How does one raise her properly? I'll be honest I am dreading the possibility that my wife will have a girl. My goal would be for my daughter to NOT be (in descending order of importance):
>coal burner porn star
>coal burner with niglet kids
>coal burner
>porn star
>convert to Islam
Other urls found in this thread:
"Niglet" kids? What is it with all the Klansmen here?
>give her the best books of the Western canon (written before 1945) to read
>make her associate lower races with pain and shame
>don't send her to a college
The answer no one on Jow Forums will tell you but is the correct one: Treat your daughters well, with respect, admiration, and love. They will go through phases. May be a tom boy one day or want to dye their hair blue the next. Let them. Let them choose and be free to experiment within reason. If you don't they will do it later in life when you have no say. If you are constantly setting such a strict standard they will do all the things their hearts desire when they go to college. More importantly by being a good caring father they will seek that out when they find it's time to marry. Girls marry their fathers. I know we all want to treat women like possessions rather than selfless love but all you're going to do is make her resent you and rebel later.
>t. old boomer with 3 grown girls
You put tattoo above piercings?
Your wife HAS to support you on this in order for it to work, you have to socialize her with the right people (meaning absolutely none of the above and no one with relatives or friends like that) and give her the best damn role model in yourself and your wife that you can make
A woman’s basis for “weird” is anything more conservative than her parents, so even if she gets rebellious at some point a strong willed conservative man would be able to dig her out of that easily due to her past experience with it
>muh biological imperative
paypigs are fucking masochists. gross.
20 minutes,
Easy. One answer. No other answer
All white all girl private school. Every other option will end in ruin. Bye idiot.
Stfu nigger faggot
It's mostly about where you live and what kind of social environment you can afford to have her in, sadly. Not that that's a guarantee. Plan to live in a place that has a decent culture.
I share your fear, deeply.
For someone naming themselves quality control, I'd like to direct you towards the fact that having a niglet means she is low quality woman, and you don't seem very intent on controlling that.
ironic honestly.
>want to dye their hair blue the next. Let them
>t. boomer
You're not qualified to give advice on raising non-degenerate kids
Make her wear modest clothes.
Make sure she wears a bra when it’s time.
She shouldn’t be allowed to shave off all her pubic hair.
Strong (religous) rules in the house
Teach your daughter from the beginning what you expect from her
When she tires to become like the other whores, tell her she will be kicked out of the house. Be strict on punishments so that she knows that you are not joking
nice larp, fag. you just wanted to post "niglet".
Give her some privacy so she can masturbate and not look for guys to satisfy her (or for porn). She can be alone in her room with the door closed, but not if she has her phone with her.
You just fuck them from an early age
This is the main thing I worry about - finding that balance between forbidding everything and allowing anything. It's absolute fact that kids rebel against authority, and taken too far that means they will be left with no respect for authority. I think your advice is good. If you treat your daughter with respect, really talk to her and make her know she can trust you to give good advice and generally be a bulwark of support, you have a much better chance of her having high enough self-confidence not to give into the abject decay that is currently a maelstrom of lowest common denominator pulling the young generation down.
You sell them.
have sex.
and the main thing i would try to teach my daughter would be to be truthful and take responsibility for her actions
many issues stem from and can be exploited by a mindset that is constantly looking to place blame elsewhere
>want to dye their hair blue
>Let them.
Cucked and blue hairpilled.
This is true. You have to let them have some freedom of expression and experiment with their style while they're still in high school. My daughter was a goth kid with dyed black and red hair at various times during school, but by her senior year she went back to her natural blond color, in college now and only wears modest dresses and skirts except for her gardening job or if it's very cold, cooks dinner more often than her mom, runs all kinds of errands for us, wants to be a trad wife with 5+ kids, even browses Jow Forums. Y'all really gotta stop scaring her with these 5G threads though, she quit using her iPhone and made me buy her a flip phone for Christmas. She's a good and kind hearted kid, though ages 12-15 were sort of tough, she's very independent, smart, works hard and always treats us with respect. The hardest thing will be letting her go and get married, hopefully we'll have a few more years before that happens.
Don't be a bad father.
>Make sure she wears a bra when it’s time.
>She shouldn’t be allowed to shave off all her pubic hair.
Idk how my wife will feel about that, even though my wife is redpilled.
>She shouldn’t be allowed to shave off all her pubic hair.
how you enforce that?
you always check your daughters pusy after showering?
This is not the way, Achmed.
Isn't it...
Well, at least they're not taking selfies.
Teach your daughter to love books, and limit exposure to degenerate media. Avoid it yourself, and bond with her to teach her what's right and wrong from an early age.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more fulfilling than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so that the world might experience a radiant bundle of happiness and love. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it amplifies the joy everyone she meets shall experience when she greets them and takes precious time from her day to make theirs a little better.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? Everyone. Strangers on the street get a friendly bystander that will wish them well, the homeless will get a wealthy and intelligent girl that runs shelters to feed them and find them honest work to get off the streets. The lucky man or woman who marries her will get the perfect partner, and you'll benefit from gaining a second child in her spouse, one who will be a dear friend that thanks their lucky stars you raised such an astounding woman.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to grant your wondrous, miraculous daughter and all the people around her a better life. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL reward. Think about it logically
>he doesn't bathe with his daughter
There's needs to be limits and boundaries and this if rules are broken
She'll be fine if you raise her properly. All her instincts against the things you mention are mostly natural and take an awful lot of neglect and outsourcing of parental duties to the (((media))) to break them. As long as you have a good wife you'll be fine. Whether you have a son or a daughter, stability in the home is the most important thing. If you begin to notice signs of subversion you can snuff them out quickly and easily as long as you're paying attention.
go amish mode
no doubt, there have to be firm limits, but within reason.
Good counterpasta
>or woman who marries her
delet this
90% of those can be avoided if you make sure she's not sexually abused.
I'd say 80% of young women today are one of the things in OP. Are you saying they were all abused?
>raising a daughter in burgerstan
better start learning ebonics bud
Single dads with full custody do a damn good job, too. My buddy has 3 girls all grown up, one is a nurse and 2 are stay at home moms.
you have to actually like, love and WANT to spend time with your kid.
trust me, they'll be able to tell if you're faking it or you're holding some level of resentment/anger/condescension towards them. if a daughter has a father who actually loves and likes her, spends time with her voluntarily, isn't faking his feelings and isn't an utter control freak you'll and she'll be fine.
#1 rule for raising a daughter
be there.
Many of them
Traditional catholicism. /thread
>be there.
Metaphorically or literally? Because I am away from home a lot for work.
Uh, maybe 45%
We are Catholic but not traditional. I mean, I am conservative. What do you mean exactly?
I thought that is a feminist myth.
You’ll know. Trust me.
You can't teach her or force her she has to learn for herself, indirectly red or black pill her depending on what you're going for. Your wife HAS TO SUPPORT YOU OR YOU'RE FUCKED, if she doesn't she'll hold your wife higher than you and value her opinion more that yours, my parents are liberal Gen Xs and I had to free myself, them trying to keep me contained only made me break out harder,
Fuck off, nigger.
Nigger detected.
pay some nigger to try to kidnap her, she'll hate niggers for the rest of her life
No respectable woman (including blacks) have any desire for a black male. The are impoverished and violent. GTFO Jow Forums, because unless they are a rapper or ball player, they are fucking worthless.
the harder you squeeze the more she'll resist. you must be zen and grounded in yourself. you must actually love her and view her as a person, not a possession.
let's say you do not want her wearing makeup. maybe think about WHY exactly you don't want her wearing makeup, be honest with yourself. if you still feel like you don't want her wearing makeup you can find comprises with yourself/her.
>only hippie, organic, tasteful makeup which is incredibly rare anyway
>or has to be 15/16 years old and no younger
or best of all, explain things in a way that makes her feel special and EXCLUSIVE:
>"honey, you shouldn't wear makeup because rich men invented it to make women feel bad about themselves so they would buy it and line their pockets. makeup is actually bad for your skin pores and I love YOUR face, especially as it already naturally is."