify this by yourself if you were not an obvious underage girl and a newfag

jerking each others posting shitty meme praising a loser is doing something ?
tell me more

>italian larping
imagine ma shook

Read his manifesto, Siegfried.

No, we didn't dummy. And stop being little pissant - you alone use this retarded writing style without commas. The fact you are trying to hide it tells a lot too.

>Read his manifesto, Siegfried.
i would like to read your take on his manifesto and see you lay down all your advanced knowledge of meme magic to explain all the crap in it
would be priceless
>you alone use this retarded writing style without commas.
yup only me you''re one hell of a detective

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Nigger yes, only you:
Like this
Like a retard
With no adherence
To commas

Why are you trying to hide it?

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what do you have to win to spam Jow Forums about Brenton if not a piss poor attempt at recruiting for your gay club ?
>Why are you trying to hide it?
i'm totally trying to hide it
and only me write like this on the whole board
and you're not a newfag
as above so below fren

they even have a special effect studio and a jesuit school
will you go to christchurch memeflag ?

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>let's put there completely unrelated hermetic quote to look clever
Jej. You read like an instagram of a teenage thot. Whats next, "only god can judge me"?

reminder that praising a shooter is a one way straight ticket to a watch list. OP is a FBI agent (meme flag choice support this)

where can I get that sonnengrad patch anonymously

so edgy wew
so what are you guys doing here can you give it a legit answer ? can you at least acknowledge you guys are here to recruit for your personality cult and accelerationism meme ?

newfag hir
who is he and post footage?

Check out what that word actually means, dummy foliage.

he's a glownigger that streamed a staged shooting in order to prop him up as a le nazi internet man hero.
Judging by this thread they succeeded
Jesus, you guys.

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Trying too hard, doesn't really fit in, lingo not really there.
4/10, you can do better.

>Check out what that word actually means, dummy foliage.
no u
if you were not underage i would tell you to post tits with timestamp but ho well we'll just go straight to the GTFO part

you even type like an actual vypíčenec

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Cucknada acting tough go suck treadeu cock cuck

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>actual vypíčenec

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yeah dude he was totally not a calm and collected trained operative, totes McGotes a racist extremist from le epic 8chens xD

>New Zealand's parliament voted 119-1 to change its gun laws, less than a month after mass shooting

And yet they can do that in the streets, unharassed, without police interference. Try doing that en masse in leafland... if you can find enough people.

thanks man your opinion matter to me
so what are you guys doing here ?
just praising Brenton on a cool day ?
whats the point of those thread if not to recruit and indoctrinate ?
you're not here to discuss anything
you guys spam shitty meme (the same fucking one all the time) and always (((debunk))) everything questionings the officials story and your personality whats even the point ?
just admit you're here to recruit little coward

Thanks WN who's ok with Jews

>New Zealand Passes Law Banning Most Semiautomatic Weapons, Weeks After Massacre

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>collected trained operative
If you wouldn't be absolute noguns and noservice too, you would not wrote this, fren. He obviously lacked any military/leo/tactical training, which was shown by lack of any elementary cqb tactics and big fuckup he made during the clearing of that one malfunction he suffered - which was caused in my opinion by another mistake of his.
>calm and collected
He nearly hyperventilates repeatedly in the video though.

I'm taking one point down, this is subpar for local shilling quality.

performing a mass shooting would make anyone panic, let alone a civilian.
Stick to metal gear, kid.

>officially (((debunked)))™
based omega platinium kek
>p.s i'm not a newfag

Praise Saint Tarrant.

Saints were persecuted many times in history.

They keep him in jail now. He's above all of them. And us.

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you're that gypsy nigger who keeps spamming the 'left will win' threads.
Hire smarter people in that kebab shop of an agency.

>stick to metal gear
Look who's talking. Do you even know what that abbreviation means, user? He didn't stick to the wall, he left unchecked doors behind him, repeatedly reloaded and cleared malfunction in the open in the center of the room full of possible attackers, he didn't cared about his angles and he did plenty of things that any "trained operative" would never ever do. I can give more examples.
>shooting would make anyone panic, let alone a civilian.
Yes. People freeze and do strange shit in this panic. What is the point here. Are you implying that no one can shoot people without immediate hysteria and crashdown in tears? I guess no civilian ever did any mass shooting then. Stop projecting brah.

you're putting way more effort into this than you need to, glowie. I'm not even reading it, take more internet classes, blockhead.

Refute how NZ banning most guns is a good thing.

Okay jidf

> Messages on online forums that glorify him as St. Tarrant — patron saint of the far right.

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I would argue that since now kiwis are buying most guns in history, it was not bad. I would also argue that due to the fact that the NZ gov keep threatening with gun grab, that leave us with two options - they will go with it and then create an opening for a chaos and conflict and illegality or the cuck out and people will see how weak and harmless the gov is. However it will end, it will be good and most importantly a chance to change things.

If you are not ready to use those guns, you don't deserve them nor your freedom.

Kek, imagine being this desperate. Extremely lazy and subpar. You could leave with solid 4/10 and call it a day, but now it is 2/10.

Okay Amir.

manufactured much so thats why you guys are paid to post here
so much supposition and wishful thinking in that your solution is a fucking bet
>If you are not ready to use those guns, you don't deserve them nor your freedom.
like life is that simple you don't sound like you even can start to understand consequence and side effect
you know who else can do that ?
girl and child

>Canadian generator of random words strikes again

>ammo clip
you need to be exterminated and removed from the gene pool

would have been more funny if you said Canadian word generator but ho well

>kiwis are buying most guns in history
>NZ gov keep threatening with gun grab
They didn't threaten; they passed a law already banning assault weapons

You still at it Becky? ffs stop and save some dignity.

>Jow Forums
pick one and only one
also who is Becky ?
can't you guys stop giving me strange girl name fawk go jerk yourself or something

stop engaging the glownigger.

>18 seconds later
Haha what the fuck, is this shill a legit bot?

yes they are, the canadian faggot on every thread is another example

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>Pretends like they dont know Becky is short for Rebecca

Why tf would we be on kiwifarms? Do you not know this guy was a Jow Forumsack?

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>they passed a law already banning assault weapons
Which is not an gun grab.
There is plenty more, you can check it on your own. Also check this:
It depicts that it will be rather fucky for them to really take away anything. And finally, there is a big petition going on against the new law. I think they will cuck out.

>reeee don't talk to him goyim, reeee

Attached: HIS NAME WAS BRENTON TARRANT.jpg (630x1000, 416K)

It's s m dumb filter.