Psychopath libtards redpilling normies

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That top is too big for her.

Who's the nigger taking her picture?

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I never cared for Kaitlyn bennet mostly because of her voice but man shes one of the best at getting lefties to rage on camera.

That girl on the far left looked like the ice cream licker

Omg its like pottery. Those people just refute their own arguments for days and talk in circles.

Trumpcucks and libfags are one in the same

>drugs are illegal
>>yeah and people still take them!

Holy fuck lmao they refute their own arguments and don't even realize it.

What more can you really expect from a low IQ shitskin?

fucking degenerates, all of you. i cant believe the whole world is taking over your "culture". fucking americans make me want to vomit. Ihr Fickfehler. Scheiß Ami Dreckspack. You're everything thats wrong with our world.

You're exaggerating.

You must have your thong on backwards

i hate these types of videos, the left could do the exact same thing and go and ask 70 IQ whites why they voted for trump and get the same results. most people are uneducated on either side lol

Wow niggers.

>Thanks for following for me
>But you see everything I do though right?

If they are so proud why are they straightening their "beautiful" black hair?

Explain to me how Germany is in a better position

Do it you skinny pants bitch.

Attached: Pantifa.jpg (439x356, 25K)

they are nuts

You must have a dildo over your eyes to be so blind

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Looking at a baboon's brain trying to sort itself out is kind of impressive. Look at how fast it resorts to the "nuh-huh you're wrong" response.

id suck on them titties

Caitlin is annoying because she acts like the typical passive aggressive woman with her sarcastic voice. I mean the liberal ones were even more insufferable but still.
And she's shilling Alex Jones supplements at the end like a good goy.

Someone deep nude this slut



She needs to be deported


>Germans giving lectures
You have no moral high ground, kys