Getting my first place (2bdrm) after moving out of the dorms. I have a decent job and my car is 12 years old. The community is a Section 8 property and the neighbors all seem pretty cool. They're always around so I don't think anyone is gonna rob the place. Has anyone ever moved into a place this side of town?
You're a fucking moron. The worst that could happen is nothing because then you'll think it must be you. Down Whiteboy Syndrome is so much worse than just getting robbed and figuring things out over night. Good luck, dumbfuck. With any luck you live through a beating in week one.
Unironically get a strong front/back door and good burglar bars on the windows. I'm serious.
Elijah Powell
why would you do something so stupid
i would rather live in a hut nearby a tribe of gorillas
Nathaniel Mitchell
Also get a bolt down safe if you haven't already.
Alexander Foster
Bentley Martin
I'm genuinely asking what the big deal is. I'm saving a lot of money living here and actually just can't afford to live in a "white community". Besides, white neighborhoods are so boring
Never leave your doors unlocked. Never leave anything valuable in sight through a window or outside. Never leave your car unlocked, ideally never leave it out of the garage. Never call the cops. Never leave your windows unlocked and uncovered. Buy a gun. Keep it close. If you aren't black, expect to be fucked with at least once a year. If you're white, expect to be fucked with once a season and double in summer. Most black people don't want to be your friend, they don't want to reach out, they don't want to make smalltalk, they want you to fuck off so they can keep existing in their own enclosed victim complex sphere.
Henry Scott
Thats what they always say, ohh my black boyfriend is nice and will never harm me, and after minimum 5 months, they cry about their boyfriends leaving them after a child, or after he abuses them, ohh the hood is a nice place filled with nice intellectual, and after 5 months they are raped or robbed to death, you retards never comprehend how niggers behave, anyway i hope you grow old enough to make sensible decisions and i really pray a nigger rapes you and your mum while stealing your shit
Isaac Scott
>i would rather live in a hut nearby a tribe of gorillas thats exactly what OP did
I live around whites. I don't give a fuck what color you are I will beat the living shit out of you for coming on my fucking property. You don't have to respect anyone who isn't your family. Always think worst case scenario.
Eli Hughes
You’ll find out what the big deal is. Probably sooner rather than later.
Buy a gun and get your concealed carry permit. Sooner rather than later.
Gavin Bell
Do you have a daughter OP? You don't want her growing up in a black neighborhood. She'll become a wigger and unironically go out looking to get impregnated by niggers
Generally if you keep to yourself you will be fine. The only things you really have to worry about is drug use and domestic bullshit in your building.
There's a weird unwritten rule. If you are living around there people don't fuck with you usually. Especially if you are in an apt with other people. Sort of like a communal we in it together sort of thing.
If there is a drug house on the street *like there was with mine* do something decent for them. One time I saw that someone left their headlights on so I went to ask if anyone had that car to make sure their battery wouldn't die. They asked about my car *which was sort of nice at the time*. Sometimes after snow storms I would wake up and my car would be cleared out by them. If there were every sketchy people walking around at night they would send out a *patrol*. Like two guys would would walk near by and make sure no one was fucking with cars or causing bullshit. I also one time let them know cops were planeted at a street nearby which they probably liked more than the headlights thing but whatever.
It was actually really chill desu. If you get a chance to be decent to the people around you people will look out for each other.
Just don't get financially involved with anyone.
You will see fucked up shit. There will be shit that goes down. It's almost always domestic *housemates fighting spouses getting beat up etc*. If there are young kids around if the skip school they will play music incredibly loudly. It's just a thing.
So don't really worry. Lock your door and keep your car free of valuables visible from the windows.
Dominic Collins
thanks, racist
Mason Fisher
>Besides, white neighborhoods are so boring I guess you're where you belong, then.
Brody Martin
>They're always around so I don't think anyone is gonna rob the place. lmao, they're watching your house right now, user, definitely waiting for you to leave so they can keep watching for your car to return.
Dylan Butler
What you should do after you acquire a gun is casually bring it up in conversation as if you are just a typical white gun enthusiast (ask them if they have guns or want to go shooting etc). Once word spreads that you are packing, it will make it much less likely for someone to mug you or break into your home when you are there.
If I were you I would also get a ferocious breed of dog so that there is discouragement and protection when you are not at home. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and yes...Pit Bulls will all scare the shit out of would-be nigger robbers.
Jaxon Wood
>The community is a Section 8 property You're about t be violently robbed and possibly murdered if Male, if Female you're about to be raped and murdered by 60 niggers tonight.
Poor life choices you've made OP. Section 8....oof
Jeremiah Lewis
Don't take Jow Forums fearmongering too serious.
Charles Carter
why do you keep putting "black" (original post) and "white community" (this post) in parentheses?
Caleb Peterson
>They're always around And of course you don't see anything sketchy about that.
Isaiah Moore
Nice bait thread, fucking retard. In the off chance you're serious, you better do what I told you, or you'll find your property stolen, your house vandalized, and your body beaten, all because some youths wanted to have some fun at your expense. It's your ass, not mine, faggot. t. lived in detroit all my life
Joseph Smith
>They're always around First thing they do is analyze which times you are home / away from home. Next step is coming into your house and taking everything of value.
If you are in there they will shoot you in the face before taking everything.
Anyway you're a fucking Jew and this thread if a complete lie but in the tiny tiny off-chance it's not, I hope you find out soon :)
Bentley Perry
Take my word for it fren you aren't going to be bored.
Connor Nguyen
Despite being 13% of the population
Jeremiah Powell
>Do you have a daughter OP? no, I'm 24 and graduated with my BA in Business last year. No time for a family right now, although I wouldn't mind meeting a nice young lady to settle down with and treat right. I'm a nice guy and tend to see the best in everyone.
>I've lived around section 8 for a little bit. >Generally if you keep to yourself you will be fine. thank you, very much.
Quick question for you. The other day I got "jumped" (I don't know of another way to put it) by a group of kids (8 - 12 years?) on my block tonight. I let them take some stuff and they let me walk off. I didn't want to use force on fucking children. I'm sure the police would do nothing or make things worse. They can keep the junk... whatever. But we're still neighbors. Diplomacy suggestions? Maybe bake the little fuckers some cookies and ask them kindly to piss off?
>white neighborhoods are boring i'm sure you'll love the spices being shived in the back for your measly 2$ will bring you. Enjoy the ride, it's gonna be a short one, nigger lover
Jason Sanchez
>the other day >tonight confirmed larp
fuck off asshole
Andrew White
Bedbugs? You should protect yourself by wearing a klanoutfit. It deters niggers like garlic deters jews.
Always remember: blacks are feral cowards that attack from behind. There is no defense from this kind of animal behavior. The only way to protect yourself and your family is segregation. Our grand parents got it right.
Thomas Reed
if you are white there is a 25% chance you are killed by a nigger without reason.
Gabriel King
Elijah Harris
LOL niggers chimp out at completely unexpected times. You're going to get raped and murdered, user, and not necessarily in that order.
Install a good security system, weld some bars infront of your windows, get a beware of dog sign and put it somewhere obvious (niggers hate dogs), also put something gun related out in the open, so the neighborhood niggers know not to fuck with your shit or else they'll get got. Outside of that, you could probably dig a pretty deep mote around your house and fill it with water, blacks wont try to cross because they can't swim.
Ian Martinez
Can somebody for the love of god give me the sauce i was in the middle of a fap session when i saw it and now i need the goddam sauce.
also look up into the history or the neighbourhood. any murders muggings or etc. if its just poor but honest niggers you should be fine 70% of the time if its a shithole like detroit well. buy a fucking robocop to buy yourself some time
>Section 8 property >neighbors always around >I don't think anyone is gonna rob the place. Your neighbors are going to rob you They'll have your schedule down in a week Theyll watch all your stuff get stolen but won't "snitch"
Parker Martinez
when i was flat broke looking for work i ended up renting in a black neighborhood. Probably the worst experience of my life. Power always went out so they burned campfires each week. Had a roach infestation for a year and I'm talking those little roaches to where if you turn the light on you'd see those fucks scatter in your kitchen. There was some street party that was hosted and someone ended up pulling a gun and shooting two people. Next morning the cops searched everybody's apartment because they never found the guy.
You are in for some shit. Oh yeah I also must have been asked at least 1000 times if I was a cop because I was the only white guy in the area.
Lincoln Taylor
Support your local gun store...
Isaiah Martin
I live in a black and Hispanic neighborhood.
It’s rare but you will be in confrontations that are unavoidable, just don’t act like a bitch.
Austin Williams
>Besides, white neighborhoods are so boring
LOL you're a nigger lover. You'll get what you deserve soon enough.
Parker Torres
I'm about 99%sure this is some kind of LARP now
Dylan White
Do you have a shotgun or AR15?
Zachary Lee
>Can somebody for the love of god give me the sauce i was in the middle of a fap session when i saw it and now i need the goddam sauce. here is where I got it from, user
I wonder if Peanut Untouchable and Prince Untouchable are related.
Parker Reed
Christy Marks
Jack King
I bet the mailman loves you
Xavier Reyes
OP, do this for sure...Get a few forties and a couple duchies, invite all the homelads over for a sip and puff together, when every one is feeling good, do a little browsing on 4chin, let the homies know your stance on such things we like around here, alls well and they will know your not fucking around...Godspeed lad.
Sup user When I lived in the US I lived in what had been Section 8 at one time but was semi-gentrified. So probably not relevant to you but still I saw a few things.
>in new place >knock at door >open it >large, sad-eyed negro talking to me >his message was that he was collecting for his church and he needed "seven Dollar" to hit his target >he showed me a battered old laminated piece of paper with some clip art and a picture of a church >seemed like bullshit to me but I was still new to the country and he seemed to genuinely be rather down so I gave him the 7 Dollars like a fool >immediately regretted this because I realised more may come by >2 weeks later >another knock at door >tall, snarling negro looking at me >he, apparently, was also collecting for the church >he, too, had a laminated piece of paper but it was much smaller and he waved it at me without really letting me see it >no man, I don't have any cash on me >you got a can o coke for me, man? >this negro is literally begging off me >I told him I don't drink the stuff >he is rather bemused and he looks at the table by my door, noticing a couple of packs of Trident I had there >ayo man can ah git some o dat gum? >you want some of my chewing gum? >he did >I gave him 2 pieces and he looked at me, chewing, possibly deciding if he was going to drop the wrapper there in front of me or not >I put my hand out and said "I'll take the wrapper pal, have a nice day" >and off he went
I lived there for another 4 years and one other time another snarling negro came by looking for church money. By that point I was a bit more used to dealing with American blacks and he didn't get anything off me.
Depends on the neighborhood. If you're in a generally nice neighborhood but your apartment building accepts Section 8, then expect to have chimp-outs once or twice a month and cars will be broken into on a semi-regular basis. It's generally not that bad, but I moved as soon as I could and now avoid anywhere that accepts Section 8.
If you actually moved into the 'Hood/Projects/whatever, then you are the dumbest motherfucker alive. Not even niggers want to live there. You will see crackheads and dope boys on a regular basis. Expect to continue being shaken down for your possessions as well as having your car and home broken into regularly. My advice is to buy a gun and carry it with you at all times. I give it 6-12 months before you break your lease and move.
I think you have completely misunderstood the tone with which the anecdote was relayed.
Thomas Cox
clean your weapons out on the deck at least once a month and make sure your neighbors see you doing it. get multiple locks on your doors and if it's allowed a territorial male dog that weighs over 100 pounds.