This triggers the pol retard

It's funny how pol always talks shit about black people but most black females in the USA have college degrees (more educated than a lot of you white men). Also white people committed more heinuous crimes (Dylan roof, brenton tarrant).

And yet, gifs of a black girl licking ice cream and putting it back in the store fridge triggers pol too much, even though is harmless anyways because the cold kills the bacteria.

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She's going to get fucked by both the left and right you faggot. No one supports this.

More like it triggers the icecream industry, I will literally never buy storebought icecream again.

Good bait,goy.Me Schlomo Racemixerstein approves.Every black gurl should have a Foreskin Gobbler accompanying her.Mazel Tov Goyim,Mazel Tov.

I know this is satire bait but I think this is more an example of how much damage modern feminism has done to women. Like the girl clearly thought she was making a viral social media post and wasn't expecting all this backlash to her completely animalistic and uncivilized behavior

>have college degrees
kek as if that means anything

>college degrees

College degrees don't mean shit!

Ahhh...yes I do you cuck.

Ultimate bait

she's facing 20 years in jail for this stunt

Checked. I just matched with this gt. Stay mad kissless virgin.

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Dylan Roof and Brendan Tarrant are freedom fighters and heroes, you stupid sand nigger.

this desu, I would rather make my own ice cream at home. It's easy, and I control what goes into it

lick cold thing.
*monkey sounds*

She's so smart she committed a serious federal crime and posted video evidence to the interwebs.

It triggers every sane person. It is disgusting, classless and generally speaks of bad manners.
Perhaps if you weren't such a shit and piss worshiping culture you'd understand how civilized people think and operate.

>licking stuff you don't own and won't buy is ok

Fuck off

you mean niggers ?

Fuck off, you nigger-loving cuck.

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>cold kills the bacteria.
No, it doesn't.
You're as well educated as a she-boon.

Twitter is the voice of the nigger mob. Most of the comments calling for her head on a pike are from other niggers. Also going tens of thousands of dollars into debt for a worthless education is not something intelligent people do.

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Should dox this dumb cunt and send the local health department after her ass.

>foreskin gobbler

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I feel ashamed sharing a country with you.

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>(((more educated)))
Having a degree in black history does nothing except make you a contributor to the largest student debt crisis in the history of the world.

>too smart to not tamper with food and get caught

I think it's just n-words n-wording, really. People who aren't fit for civilization being let loose in it.

Only get ice cream with the safety plastic on it.

Disgusting nigresse. And op is a faggot.

Somebody on Jow Forums should make a video (of them not showing their face) in first person view, of them going to a supermarket, taking a thing of icecream into the bathroom, and fucking it with your penis, and putting it back on the shelf.

It's just wrong-headedness, too - is she on the side of social trust? Of doing-unto-others-as-you-would-have-done-to-you? Clearly not. I mean why would she even /want/ to do this? That she wants to, means she needs to be out.

>Most of the comments calling for her head on a pike are from other niggers
I saw one redpilled nig saying this is why we can’t have nice things

>even though is harmless anyways because the cold kills the bacteria.

You fucking idiot. All cold does is slow their activity.

Must be your fucking college

>most black females in the USA have college degrees
Nope. Most blacks don't finish high school. The negro attrition rate for secondary education is 55% despite sending them to high school until they're in their 20s.

About the only distinction negresses have achieved in higher ed is being most likely to attrit as well as taking longer than any other demo to complete an undergraduate degree. This is mostly attributed to the fact that they are three times as likely to give birth out of wedlock as well as give birth while still minor age children.

It is worth noting that negresses who complete a university education do make more than white women of similar ed background, in large part due to the fact that most white women with university ed become either nurses or educators.

>contaminates food by licking it
>goes to prison where her food will highly likey be spat in everyday

like pottery, I am laffin

Yeah being a nigger doesn't help but it just seems like every day the bar is set lower and lower in regard to how far women will go to reject any form of traditionalism and decency. Showing the world how degenerate you can be has become a source of empowerment for them.

shes gonna wind up IN a vat of icecream

so wheres the bananas?

wow, getting a gender studies degree because of affirmative action, so educated

the real crime is she should be licking something else white and hard

This would trigger just about anyone regardless of skin color.

She can lick my bell if ya know what I mean

A degree in lesbian dancing doesn't make someone more educated than for example a plumber. Fuck off.

Doesn't bother me. Ice cream is for fatties.

You're a disgusting fuck, don't screw with food. Yes, even if it's frozen or hot or warm or cold or whatever. Fuck you and fuck the horse that brought you.

Now I won't be ice-cream, ever. I'll have to do with what I do with the eggs and will have to open the top to make sure the plastic cover is not compromised. Fucking niggers. They ruin everything they touch.

The fuck happened to Dedede??

>everyone agrees with me

I have a fatty for you

Shes just a stupid nigger and she wont get in trouble

>licking stuff you don't own and won't buy is ok
Yeah, we should start licking niggers then. Nah, better not. They dirty.

What sucks is that she won't get a day.

A college degree doesn't mean shit. They give away money to EVERY individual who wants to further their education. Another correlation is that the student loan debt is not being repaid by the people who borrowed. Many "degrees" are being stolen by non-payers.

t. Former title IV loan officer

>hasn't looked at crime statistics
>doesn't realize the highest moryality for black men is death during a violent assault on another black male.

If she likes ice cream, it should be no problem to give her a milkshake.

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She isn't anymore, she was found to be a minor and now she will go to juvenile court.