UFOs, Disclosure, and Tom Deshlong

Let's get the Ayylmaos to kill the niggers edition.
Read pic related for recently released info on UFOs by Tom Deshlong and his organisation.
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B b bump


It's our tech. Maybe reverse engineered, maybe not, but we have it.

Patents can be made without you actually having the means to fulfil it. Could be bullshit.

>tfw antigravity is real
>tfw antigravity causes tons of lethal radiation
>tfw spaceships are limited to being owned by the government and superwealthy and you're living in a gay Dune kind of universe

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Didn't he beg for shekels to disclose

Could be. They put a lot of work into quite a few related patents. Could be a psyop for many reasons, but I find it interesting that the videos released by the government, and the witnesses, show craft with the same properties as those described in the patents.

Either the craft are ours, and the government wants our enemies to know we have them, and/or are getting ready to disclose to the public, or the craft are alien, and the government wants other countries to think they are ours, or the whole thing is faked by the government, which could have many motivations. There are a couple other possibilities too. Regardless something fucky is going on with these disclosures.

He made his business open to investment. Getting shit done costs money.

This goes beyond just the USA. Russia and China are deeply invested in the UFO phenomena. According to senator who started AATIP, Russia and China are far ahead of the USA in studying it scientifically.

The US has a lot more money to funnel into these programs than China or Russia.

Are the Ufos actually from an Antarctic Third Reich base? I'm trying to find info but there's so much bullshit floating around it's really hard to tell what's false and what's true.

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This is the internet, its potentially all bulshit. All you can really do is go to the antarctic yourself and poke around.

According to Tom Delongs book, Sekret Machines book 1, which is a fiction book with non-fiction facts mixed in, the Nazi's first achieved anti-gravity technology at Project Reise. Some of the Nazi's fled to South America, and then eventually back to Antarctica, where they had already established a base. They had one fully functioning flying saucer, which the Americans destroyed during project high jump. The Nazi scientists were taken back to work at Los Almos and to other labs. Sounds interesting, but there's no hard data or evidence for me to believe it.

It's all so laughable. The people are dumb as rocks.

Of all people, why Tom Delonge?

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He's rich and has been obsessed with UFOs since he was 13.

Tom DeLonge got mkultra'd my dude.
Yes there will be disclosure soon but the events were all man-made by "shadow government". They are going to use it to start a war in space afterwards so that they can unite the entire humankind under a single government.

>causes tons of lethal radiation
No that was an accident with the reactor of the craft and is not related to antigravity itself.

>anything involving that Blink 182 faggot is trash
IF he is involved it so the project is viewed as a laughing stock.

Been hitting the ayahuasca hard, jungle spic?


Fucking hell his music is terrible


Nah. This "unite humankind against otherkind" has been repeated over and over in the last 50-60 years. Even former presidents being interviewed about aliens (and denying it) mention it (I've watched Clinton and Obama say it myself).
Except for Jimmy Carter, Harry Truman and *maybe* Kennedy, the presidents and even most higher ups in the US military have always been clueless about these things.
The government and security forces we can interact (cia, fbi, pentagon, dod) with doesn't know about the tech. This is why you see those "unaccounted/unknown" billions in the DoD yearly budgets. The NSA itself is a shadowy agency so I suppose they know (Snowden exposed it).
The people who have any role in the shadowy operations have authority over anybody in the external government no matter the rank ("deletion" is the punishment for disobeying).

Interview of Tom Delonge explaining for he got his connections.

Geoge Knapp: Well, let's get into it. You've made this decision, and it's risky for you. I remember when you were just making the decision at the announcement, "Alright, look, I'm done with Blink 182." There are people online that practically wanna shoot you. And they were really mad. But it's risky for you financially to do this. The Sekret Machines is a big project. It's gotta be financially viable, or it doesn't make it.

Tom DeLonge: Yeah, it's a real project. I have a company that needs the projects to work. The whole thing is risky in many ways. I think we can even start back a little earlier, there's gonna be a teaser that launches here shortly, that has some clips from the documentary side of things that I'm doing. And in it, there is a person that's silhouetted, that's been a very, very high-level defense contractor and engineer out at Groom Lake, Area 51 for decades.

And he says something in that teaser. But that person long ago, I remember when I was telling him a little bit about what I wanted to do, he gave me a call the next day and called me on a video chat. So he gets on there and he goes, "I made calls about you," and I said, "Really?" And he said, "Yeah, I did." He goes, "You'd better be really effing careful. If someone comes up to you and asks you to get in a car and go for a ride, don't get in that car."

And I laughed it off and I said, "Come on, man," I literally, it sounded like a movie to me, so I kinda of just chuckled, and he goes, "I am being really effing serious with you right now. If someone comes by and asks you to go for a ride, don't get in the car. I am not effing around with you." And he's pointing at me, "I'm being very serious. You're playing with some serious stuff," using a different word.

Part 1

Part 2

And at that point my heart was beating really fast and I said, "You're being very serious right now, aren't you?" He said, "Yes, I'm being very, very serious with you." And because of that conversation all the events that transpired after that when I started meeting certain people, I went in very, very respectful and asked for permission on everything that I did and treated it the way that these guys treat it, which is, it is a national and global security issue.

GK: Let us talk about the process of how you sort of pierce the veil, 'cause that's what people are gonna have trouble buying. How is this guy, how is it this rock star guy gains access to this when so many people, senators and researchers and scientists and spooks, who have tried to look for this stuff couldn't find it. How do you get the access? How do you explain that?

TD: Well, I might as well just tell you the story. So the way, the first... It spells this out a little bit in the forward to the book. But I had an opportunity to go to an event. So the most classified and the most advanced group of engineers and scientists that work within the military industrial complex work under one specific group. And it's a very, very quiet group. But for the very first time they were doing an event where family members can come, and not go in the buildings, but at least celebrate in the parking lot what their loved ones do during the day. And they asked me, "Would you come up?"

Part 3

And because I knew this one individual that told me to be really careful, he goes, "Hey, look, this is a way for you to come up and see a little bit about what we're doing." And I said, "Oh my God, I would love to." And he said, "Do you wanna come and introduce the head of the company to the crowd?" And I said, "I will if I get to sit with him for five minutes." I don't know why I said that, I just knew that that was an opportunity that guys like me would kill for, because I knew exactly who this group of engineers were, I knew exactly what they do.

So the head guy, are you kidding me? Yeah, let me, lock me in a room with this dude. And so I got that opportunity, I went up and I did the introduction to the crowd and then I got the five minutes to sit down alone and say whatever it is that I wanted to say. So at that time, I didn't say anything about this subject. I just said, "Hey, I have an idea for a project, and this project, I think if it's done correctly, will reverse the cynicism that people have about government and what people have about the, frankly, the military industrial complex. I think that if I do this, places like this and other arms of the government would be happy that it got communicated." But I didn't bring up anything that was...

GK: You didn't mention UFOs.

Part 4

TD: You don't mention UFOs. Don't even do that, 'cause you'll get kicked right out of the door. So he goes, "Okay, that's great." And I said, "Can I come up in a couple of weeks and tell you more about it?" "Absolutely." So a couple of weeks go by and then I come back up, I go through four layers of security, I go through machine guns, guys with machine guns, and then I get escorted into a very specific building that's with a bunch of buildings. This is somewhere out in the middle of the desert somewhere. And then I go through two layers of electronic code entry systems. And then then you hear the lock go. They make their sounds and the doors open up. Now I'm in a hallway, and that hallway has speakers lining the ceiling just playing white noise, kinda like TV static, and that's there so you don't hear anybody's conversations. And the hallway also has a series of doors and all the doors have those big rotary locks, like a safe lock on 'em.

So then, so we go through the hallway and then they just twist the knobs on the doors and then you hear the big sound and that door opens up. And now I'm in the center of the building where the top three engineers work with the head of the company. And so I walk in and they're sitting there and they're ready for what it is I wanted to pitch them. So I'm nervously trying to figure out what I'm gonna say. I had no idea that, I had no plan for even bringing up UFOs then either. I was smarter than that.

Part 5

So we're talking, and one person apparently did a bunch of research on me and knew that I was all into the subject. So halfway through the conversation this person says, "So what about all the conspiracy stuff that you're into?" And so now I'm being eye-balled by three very important people and I'm just totally got caught, and I'm like, "Oh, my God, what am I gonna do right now?" So I tried to talk my way out of it. And then in comes the head of the company, the big, big dude, and kind of saved the moment, but at the same time he got introduced to the conversation right at that point.

So right when he, right... I said, "You come in at a very interesting part of the conversation. This person brought up the whole UFO issue with me. I just want you to know that I don't plan on treating that disrespectfully with this project." And then I got interrupted. And the head guy says, "We cannot be involved with anything that has anything to do with that subject, especially since there has been absolutely no evidence whatsoever that it exists." So, bam, I'm just cut off right there, and now I'm my heart's racing, and I'm like, "What do I do?"

So the only thing that I can think of at the moment, is I said, "Well, Edgar Alan Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, is out telling all the young people of the world that this is real. So we have a credibility issue that we have to attack, but we don't have to attack it here or now, and we could talk this through. It's just something that young people think, and I want you to know a little bit more about my project." And so I got my way through, I was like, "Oh my God, I'm still here."

Part 6
they said, "Okay, continue." So that specific meeting ended and then I just said, "Hell with it." I said, "Sir, can I speak to you for five minutes alone?" This is the Tom that even my old band members know, I'll just go for something. This is the punk rock kid inside of me, right, and he goes, "Sure." And so the other people look at me weird and they're like, "Okay, so we leave?" And I kinda looked at them, so they did, so they stood up and I shut the door, and now I'm in the middle of all these different layers of security, and I'm sitting with this person and I just go for broke, I just go, this is exactly what I said, "I want you to understand something."

And I sit down two feet in front of him, and he's staring at me in the suit. And I go, "I understand the national security implications about what I'm about to say. I am not naive to the topic. And I think if you hear me out, you're gonna see that there's merit in what I'm about to propose." And he goes, "Well, what topic are you talking about?" And I go, "UFOs, sir. Now, this is what I wanna try and do.

And so then I just laid out this entire Sekret Machines project idea and I said, "I'm going to send... " And I said, "But over the past 30 years, there's been a program to indoctrinate people to the idea that this might be real, but the problem is, is all the young adults of the world, they use the Internet, they have iPhones, they talk to each other much quicker than people ever have, so this program that everyone's been following from the '50s is far out-dated, it's antiquated, people have surpassed it and now they don't trust you guys, now they don't like you guys. Now they graduate from MIT and they wanna work for Elon Musk and they don't wanna work here. Help me help you guys.

Part 7
And then he stops me, and 'cause I said, "Frankly, there's been some bad things that have happened for the past 30 years on this subject." And he stops me and I'm kinda going, "Okay. So now I'm in trouble. I just went right into this stuff. What's gonna happen?" And he looks at me, he takes a breath, and he goes, "What kind of bad things has the government done with the subject?"

Very, very calm, and staring me straight in the eyes. And so I came up with a couple of things that I can't say here. And I said, "If you allow me to do this, what I'm trying to do, then I'm gonna ask you for some help. I need advisors, I need people to help guide me, so I don't keep dis-informing people, I will not do that anymore. We need to tell the truth. And I just... " You know what I said at the time, I said, "You gotta picture those little chickens running across the road and someone's guiding them." I'm all, "I'm that little chicken and I'm racing but I don't wanna get hit by a car on the way." [chuckle]

But it was no joke. There was nothing to laugh at during this time, so I said, "I'm going to send you something. I want you to read it. And please, if you find anything about it good... If there's any kind of merit in this at all, just respond any way you can," because I didn't think he could respond in an email or anything. He goes, "Okay. Thank you for that," and then the meeting was done.

Part 8
what I did was, the non-fiction book that we've been working on right next to the Sekret Machines novel in parallel has, it's a thesis of the UFO phenomenon. So I took the prologue to that thesis and I sent it to him. And I'm sitting there going, "Oh my God. What did I do? What I did I do? I shouldn't have sent it in an email." Obviously, you don't send it in an email. Every email you have with this group, it has all these government stamps all over the email, 'cause it goes through, it goes through DOD servers and all this stuff.

But I had no other way to get it to him, so I did. So I just sat there and I didn't hear anything for a couple of weeks so I was like, "Okay. That relationship is done. I fried that thing." I went in there talking about... I tell people it's like walking in to somebody during World War II, and say, "Hey, about that nuclear bomb you're building in secret, I wanna talk to you about that." That's basically what I did.

Well, two weeks later, I get this email and it says, "I want you to be next to the Pentagon, at this date, and this time, you're gonna be meeting somebody from the CIA," basically. It said it in a different way, but I can't say what it said. And so I was like, "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's working." So I get on a plane and I fly out to DC. And this is where it gets pretty sketchy, but it was insane. So I go to my meeting. I had to go to a very specific location that was within a rock's throw of the Pentagon. And I go to the back of a room at a certain location, and there's two guys in suits, waiting at a table for me.

Part 9
go and I sit down at the table, and the person I was talking to is one of the persons, and he goes, "I think this would be a good time for you to tell this person what you told me." And I'm sitting there, kinda in my mind I'm going, "Well, what do I say? Do I tell him everything I told you or some of the things? Am I allowed to tell him that I told you these things, or... " I had no idea what to say, so I said, "Okay. I'll just go for it."

So I went through the exact same pitch. So I talked about 20-some minutes because they were just eye-balling me like hawks. So at this point, I just don't know. I've never been in this situation before, so I didn't know if I was saying the wrong thing or not, but I was just trying to be very respectful and I went through with it. And I finished my speech, and the person is just staring at me. These squinting eyes, the beard, the suit, looks exactly straight out of a movie, an espionage movie. Takes a breath and goes, "Things like this don't happen at the White House. They don't happen at the Hill. They happen in places like this, at tables like this, where a few men get together and decide to push the ball down the field." And then the meeting was done. I mean done, like a movie done.

So the very next day, I got sent over to NASA. And I'm at the highest levels at NASA, and I decided to do the same thing where I ask everyone to leave. So this one person, I did the pitch one more time, and they said, "You need to meet somebody." So that person flies out to San Diego. I go to another meeting. We get on a conference call, and this person is a very important... In the military. I can't say which branch, but the highest level of ranks. But then after they left that particular branch of the military, they did something very, very important for another agency. And that person says, "Come fly and meet me up here in San Francisco. Within the next 48 hours."

Part 10
So I got on a plane and I go there. And now I'm sitting on a NASA Ames. NASA has three divisions. There's Ames Research, JPL and then just NASA, the traditional NASA that everyone knows. I'm at Ames Research Center, and I go through my whole pitch again, and this person stops me and goes, "I just want you to know I'm a skeptic on this stuff."

And I said, "I understand that, sir, but I knew you would say that, but let me just continue and tell you what I'm trying to do." 20 minutes later, "I just want you to know I'm a skeptic." And I go, "I know. I know you are. You already said that." [chuckle] And I keep talking. By the time I got to kinda concluding what this project would be, he's just staring at me, and then he takes a deep breath and says, "Introduce him to the general." And then I was like, "Well, who's that?" And they're both just staring at me, 'cause there was this guy that was right next to him. A very serious guy. And all of a sudden, on my email, two hours later, I'm talking to somebody that has changed the entire course of this whole project.

So I get on the phone with that person, that same evening, and I go through the same situation. So I'm starting to walk through what I'm trying to do and how I plan to do it. And this person goes, "I want you to know I'm a skeptic on this stuff." And I go, "Sir, I knew you would say that, but let me explain a little bit more." So I walk through it again, and then the person goes, "I just gotta say it, I'm a skeptic." It was verbatim, what I...

Part 11
GK: They all do it, right? They all do it.

TD: They all do it. They all do it. But on the third time, he goes, "I swore an oath to my country." And I said, "Sir, I know you did, and I'm not asking for you to give me classified information. I don't deserve it. But I think if you understand what I'm about to do with this project, you may think it deserves your attention." And then he goes, "I'm afraid what you might find is a bunch of men in suits standing around an elephant." And I said, "I was afraid you were gonna say that, but can you help me?" And he says, "Fly out and meet me." And that's where, that's...

GK: That's where things get interesting.

TD: This is where things get interesting. So I fly out...

GK: I tell you what, Tom. We're gonna take a break here in a minute. So you're about to get into some really good stuff. We're gonna save it to the other side. I should say that, without giving too much away, you and I had some conversations along the way too and I heard your pitch evolve and it got pretty good. After a while, you got pretty practiced at it. And maybe we'll hear a little bit more about the pitch in the next segment, and then you can tell us about the general. Much more to come here on Coast to Coast AM.

Tom, before the break I mentioned that your pitch you were making to these folks as you move from one source to the next up the food chain, so to speak, your pitch gets better. And what is the basic message, what are you telling them that you can offer that hasn't been offered to them before?

Part 12
: I think for the first time, somebody coming in that has a pretty serious academic background on the subject of the UFO phenomenon. Somebody that also has a recognizable name and a specific type of voice that speaks to a specific demographic. Also, somebody that comes in with a tremendous amount of respect and modesty when dealing with these guys, I'm not some kind of Hollywood prick. [chuckle] I'm treating the material the way it needs to be treated, at least with my first conversations with these guys. And then lastly, once they gave me a little bit, I executed exactly the way I said I would. And I think that kept building in their minds a great case to work with me.

GK: So they dribbled something out to see how you'd handle it?

TD: They did, they would dribble it out, and I would say... I would take it, I would incorporate it, I would make sure that I run everything by them, like I said that I would, I would tell them that when... I would say that, "We're doing this piece of non-fiction. Here's the first couple of chapters. Remember I told you I was doing that." Or, "Here's the novel, we talked about the novel, I want you to read the first part of the novel. Sir, is it okay if I do it this way, or this?"

And it just kept going and going and going, and then I... Then what really I think clenched it was... Actually, I should back up here. When I got connected to the general that was a big, big breakthrough. And before I talk a little bit more about how I got, I got more trust from these guys. What happened was, is I was up at NASA Ames, I got connected to a very specific person and that person had me fly out and meet them. So this is where it gets really interesting.

Part 13
I go out to a certain city and I land at the airport and I walk through security and I meet this person. The person takes me to a restaurant that's right past security and I go to the back of the restaurant. There's nobody in that area, and we sit at a booth for two hours and while we're sitting there he leans across the table and this is the first, very first words that were said to me. "It was the Cold War, and every single day we lived under the threat of nuclear war, every single day, we believed and really thought in the deepest part of our souls, that nuclear war could happen at any given moment." And then he stops and he goes, "And somewhere in those years," and he looked me in the eye, he goes, "We found a life form. And everything that we did and every decision that we made with that life form was because of the consciousness at that time."

And I said, "Sir, when taking it into account things that this life form has done, for example, turning our nuclear weapons on and readying them for launch." And then he interrupts me, puts a finger in my face and says, "There are heroes in Russia, heroes. And under grave risk to himself and to his country, they did not fire back." And at that moment, I realized it had already started, this new game I was in of working with people in like a dance of words. And information was already coming, he... It was no... [chuckle] There was no small talk, we didn't just sit down and just say, "Hey, let's just have a beer and let's get to know each other."

GK: So let's jump back to that, let's jump back to that conversation. It was the Cold War.

Part 14
GK: He's given you sort of the setting for how the cover-up, or what we'd call the cover-up, began.

TD: Yeah, so this is very important for people to remember, and this is where I'm so excited to start chopping down all these pathetic conspiracies that I was involved in as well. It was the Cold War. We really... He's saying, that every day, they really thought about the annihilation of all mankind with these weapons that were hundreds or thousands of times bigger than what we dropped on Japan, and we had 20,000 each of those things. And all of a sudden something falls on their laps that's just extraordinary. But even further than that, if you really hear what I'm saying about the nuclear weapons, the UFOs were turning our weapons on, just so Russia could pick up that we're firing our missiles and fire their's first, it was a big chess game. So these guys went into complete secrecy to start coming up with a defense system against this phenomenon.

Now, I try to tell people some analogies on this. Imagine if someone from the CIA came to your house and sat on your couch and says, "Hey, I wanna tell you about that nuclear weapon that they tried to smuggle in through Canada two months ago. And I also wanna tell you about this virus that was almost got released in Los Angeles. And I wanna... " All these... They're not gonna do that, because they're gonna be busy trying to figure out, find the people that did it or to seal off the borders or to come up with a game plan to get better defensive measures across our country, whatever they're doing. That's how this is, that's how big this issue is. They're not worried about if you and I totally understand, because they're too busy trying to understand it and come up with a way to defend against it. And at the same time, they really want people to understand this, to know these things, but they don't want it to mess up their efforts.

Part 15
The more that I started to find out, I thought it was a pretty heroic tale that these were really good men and women. Do you know that in that first conversation that I had with that general, during the two hours... I didn't even leave the airport, I was in this back booth, and then I'd get led through security, get on a plane and go right back home. It was a crazy meeting. But during that he must have brought up what was "best for the republic, best for the free republic."

He brought that up probably eight different times. It's very, very, very important to these men what is best for the United States as a free country, free-thinking men and the republic that we built. They're not these crazies running around, trying to war... They're not warmongers. Very smart. This person has multiple PhDs, and I wish I could tell you who he is and what... There was nobody above him. There's nobody. Maybe a couple. But when you look at the divisions of how the Department of Defense works, in this specific division, it's just extraordinary that I have this contact. So I started using that as much as I could.

So I said, taking it from that point, we talked for two hours and I said, "Sir, I need an advisory committee," and we walked through what I need and why. And so he went out and got the advisors for me. What got really... What was really interesting about this is that I started getting advisors that were in different areas, people that deal with space, people that deal with intelligence, people that deal with bio warfare, stuff that you wouldn't necessarily think I should need, but I got them.

Part 16
And now I had the ability to start pulling these people together, and I had this one really interesting contact out in Washington, DC, that was connected to the highest levels of government. That's how I can say it. And so I was able to pull off a coup in regards to what anybody in this field has ever been able to pull off, which was a conversation with not only my advisors, the most important group of the advisors, and somebody representing basically the highest levels of the land. And talking about how do we do something to help the youth understand that this is a reality.

But they're doing really good work and they could use the empowerment, they could use the citizens of the United States and the world understanding why it's been kept secret, and that they're not doing it out of malicious reasons. They're doing it because it's an ongoing task, it's an ongoing issue, and they don't fully understand it yet, but they're trying their hardest and spending lots of money and have the brightest minds that they can find and they're building things and they're having breakthroughs that I think, frankly, we would all be incredibly proud of as a nation of what they've done.

GK: Obviously, it's a spin, they're telling you a version that they want told, but it's a story you wanted to tell. It's part of your pitch to them is, "Look, you guys look bad, especially to young people who think there's been a cover-up on this subject. People are demanding full disclosure, there's a growing movement and a growing call for that. You guys painted yourself into a corner and it's time to look for a way out. And this is one." So, I mean, obviously you're concerned that you're being used, aren't you?

Part 17
TD: Well, you know what, people have asked me that, and I'll say no. And let me tell you why. Because I sought these people out and I asked them a very direct question and I get a very direct answer. There is no like, "Hey, why don't you say this? Have you ever thought of this?" And just... I don't get information for no reason at all. It's a very formal approach, the way I do things. I'll say, why has it been kept secret? I'll say, in the book, the craft that our pilot character learns how to fly is a real craft. And so I'll say, "Sir, I need guidance on the science of this," and I will get that answer back. I never get information that I don't specifically ask for. So, this whole project is not meant to sell people on the idea that this shit... Stuff's real. Sorry for the bad word. Hopefully, we got that delay, so...

I am still me, but I don't go in here and I'm not trying to make this project convince people of the reality of the phenomenon. I'm doing a project to tell people the reasons it's been kept secret and what has happened, what they're dealing with, the breakthroughs that we had. And I think the specific things that I've always wanted to know, and if I think everybody learns these things, they're gonna feel a hell of a lot more proud about our country, and about the Department of Defense, and what they're doing.

Part 18
Because this one subject deals with religion, cosmology, physics, science, secrecy, the way we run our country, the relationships we have with other countries, relationships we have with other countries we're not supposed to have relationships with but we actually kind of still do, because of this issue, and that's just empowering, that's really empowering to know for the whole next generation of people that are gonna grow up and take over all these countries when we're all long gone. I think that this kind of subject can unify in so many areas beyond so many other subjects that are out there.

GK: Did you get the sense that this group had ever met before, had sort of the gathering or the conference call, or was in regular communication?

TD: The main, who I refer to as "the general", I know has dealings with all these people, most of them, out of the 10, at certain times, some of them know, a few of them I got through different routes. The way I look at it, it's interesting that when you look at the way the government is set up when it goes into subjects like this and you look at the way it's managed, it makes perfect sense. So we all grew up in this topic thinking Majestic 12 and the secret shadow government. It's not really like that.

Part 19
TD: Now, you have groups within the military that are doing R&D, that are coming up with and analyzing intelligence, so the National Reconnaissance Office will analyze the entire electromagnetic spectrum of space. And they will see things buzzing around and doing stuff, they take that down, then the Air Material Command will look at that stuff and say, "Okay, what do we build to defend against that?" And the research labs will say, "Okay well, this is how we'll build it." And then the CIA will have a bunch of guys that are just analyzing abduction reports or cattle mutilations or other things that are happening in the real world.

And all these divisions are all doing their own stuff and there's probably a very, very, very small group of people that are sitting at the top and putting it all together. I was told that, I said, I asked a very specific question, I was, "Sir," this is exactly... It's funny, 'cause I talk that way, I literally said that, I go, I go, "Sir, is there anybody standing back and looking at the big picture? You have abductions you have cattle mutilations, you have spacecraft zipping through orbits, you have these crashes, you have all these things."

And at one point, it was, "No, it's a grab bag of scientists. Nobody is looking at the big picture," which is really interesting to me, because I wonder if... And I don't know all the answers yet, and I'm still taking my time asking the right questions, but it makes me almost feel like some crazy things happened back in the '20s, '30s and '40s, and we put together a really strong effort to study the stuff, but I think that most of the stuff has been out of reach.

Part 20
So we don't have some major MJ12 program per se, I think we have many programs that are dealing with different aspects of this when they happen, when a crash may happen. Let me tell you a conversation I had. So I flew out to Colorado Springs, which is where Air Force Space Command is, and also the Air Force Academy, and I was sitting at the desk of a very highly ranked person and then we brought in, this is one of my advisors, and then we brought in another advisor that was... I wish, I'm trying to figure out ways to tell you who these guys are, but of the highest rank again, and they said, "Well, what do you," I said, "I'm gonna be talking about some crashes, the crashes in the '40s." There was a pause, and he says, "Why just the '40s?" Gets you thinking a little bit.

And then he said, "Well, what do you need? And I said, "Well, I think I need someone from the Defense Intelligence Agency." And they say, "Why?" And I say, "Well, I don't wanna make anyone angry, I'm not looking to piss anyone off, I'm not looking to ruffle feathers, break a story. I think if I do my project correctly it'll do good." And they take a pause and they're looking at me and now I'm kinda going, "Well, what did I say wrong?"

And one guy says, "Do you go ask your dad for permission after your mother already gave it to you?" And I said, "No, what do you mean?" And then he says, "You've been given permission, now shut the F up and get to work," and he was very serious, and I had these two guys. Once again, you can count the stars on their shoulders, staring at me that I realize, "Oh my God," that's when I realize that two other people that I met that were working with me, who they really were, not just by their rank but who they really were in context to what the whole UFO subject is. So it's an exciting place to be, but it is a little nerve-racking.

Part 21
GK: We mentioned at the beginning about John Podesta. Now, you've interviewed Podesta. That's public information that's publicly known. I don't know if you're saying that he's one of your advisors, but if so, that would be the only name that has been known. But I wanted to point out, as far as political and partisan connections, he would be the only one linked any candidate or office holder in your group, right?

TD: John Podesta is in my documentary and my docuseries. I think that he's... I think he's somebody that everybody needs to watch, that's all I'm gonna say.

GK: And like I said before, I have in my mind, you said there's no MJ12-type organization, I have in my mind a smoke-filled room, and it is like SPECTRE from the James Bond movie, but there's, there's no meetings. "Hey, everybody, let's get together, you're MJ1, you're MJ2." That doesn't happen, it's compartmentalization, which is pretty much what you'd expect to happen with a topic like this.

TD: Right. And I'm not gonna say that I don't know if there is a group of 12 guys, 10 guys, 20 guys that manage all of it, I haven't asked that specific question yet. I've asked a lot of questions in the docuseries. You're going to start to see all those, I'm gonna start presenting all that stuff and laying it out in chronological order, and people are gonna learn a hell of a lot. But I haven't asked, "Is there a small group that manages this?", other than what I told you a few minutes ago, where I said, "Is anybody standing back and looking at the big picture?" It seems to me that, you gotta look... You gotta think about this UFO phenomenon.

Fuck, can't be bothered. Read the rest here.


DELONG & The others are ALL 100% Govt bought & paid disinformation.
Read some that absolute bullshit Delong claims. WOW HES SUPER MENSA OUTSMARTED the fucking smartest guys on the planet.
GEEZUZ. Weres Super Toms Mutha Fuvking cape?

You seem unhinged

If they're paid disinfo shills, then you need to prove that claim btw. The typical Jow Forums low level discourse is not acceptable in this thread. If you are going to scream "muh disinfo" like a paranoid spastic, you better fucking prove it.

This is the most interesting part.























A UFO blaring “Adam’s Song” just flew over my house!

What did they mean by this? youtu.be/DHMDrhBREXU

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