LGBT Hate Thread


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We need to encourage more gay men. This disproportionately decreases the supply of cock going around and makes it easier to get laid.

I really see no downside here, fellas. Gays win and can fornicate with one another out of the gene pool, straight men win, and women lose (so it's really a double victory for straight men).

Lesbianism on the other hand is sacrilegious and must be stopped at all costs.


Trans kids are what finally made me peak. I cant deal with this faggot world anymore.

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Nope, more homos only means more women on Chad's harem and not necessarily more women available for average men. What we need is another world war that will kill the majority of the adult male population so the remaining ones will drown on pussy no matter how attractive they are.

just kill all the leftists

>pressure faggot into fucking women
>faggot marries some Christian woman
>has kids
>early midlife crisis hits him when the kids enter grade school and he relapses on cock
>wife: rendered single mother, pussy destroyed from childbirth
>children: traumatized by the homewrecking faggotry
>faggots: still live happily ever after

And in the end it's only harder for you to get laid + faggot genes passed on. You're an idiot.


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poor fags it must suck to be gay


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>haha heehee hoho
>haha heehee hoho
We need to jail these people.

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I personally wouldn't give a shit if they kept to themselves. Problem is that faggets have all the attention whoring of thoughts with all the desperation and intensity of men, which means they have to get in everywhere that they aren't wanted and f*** with people.

drumpf btfo

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post proud str8 men!

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proud faggot with aids

Its fucking retarded to let a kid permanently fuck up their body at an age when they can barley figure out what flavor of juice they want for lunch