I love how this stupid monkey subhumans brains splatter all over the place as chunks of his flesh come out of his head.
Nigger hate thread
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Have sex wh*Teboi. Oh wait you can't because we took all your women, LMAO.
she has a very shapeless body
Y-you guys dont really hate black people, do you?
She wouldn't even glance in your direction cumskin.
Meme flag, obvious kike faggot that gets paid to subvert and undermine the board. Kill yourself fag kike at least go be a banker you level 10 kike.
They do
Dude look at those eyes, thats a downy
You subhuman baboon. You literal dog.
How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Bosphorus and rape some sheep, as is in the whTes nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Mustafa a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. whTes obsession with Istanbul is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution whTes have made to the medical field. The MUH CONSTANTINOPLE sentiment in the average whTe dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your wh*Te hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you BLACK. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of AFRICAN heritage.
You wh*Toid.
You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the blight of the world.
Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, whToid, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a whTe "man" satisfied a woman.
Die, wh*Toid. No one would miss you. Except for eunuchs, who now would have no one to make them look good.
so fucking satisfying.
>gonna call her ugly cause I know I have zero chance with any of these women
How does it feel knowing us black men get hot women from your race that would never even let you touch them?
Show your real flag
Aw look she got herself a pet monkey.
This copypasta was written by a white man.
Self reflections are really obvious bro. Why are Jews bad actors yet try to push so hard they are the best?
how will wh*tes ever recover?
of course i do, nigger.
Too bad the statistics don't match up. White women always realize what dumb niggers you are. Even the ones db enough to fuck you in the first place.
Nice webm. His brains will do more good on the concrete than they did in his head.
even after ten years of seeing this kind of shit I can't help but be disgusted by gore. If you take pleasure in that gif, you need to drink bleach.
This shit, on the other hand is based. Justice fucking served bitch.
Reminder wh*Te dogs.
Being wh*Te is an insult to nature and mankind.
There pasty pink skin, colored hair and eyes practically scream: I am gay.
Everyone else sees it, their women despise them.
It's only natural to want to kill them in most brutal ways.
No. Hate is much too mild a word to describe the deep loathing I feel for all of negrokind.
Also it's just not happening Tyrone. Keep larping.
>having to settle for gooks cause you can't get a white woman
imagine not liking gore, are you a pussy nigger?
This is Israel
>marriage and dating stats after white women spend their young fresh years getting black cock
While young and unused, they ride black dick weekly. Once they are old and stale they settle for a beta white provider to pay for them to lay around. Then they do the good old "honey I'm just tires tonight" because your small little wh*Te cock will never cut it. Kill yourself if you have any honor left cumskin.
whos the worthless nigger being eliminated here and why is he being destroyed?
i wasnt even racist until i realized all the niggers and faggots trying to destroy my country with immigration. now i fucking hate them all.
good vid for all those dipshits that think a brain should be splattered all over the place by 1 shot. The dude with the pistol shot him repeatedly, then it took an AK47 like 5 shots before that dudes head flew apart.
Could ya'll stop triggering the turkroach that larps as a nigger please? His shit is old and boring.
You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all around good community. However because of the weakness of the wh*Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK BVLL!
Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh*Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bvlls walk up. Women would instantly feel more attracted to these superior strong bvlls, infinitely more than their pathetic wh*Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every woman was carrying their children, the wh*Te womens' original children would be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise those inferior weak children anyway? They are only going to turn out like their pathetic wh*Te fathers.
The men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they would try to win over ugly white-worshipping Jap women because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.
Back home in the once wh*Te town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second and third pregnancy, not only do they carry the child, but they get the ultimate supreme sexual satisfaction that a cumskinned man would never be able to deliver. They won't stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bvlls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people.
Look at what I posted here you dumb nigger The statistics don't back up what you're saying. Stop larping. Sheboons like nog's the most. Stick with your own kind.
>and why is he being destroyed
For being a nigger, obviously.
let git dis started :DDD
The statistics still don't match up with your larping, Jamal. See that post, again. Keep coping hard but you're here forever just like the rest of us. The only difference is there's a nigger under your neck beard.
this is a good thing. cause this basically means every nigger that comes up out of the ghetto has half his shit stolen by a white woman.
fuck em. you fucking niggers had it good here then you started bitching and whining about every little thing FUCK YOU now we really fucking hate you. fuck all you niggers, we're setting you up for failure, and you can rap and do whatever the fuck youre going to do but nothing will match the con artisan and malicious nature of the white man. we'll fucking destroy you from the core while you think you're claiming victory. you're fucking nothing and now you're headed back to nothing.
Niggerfarts are divine.
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like a cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see God smiling at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven, I meet God and he greets me with open arms. He closes his eyes and raises his hands, out of the golden mist and clouds he creates I see he summons a throne for me to sit on. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Stupid wh*tetoids, do you know the only reason we even allow you to exist is because you produce hot aryan goddess that were meant for BLACK BVLLS like me. Cause let's be honest black woman are ugly, they don't fit right for me. White is suppose to be femine and weak and black symbolises masculinity, manliness and strength. That's just natural selection, we africans are kings we rule over wh*te weaklings who can't fight back for shit. It's funny how you think you're superior because you were only to serve as our slaves. We go to your countries living comfortably knowing you work hard just to pay taxes so I could live off the welfare, that's the true spirits of a KING. We don't work, we just rule and make everyone bow down to our balls. Hahahaha, how does it feel knowing that you're nothing but a pathetic incel who hides behind the screen and watches hentai all day because he can't satisfiy a girl in real life. Most of you losers are fat, bald and smell like shit because you only shower once a week. Your birthrates are declining and there is nothing you can do about it, I am on my way to make a wh*te bitch pregnant and there's no one that would stop me. If you're so comfortable being bunch of toilet paper skins, then let me wipe my ass with your face. After all that would the only usage for a such pathetic waste of sperm like you.
Enjoy it while you still can. Oh it's coming.
He's saying go back to Africa or face the boot, Tyrone you filthy fucking nigger faggot.
Is it the same guy who always posts the "fun with blacks" stuff? If so, you have my blessing.
Fuck niggers.
>shooting it in the brain, which it doesn't use in the first place
user, if you really wanted to cause damage you'd shoot it in the hands so it can't dribble or steal anymore, in the feet so it can't jump or dunk anymore, or in the dick so it can't "muh dick" anymore.
All White people should learn MMA. Niggers are actually the weakest, most cowardly people on the planet. Lazy, stupid, trash.
lawyer redpills himself on niggers—realizes their subhumanity
until i get b& again
Well at least he sure didn't suffer .
>associating hitler with your genocidal hatred of other race
neck yourself schlomo
he is gonna be ok right guys?
this is because no parent wants their kids acting like niggers. you fucking stupid niggers created your own stereotype by living up to the meme generation by generation, you fucking niggers -- i dont even know why id address you since most of you dont own computers and many of you just cant read. niggers act like niggers, and if you're wondering what that means, just look at any negative stereotype of niggers and its basically spot-on.
What sort of nigger technology is that eye about?
It's actually quite amusing how physically weak they are to be honest—you'd think outdated farm equipment would be physically strong.
I was trying to think of a good way to say exactly that thank you
who writes this shit?
all niggers do is make noise and cause havok, literally like monkies and apes.
great divorce pic
No. When we whites get mad entire cities get nuked.
Dam sun
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Dam sun
this is TNA, typical nigger activity
Are these dumb niggers fucking stealing tide? Someone should make them drink it.