What can't you understand?

what can't you understand?

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Other urls found in this thread:


why you're so retarded.

Sneed pride world wide

Why can't they understand that

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The part where an arts degree spiel is used to justify physical assault, to shut down diversity of thought and opinion, even sometimes diversity of gender and race.

Antifa are not anti-anything they are simply pro-intersectional. They would probably call me a nazi for wearing a red hat and I'm a gay aboriginal. Everything is a thing to them and everything has to defined on their watch. My culture is dead in the water if I don't want my face kicked in.

So I guess you won't roll that up and smoke it with the crew. But at least you bothered scrolling past.


And the Holy Roman Empire was exactly what the name suggested as well.

>we're only pretending to be retarded
is essentially what you're saying

Basically, you are (anti)fascist in so much as you use violence to define how I talk and act when I am in your area. Even privately I wouldn't be able to confide in you certain details because it would lead to physical harm. Hiding behind a mask, talking in code, collaborating with police and media to hide the damages. From somebody far removed from American life and culture, you certainly look like a fascist group to me. Both on the outside and within the culture itself.

Maybe it would be good to stray out of the box, off the plantation, read some Mein Kampf. See how much you (anti)fascists really have in common with your enemy. Or don't do that because your brain might melt or explode or something since apparently narrative is a form of mystical mind control.

*spits on you*

fuck off IWW shill.

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So why should I care about this thread?

Formerly fascists

>and I'm a gay aboriginal
Sniffing petrol and smoking cocks together sounds a bit dangerous user.

Anti what fascist? What are they anti?


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Formerly East Franks

But fascism means government sponsorship of corporations like we have with silicone valley

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Well said

you might as well call yourself ANTI ROMAN EMPIRE you DUMBASSES

ALSO a note to the dumbfuckers world round
that is not a SIEGE HEIL
ITS CALLED........drumroll.....A ROMAN SALUTE...given to show you mean no harm, you have no weapon......YOU DUMBASSES are the opposite of people that mean no harm and have no hidden weapons...IN YOUR FAGGOTY ISLAMIC LIKE SHITHOLE EMPIRE RELIGION YOU WEAR NINJA MASKS which are only meant for warriors and spies of the night....NOT DAYLIGHT fighting NO WARRIOR WOULD EVER DISGUISE OR COVER THEIR FACE IT WOULD BE CONSIDERED DISHONORABLE AND NOT SOMETHING THAT A WARRIOR WOULD DO

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Antifa are fascists. Their name is an insidious lie. In true Orwellian fashion, they adopt a moniker while acting out its opposite. This is true of all of the Left.

You only “get it” because: a.) you’re too stupid to see through it, b.) you don’t know what fascism is, c.) you’re complicit, or d.) all of the above.

>“The fascists of tomorrow will call themselves anti-fascist.”

Those are two totally different holes on different sides of my head. I'll be fine.
What do you think, she's perfect wife material, no? We will use the powers of science to create lesbian eggs and eventually an entire tribe of amazonian warriors.

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just call them what they are


also your rhetoric can easily be inverted
its so corny and basic and childish

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When the left uses a word, always replace with the antonym, goy.

Wrong. Fascism is the use of violence or the threat of violence in order to enforce or coerce the thinking, behavior and voting of the people. Especially (but not always) when such violence is endorsed or otherwise sponsored by the State.

The line blurs in the US because there is no “public sponsorship” from those who hold elected office. However, there is a political party who is sympathetic to their cause, and a cabal of this party’s members bankroll the bloodshed and mayhem.

The powers that be use unofficial, private or shadow means to support, encourage and fund Antifa while the media companies (owned and controlled by the powers that be) deliberately misrepresent Antifa with positive spin.

That’s fascism. And Antifa are fascist.


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ohhhhhhh im just so unable to understand your
incredible intelligence and high level thinking


The Romans were just a bunch of fascists???
Wow, ok well, they still have bridges while bridges built by affirmative action socialist women in FLA collapse the day they are finished building.....ANTIFA are like IDIOCRACY as A POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. GO DRINK YOUR ELECTROLYTES IT HAS WHAT YOUR GENDER PRONOUNS CRAVE FEMININE HORMONES.

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Cool, doesn’t mean facist is bad tho

>what can't you understand?
How can you not know what a fascist?

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but i'm profa

Antifa does such a shit job opposing fascism that it makes them look like they are fascist controlled opposition

America has always been Fascist and if you faggots keep pushing you’re going to see exactly what that means.

>Antifa are fascists
Kys you retarded boomer

People are defined by their actions, not by what they call themselves. Why is that so hard to understand?

antifag psa

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no it fucking isn't you blitering boomer retards

Corpratism is unification of necessary corporate entities (not shit like mcdonalds or tesla, a single industry for every field) and state power in order to unify society.

Fascism is not ''Fascism is the use of violence or the threat of violence in order to enforce or coerce the thinking, behavior and voting of the people. Especially (but not always) when such violence is endorsed or otherwise sponsored by the State.' This is just you bullshiting your opinion as if its fact, fascism is a coherent political and philosophical worldview based in human naturalism and objective morality that changes with ethnicity/nation, not the authoritarianism every government has ever engaged in?

>Antifa looks like fascist controlled opposition

That’s because that’s exactly what they are. Try to keep up.

Antifa is anti-fascist in the same way that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.

>Anarcho-Communists are the real Fascists!
By your logic, Trotsky must’ve really wanted to ethnically cleanse all non-russians. I can’t until you boomer faggots die off. Oh and by the way, it was the National Socialists who stopped them from gaining a foothold in Germany.

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Anti First Amendment

Fascism is inherently authoritarian. Fascism isn't a synonym for all political violence

>I'm a gay aboriginal
Hey I think I know you.

pro-intersectional is anti-everything. there are death cults and fertility cults. antifa and the left are death cults. they want blacks and brown people to have as much wealth as whites because that means they won't procreate as much. fertility is linked to agrarian lifestyle, sterility is linked to cities.

Imagine thinking a group of people who want the borders completely wide open and despise nationalism are the same as people who want closed borders and less browns. This is your brain on boomerpills.

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You dumbasses are also against NATURE
in order to destroy fascism which is 100% based on NATURE and BIOLOGY you would have to destroy the environment
and ecological collapse would fulfill all your
desires to rewrite biology and humanity
into some social constructed post human
cyborg BS utopia
ANtifa are just another in a long line
of utopian retards that think
they can outwit nature
and or eliminate it if needed
to suck SEED
in their ideology

the logical conclusion of your arguments
are basically no environment cause the environment is racist
no technology cause technology is racist
except that which perverts and destroys reality
hormones etc
its basically a militant fag army of atheistic cyborg wannabes
that crave power and communism to achieve these ends

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>Fascism is the use of violence or the threat of violence in order to enforce or coerce the thinking, behavior and voting of the people.
So literally every government ever

So the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea is Democratic?

What a well stated point, I hadn’t considered that. I’d suggest you stick your dick in a blender, but your flaccid micropenis wouldn’t reach the blades.

fun fact: 99.9% of all antifas cant name the founder of fascism.

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Anti fascism = So youre against "Socialism", right?

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So by your logic, anybody who has a violent politicial protest is automatically a fascist? Man that education system of ours really fucked your boomer brains dry.

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I personally don't like Antifa that much, even as a ieftist, but you retards are calling ancoms authoritarian

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They really do think of themselves as modern day witches and wizards, conjuring up narratives to cast out their enemies. It gives them everything that a religion offers: rituals, rules, a path to Truth(tm) and an Enemy(tm).

no ancoms are just super retarded

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Anarcho-communism isn't a real ideology, it is a cope to delude yourself into thinking you are not a buttpuppet of international finance.

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by the same logic... what can't you understand?

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ANTIFA are Anarcho-Communists, anybody pushing the “real fascists” meme is historically illiterate. Groups like the National Socialists were the ones who fought them off. Saying they’re automatically in the same line as people who want ethnic purity is fucking retarded.

That doesn't make any sense. Anarcho-communism is a legitimate ideology

the anti part mostly

It's shit like this that gives leftists their shit reputation


I don't understand why they call themselves that when their only experience with Fascism has been in history class. If you skinny jean wearing twinks encountered actual fascists you wouldn't be posting on Twitter about your little street escapades, you would be wearing a straitjacket in a prison cell.

Galaxy brain

I quite like fascism though.

Darug man here, there are more of us on Jow Forums than people realise.
>sniffing petrol
Not as common an activity as you might suspect, mate.


>Saying they’re automatically in the same line as people who want ethnic purity is fucking retarded.
That people essentially equivocate any form of violence towards fascism means they lack awareness of Roman History. You can almost guarantee a person of such thought never sat through any university level course on Roman History let alone any course in biology and or astronomy from the micro to the macro...nature is fascist...nature was fascistic to the Dinosaurs...antifa are like the Dinosaurs unaware of a giant fascist asteroid on its way to obliterate their easy access to female hormones. Those outside in the streets punching MAGA hat wearers are even more out of touch with reality. Its a fucking fantasy what they believe they are fighting for. IT plays right into the hands of the Capitalists they CLAIM to despise.
Instead of bashing the Soros or the billionaires they are bashing plumbers or journalists or tv crews or e-celebs....which does nothing at all to advance anything on their agenda anyways, its a great distraction to keep them pre-occupied while the leftist billionaires loot the world economy.

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>guess you won't roll that up and smoke it with the crew. But at least you bothered scrolling past.

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Anarcho-communism is the Heaven's Gate of political ideology

>fascists with a different spin
Hey just like antimatter

They are anti-fascist, and they certainly would fight actual fascist groups if they actually did anything, but actual fascism is so irrelevant that they have to find other people to beat up instead.

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let me post some more "Antifa" Pictures

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you're anti fascist..but then you start being fascists...

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That shoop tho

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Post feet cutie

>Fascism is the use of violence or the threat of violence in order to enforce or coerce the thinking, behavior and voting of the people. Especially (but not always) when such violence is endorsed or otherwise sponsored by the State.
Sounds like Antifa.

wew, you have found the prob.

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