Be early 20s white male

>be early 20s white male
>work entry level job paying cash to go to college 1 or 2 classes at a time
>look into ways to complete education faster
>join US Army
>be treated like shit for 28 weeks during initial training
>finish training
>immediately deploy overseas
>mfw I can’t quit because the Army will ruin my chances of any gainful employment
>mfw I realize that I’m lower than a slave

Stay in school or kill yourselves

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What did you score on your aptitude test, son?

At least you won’t have to pay off crippling student loans OP.

Why not take the Martpill???

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No one has to anymore if you work for some shit employer that has paltry education benefits.

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Army bootcamp is not 28 weeks, and it's easy as fuck. You aren't even separate from the females you fucking hooah. Real men join the Marine Corps.

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BCT Plus AIT go fuck yourself retard

Infantry OSUT is 14 weeks my man

Are you fucking drunk

Started in June and graduated in September several years ago. How long was yours?

Assuming this isn't a larp enjoy dying for isreal

>join US Army

Attached: die for israel goyim.jpg (600x781, 79K)

There is no better life than life in the infantry

Just looked it up and I see they extended it to 22 weeks in December. Not sure what the fuck they could fill all that extra time with other than cleaning.


Train with females.
Rifle qualification so easy Marines do it with NVGs when we go to Army bases.
PT test is a 2 mile run.
Stopping in Kuwait in 2008 I saw soldiers in their late 40s who were on dialysis.
E4 isn't even NCO rank unless you're a Corporal.
Fucking embarrassing.

why would you join the army i mean shit if you want to deal with that hell you should have just joined the national guard.

And then everyone clapped. Army basic is only 10 weeks. If you absolutely must join the military to advance yourself, do a non-combat MOS and learn a trade while you're in, you can learn welding, plumbing, technical and mechanical skills, you could fly a fucking plane or drive a truck even. Do something you can use after you get out instead of being a ZOG grunt for 4 years.

National Guard is better but the chance of getting deployed is still there. Its a risk you have to weigh taking.

weight loss and fitness for all the new fatties :)

> drive a truck even
> skill, he says

my cap2 supervisors have unreasonable expectations when it comes to when my work should be and I fear I will get fired soon
only a month in, I thought walmart was piss easy

Don't shit on the grunts most of them aren't too happy about it either, you're going to need soldiers as well as tradesmen when the American Empire falls.

How many hours do you work per week? What is your job title?

>mfw I can’t quit because the Army will ruin my chances of any gainful employment
This is absolutely true. I've gotten several applications that list their time in the military as 2 years or less and list their rank as E2. I just pass right over those faggots. You might as well just leave the military off your resume, rather than admit you were kicked out.

This is Jow Forums. Anything above sitting in mom's basement is a skill

Die for Israel maggot.