So now that dust is rising, will Colombia do its thing and help Brazil eliminate commie scum in Venezuela?

So now that dust is rising, will Colombia do its thing and help Brazil eliminate commie scum in Venezuela?

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Why do thots dress like this and wear crosses?

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Why can't the US take in more Colombians and Venezuelans?

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anyone who doesn't want their absolutely fucking beautiful women here is an incel faggot, when you fuck them, all you have to do is stand there and let them twerk and grind up and down your dick, who the fuck wouldnt want that?????????????????

or better yet, lay there, literally lay on your back and let this beautiful women basically dance around on your dick until you blow, WHO THE FUCK WOULDNT WANT THAT

Not to mention Colombians are pretty right wing. They have a right wing government cracking down.

isn't Colombia full of FARC that were recently legitimized by being allowed to become a political party.

Most look unironically like monkeys. Not even native looking like mexicans, but just pure mystery meat like wtf is their background even?

EXACTLY, every hispanic immigrant ive ever met, which is more than the normal burger given my past occupations, is hardcord conservative because they have been persecuted by extreme socialism for generations......

Are you under the assumption that it would be hot people immigrating to your country?
Latinamerican countries are quite nice to live in... if you are not poor, and hot people don't usually stay poor if they are even slightly smart.

no, no foreign country should send their boys to die because venezuelans are retarded
venezuela has to stay chavist until desintegrates

no way moishe

yesterday some antifa faggots made a thread here, and were surprised for being hated on by spanish speak third worlders
while antifa are new in the usa, weve had antifags for 50 years over here

colombian women = best

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Except more men are coming than anything and of those that do come they're generally the ones who didn't have good lives in their home countries. i.e. the ugly ones with less Spaniard blood.

Hispanics are a different kind of conservative though. They are socially conservative (Anti-Homo, Pro Family, Religious) but are fiscally liberal (gibs). Its only the first generation immigrants like Cuban and Venezuelan expats that rail against socialism.
I have no animosity towards the people fleeing poverty and violence. What are they suppose to do, stay there and die?

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spotted the woman

No, fight your own damn wars.

I went to Colombia last year for a trip. Delicious food for $4 USD (talking maybe a $30 plate in USA)

Hot bitches everywhere getting wet seeing Americans, I was a virgin when I landed and I left probably a seasoned sex giver 9 days later. I had sex maybe 38 times that trip. Amazing.

inside baseball is telling me the colombians are having their own kike problems.

This a dude


lol why would you larp about this shit you loser

They are coming from among the lowest iq nations in the world, and these countries are not sending their best aspiring engineers.

Italians and Irish were sending their absolute trash, and its worked out quite nicely.

Can one manage with no spanish?

How would you know, user?

They were not coming from the third world and at least had a shared culture.

>What are they suppose to do, stay there and die?
They're supposed to fight instead of running away.

el atrocidad....

Nothing wrong with her.

More respectably and tastefully dressed than 90% of Americans.

Whiter than 50% of Americans.

Wearing a proper religious symbol, showing more respect for her Faith than 70% of Americans.

She's upper middle class in the humanity scale in the context of your country.

Italy and Ireland back then were practically third world. Nothing but uneducated, starving, disease ridden potato and spaghetti niggers. They're initial wave of migrants brought with them crime (Cosa Nostro). But second generation and on Italian and Irish Americans are some of the most patriotic citizens, and have contributed to the country in numerous ways.
How are you suppose to 'fight' when you have no money, no food, no job prospects, no economic opportunity? Women and girls get raped walking to school. These people are desperate, you can't put yourselves in their shoes? I'm not saying bring them all in of course, but I'm also not going to ignore them. Most people of all political stripes are sympathetic and have compassion for the families fleeing to the US border, they are not cold-hearted and callous.

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>when you fuck them, all you have to do is stand there and let them twerk and grind up and down your dick, who the fuck wouldnt want that?????????????????

And then the amerimutt complains their women fuck foreigners.
Pro tip: It's because amerimutts can't fuck properly.

I sure hope so

I bet she fucks like an absolute demon.


Americans really are niggers

you are mistaking pornography for real life

colombian women = fake tits fake ass caked in makeup monkey faces and dark skin

While you're right concerning most Hispanics, in the case of Venezuela the situation is exactly the opposite.

Venezuela has been expelling those who used to be at the top of society before communism taking over.
A ton of them (a million, I think...) went exactly to the United States.
Lots of them white, really.
And I can assure you that the vast majority of Venezuelans here and in Spain are white. About 75% of them.

yea, and the open herpes sores means she's always ready

>Hispanics want gibs

Well, that is only the case because when they get to America they are told that they need to have those gibs.

"Hispanics" who want gibs in their own countries are usually the scum class there.

Hispanics is a meme term, though.
It means nothing, really.

>injun squaws wearing white women's clothing
very nice. I like.

Lets post more thots

At least contribute to the discussion...

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>whiter than 17% of americans
Fixed. That stat includes all of our blacks and asians, and she is not whiter than the average mestizo

I have never seen a "white" person from venezuela. At lightest you will find some turkist looking individuals, but the majority look like the sopa de macaco fella

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She's whiter than the average mestizo. Or Mexican. Perhaps, she's even whiter than the average Chilean.
Forget her skin tone (she's tanned or something) and look at her face.

If you think she's only whiter than 17% of your compatriots you must either live in Vermont, West Virginia or Wyoming.
Guess what? America is a little bigger than those little farms, which are not representative of the country at large.

>I've never seen a white person from Venezuela

Dude, by your previous definition, in which 83% of Americans are whiter than her, then I'd guess half of Venezuelans are "whiter than her" too.

There are lots of white Venezuelans. They're not a majority, but they are into the millions.
Or were, up till recently.

This. I have seen entire small towns in the northeast taken over by the bottom picture, and yet boomer retards will still post the models as a cope, even though we mostly get 4'11 fattys

She looks pretty indigenous to me. Probably 50% at least. Not all native latin americans are the mayan pgymies from mexico/central america, theres lots of taller more slender ones in the south. She would stick out like a sore thumb in any white american circle, even among tanned sicilians. Being attractive does not equal being european stock

Most of the ones in his country are actually Portuguese born individuals coming back, thats why

why do untermensch larp as nazis and wear black suns?

how are kids normal looking but she's like 100% burrito?

so true
or they look like the top until their mid 20's when WAMMO nothing but goblin lard

Kids tend to brown as they get older. Happens with white kids too, lots that are born with blonde hair boue eyes end up with brown hair and green/hazel eyes.

user, I don't consider her particularly attractive, really. I think she has a man face.

But I can't see many "native" or "african" traits in her. She pretty much looks like the average Brazilian with less nigger admixture and with a man face, those people are generally more than half European.

I also agree with you about the natives.
But the average Mexican is not a native, he's a mix.

But Spain also has had lots of them, both Portuguese and Spaniards.

I know a girl who looks just like that and got 70% native 30% european on 23&me. But ok

No based White Latinas in Europe :(

snappin pussy!

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if it's brown flush it down

The only ones in the world are in spain itself, retard. After 500 years, all latin americans are "mixed" or "exotic" to some degree

shit. two of them. must be my lucky day!

Ok. This is all irrelevant, but I doubt she's less than 50% European.
We wont change each other's minds about it.

Don't let this thread die

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