Fuck America
Fuck America
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Your shit looks like dog shit.
You should see a doctor if you pooped that.
Nice dog turds dude...can't even man up enough to take a real dump yourself.
What a fucking loserfaggotnigger.
It is dog shit. I trained my dog to shit on a flag
Remove the flag Hassan
right in the (liberty) pussy (after it's grabbed)
you're jewish
peak shit-posting
wait a minute, is that a poo?!
There are a lot of things wrong in America, but there are a lot of things right. I still believe. Maybe that's why it hurts so much.
Jesus Christ, that poo… The fuck are you eating, go check a doc or something
in the loo
Have you noticed how leftists are obsessed with poop just like mental patients? I wonder why that is.
>I still believe
Your poo is unhealthy dude, fix your diet.
t. Rabbi
> I still believe
He's right, though
Real America (white America) is the greatest nation on Earth. Fuck kikes in you government though.
>unironically posting a jew show
Why is it indoor lighting? You really bought a flag, had your dog defecate on it, in your home, to smell up your home, took a picture of it, just to make a post everyone on Jow Forums will forget?
>jew show
>posted 2d artwork
Imagine unironically being retarded. Expected from a nigger, though.
I know, I know, but it's true, I do. I still believe in July 4th picnics, making pilgrim hats and indian headdresses for Thanksgiving, and saying "Merry Christmas!" I believe in the Pledge of Allegiance. I believe in respect for the police and truth in the media. I believe in neon signs and rotary dial phones. I believe in flat-nosed, 4-door sedans with big trunks. I believe in merit and consequences. And I guess that makes me a fool for hanging on.
>2d artwork
>from a jew show
ok lad keep trying