Should we outlaw videogames?
>causes violence
>turns children into fat losers and basedboys
>pushes liberal propaganda 99% of the time
Should we outlaw videogames?
>causes violence
>turns children into fat losers and basedboys
>pushes liberal propaganda 99% of the time
Other urls found in this thread:
There’s no evidence of any of that faggot
If you do that it will piss off the gamers and they will rise up and bring an end to Israel and Veronica.
>Place child in front of robot babysitter 6 hours a day
>"Why is he not thriving like the other children? I'm sure all the other parents laze about drinking and smoking and playing with their phones all day while the kids raise themselves. That's definitely how I remember my own childhood"
like clockwork.
Gaming is literally the last bastion of the white man. Why do you think they are fighting so hard to kike it up
No, but online gaming is extremely unhealthy and lootboxes are gambling are will soon be banned.
Holy fucking shit user did you have to blow the dust off this thread before posting it?
Are you gonna past about Jack Thompson and YTMND too?
Maybe we should get some opinions from the fucking Clock Crew while we're using your time machine to shitpost and slide threads.
No but we should kill christfaggots.
Online gaming is honestly better for you than prolonged periods of playing single player games. After all the NPCs aren't real, you can't develop your social skills at all without other people
t. 1000+ hours in STALKER
Yes, they offer nothing good to society in exchange for the damage it does to particularly young white males. Obviously anybody who thinks video games cause shootings is a retard, but they DO cause very severe social problems in their players. Behind EVERY single friendless social outcast and incel there is certain to be either a video game addiction, or an anime addiction, or both. Playing video games or watching anime after 10 years old should be illegal
Hitler would've banned vidya and he'd be right for doing so.
Woah dude, we're in like, the past man.
Hold on a sec, I gotta go crunking first
proliferation of videogames coincided with a historical drop in violent crime (except among blacks) in america. There's no causal relationship to be proven, but it disproves the video games cause more violence claim.
You changed my mind. We should ban video games. It placates people into contentment who have no honest reason to be content.
That's why threatening videogames caused a big organized backlash. The would be champions of freedom would rather rescue fictional societies than their own.
dumb cunt. the religious right already fought this bullshit whilst also complaining about music like judas priest. fuck off with this slide thread
Outlaw video games and I’ll get a gun and find a way to kill every politician and their children who wrote their name on that bill. Rob me of what little I have left in this world and I will take everything from you
My escapism is the only thing keeping me sane anymore
Shut up kike
you might be right
Online gaming causes egomania and sexual deviancy by overstimulation of dopamine receptors.
It's NOT healthier.
See? Videogames are holding you back from the only strategy available that would actually cause systemic change.
Imagine if you werent a loan wolf psycho but a member of a large coalition, millions, who all also felt like there was a line that, if the state crossed it, would summon a violent reprisal.
>Should we outlaw videogames?
Because they make boys into betas
>proliferation of videogames coincided with a historical drop in violent crime
Videogames came out in the 1980s
Youre not allowed to 'ban' anything
Fuck off
and crime has been steadily dropping in all demographics and incomes except blacks since then.
>acting like a child online is the last bastion of the white man
>causes violence
>pushes liberal propaganda 99% of the time
Such games are actually hated by all gamers
>turns children into fat losers and basedboys
Thats kind of based, games consume too much time and form an addiction that leads to failure in career.
[citation needed]
Also, that comic should really tell you something about the writer.
You can't see the forest for the trees, idiot.
>video games are holding me back
Video games are the only thing keeping me and everyone around me alive.
I’m going to get my violent tendencies out one way, and I guarantee 90% of society would rather I do it in a virtual world than in real life
Ban everything but niggers.
yes, because it will actually start the civil war we need if you take away games from zoomer/millennial men
nice trips
more like the improvement of security cameras and policing technologies
Hitler would've banned georgians from existence (russians too) and he'd be right for doing so.
what do you think about how games induce a feeling of accomplishment, and this feeling satisfies a need young people have. Which if it weren't satisfied, would motivate them to create, build, and explore. What if there's a certain personality type, that needs to be prevalent in society in order to keep leftwing power in check, and this personality type is subdued into inaction by videogames?
>There's no causal relationship to be proven, but it disproves the video games cause more violence claim.
< There's no causal relationship to be proven, but it disproves the video games cause more violence claim.
>There's no causal relationship to be proven, but it disproves the video games cause more violence claim.
< There's no causal relationship to be proven, but it disproves the video games cause more violence claim.
what about sports with participation trophies? You learn the value of physical fitness, teamwork, and socializing
doesn't disprove shit
video games are as healthy as getting into a fight.
with all the adrenaline and dopamine that comes with it.
honestly you should not play competitive or challenging games for very long. 5-10 minutes before breaks.
You shouldn’t be rewarded for participation
You get rewarded for actually doing something worth an achievement
Im 100% sure video game addiction works the no matter your political belief
>outlaw videogames because they turn dudes into betas
Following that logic then, we must:
>outlaw alcohol beacuse 10% of the customers consume 70% of the product
>outlaw cigarettes because cancer
>outlaw drugs because mental disorders
>outlaw underage sex between minors because promiscuity
>outlaw cars because DEATH
what about them?
yes it does. If videogames caused violence we'd see above average violence in the groups that play the most video games. Instead the sum total violence in society has gone down over the past 50 years. except for blacks.
Fucking commies trying to steal my freedom
Hi gio!
Hi Vanya!
Congrats, you are both retarded.
There are plenty of games other than FPSs that are actually educational and teach valuable skills like organization and economics. Should those be banned too?
all those things make people manlier.
>causes violence
Why doesn’t it cause alpha maleness and the emergence of world-saviors then? Oh because you’re full of shit, that’s why.
Why not? You have to prove that there is correlation not that there isnt any.
There is a fact that women play less than man. This a really interesting topic.
>Online gaming causes egomania and sexual deviancy by overstimulation of dopamine receptors.
no, that's Jow Forums
I guess World War 2 and 1 were caused by too many violent videogames
nah, it means that the deterrence factor from modern policing is so good that most people of normal intelligence avoid crime now
Jow Forums doesn't stoke egomania because it's anonymous.
I agree with the alcohol, drugs, and underage sex parts.
go back to your 18 hour hacked game session, ya macaco
>teach valuable skills
>posts civ
You should have posted EU4 it teaches history at least.
Convert to islam then
No you idiot, its the responsabilty of using those things that makes men manlier
outlaw anything and you take away a chance for a boy to prove that hes a man
And in this day and age with no official rites of passing, this is all they have
>beaten at school
>beaten at home
>sexually abused by your local priest
>read violent books
>watch violent movies
>play violent sports
>drafted to fight in fucking Vietnam
>"kids today are wimps! har har! OH NO VIDYA GAME VIOLENCE!!!"
>chance for a boy to prove that hes a man
Like becoming part of the cartel
Spending about 5 seconds browsing Jow Forums disproves your claim.
Nah, we should criminalize murder. You can't have murders if its illegal.
videogames made you the manlet you are today
only for educational use in the Napola
>I am 100% certain
>The burden of proof is on you.
Yeah I'm really stoked to talk to you!
Banning games == Right wing death squads?
those arent men
theyre parasites
how, even?
and if videogames induced violence impulses it wouldnt be deterred by a rational reason to not do it. Like how crimes are almost all exclusively committed by low IQ impulsive people now.
This is truth
>t. A neurologist
Nope, theres a majority who want you to get them out in real life. Direct them at politicians. Irrgularily make pointed comments about decapitating tyrranical politicians and people get it.
But they are badass alphamales
our generations Samuel Adams had a psychological need to accomplish, but he started playing hardcore RPGs at 13 and get all of the satisfying accomplishments he needed in his bedroom. he never grew up to see all the problems we see today, before they took root, and fight passionately to keep them from taking root in the first place.
Are yoku my Brain Rapist? CIA Remote Neural Monitoring
most of those hate groups are black separatists or hispanic gangs.
Isn't black separatism what white mutt neonazi want?
>Should we outlaw videogames?
Try it, and I'll execute every last one of you mother fuckers.
video games shall NOT be infringed
we should outlaw retards who want to outlaw videogames or guns
panem et circensis
Hello, Heralt. I was waiting for that comment
>blaming this popular leftist scapegoat will do nothing to solve the issue of violence in our society...
>This GOP-approved scapegoat makes perfect sense, though! Blame it ALL on the video games!!
Yes. We should ban everything and anything Jow Forums doesn't like - in which case we would be sitting in an empty room staring at a picture of Hitler all day.
kys jew
They targeted gamers.
Were a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, msot mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubscent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. Yuo're not special, yuo're not original, yuo're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
No, there are plenty of video games that help people’s confidence. Only boomers want them banned because they don’t know how they work.
im sure school shootings have nothing to do with the right wing sickness of american culture
What happened in 2014?
ree more, gamie, and dont forget to vote 4 yang
it was 22 years after kevin nash got rapped
You faggots get so touchy when your precious video games are insulted, to outside
No, overhaul our education system so kids stop getting driven crazy and decide to pull murder suicides.
Its been proven by a buried but not debunked study that anti bullying programs don't fucking work and make things worse after middle school.
>causes violence
Niggers caused more violence today than Video Games did the last 20 years, Niggers should be banned and gassed right fucking now
>slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over
This is not gaming thats lunacy.