
>tfw pissing in the bushes lands you on the sex offender registry but adultery, sodomy, miscegenation, & fornication are completely legal

>tfw its extremely difficult to marry a white virgin when the average age of virginity loss is 16 and the age of consent and marriageable age are 18, and my state is only 60% white

>tfw divorce is on-demand and she can leave you and take half your shit, usually the kids, and possibly alimony unless you write an ironclad prenup, and even then a judge can throw it out as "unconscionable"

>tfw alimony is still a thing and the filthy left won't apply their "disparate impact" ideology to men

I want to marry, bros, but it's all so tiresome

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w

Just move to Canada and fuck a dog.

Maybe you should stop looking inward, take the millions of other suffering males, and start a revolution against this. Your morale is low and your dicisipline suffers as a result. Go out and do something about it. Ill be cheering you on

Peeing in the bushes is dumb but that being illegal while sex before marriage is legal is absolutely insane.

Get married, user. Be a virgin. Marry a virgin. Have 8 white kids. The divorce rate for virgins is practically nothing.

How about cultivating the ability to choose a better mate?

There's tons of guys who don't have this problem because they chose wisely.

>the average age of virginity loss is 16

can't have kids fucking dogs

that's illegal and not normal here

check out this research i did on my state, florida

• Fornication is legal, even for teens 16-17 as long as their partner is under 24. (794.05) Marriage “Licenses” are not issued for under-seventeens, and for seventeens only if is provided the written consent of his or her parents or legal guardian, which is acknowledged by an officer authorized by law to take acknowledgements and administer oaths; and (b) The older party to the marriage is not more than 2 years older than the younger party to the marriage (741.04). This means fornication (ages 16-23) is legal, but marriage illegal, for people aged 16. This means fornication is legal for people aged 17, as long as their partner is 16-23, but marriage is only allowed if their potential spouse is 17-19.

>This means fornication (ages 16-23) is legal, but marriage illegal, for people aged 16

Just find a normal enough girl and have kids. Stop thinking like you need to find the perfect woman, none exist. Just make sure you want the same things and get along. I don't think I'll ever feel romantic love. Love is only true in fairy tales. Meant for someone else but not for me. Life isn't out to get you. That's just the way it seems. Disappointment may haunt your dreams but don't let that stop you from having a family. The goal is to have children and raise them right. Which is possible as long as you are able to spend time with them. If the woman divorces you and wants alimony, then so what? What do you need the money for? For selfish pleasure seeking activities? It's not the ideal situation but it's better then dying alone in your masturbation station.

Wait wait wait so does that mean American cops can literally spray the man piss scent on a pole and WAIT for men to fall into the trap?

That's fucking hilarious no wonder they get fat as whales

We're cuming for your dogs, leaf.

good advice

>what do you need the money for?

investing, kid's inheritance, keeping her from wasting it on stupid shit

Yea it's very selfish for someone to try and exploit there partner after a divorce, I don't know why people do that. But it most likely won't happen as long as you find a normal girl and don't cheat on her. If it does then you'll just have to find a way through it.

This is everything I have.
They are depriving you of your bright future.
Make sure you are ready to go.
And continue winning the lost.

Entire KJ Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg


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Retard cuck advice

Yes because letting your short life dwindle away while you fume about exaggerated social issues is much better way to live. If you are a man, then go out and make what you want. If you want a traditional family, go get it. If you can't do that then it's your fault and not anyone else's.

they're not exaggerated. marrying another man's leftovers is not a good idea. even if you only dated 18 year olds it's something like 1 in 5 are virgins.

Attached: Flee Sexual Immorality.jpg (4920x4161, 2.69M)

It's okay my man, look outwards to strike back. We are building our strength and our numbers. The black sun is rising my friend and you are at a nexus point in history where we will rise from the ashes and rebuild what was lost.

I worked on the reservation and during my time there I had 4 students who committed suicide. One hung herself on the tree next to my room when I was on suspension. I had another student who decided that he would bring a gun to school and try to go on a shooting spree but was caught by the police. Suffice to say my friend, I've seen a lot of crazy fucked up shit in my short life. I've been homeless, jobless, almost jumped by wild packs of niggers, almost died in a blizzard and ran away from my house when I was 18. Have faith my friend, if I can live through all of this pain and suffering and come out one of the strongest men in my family you can do 3 or 4 times what I can do.

Attached: ForChrist.png (5000x5000, 1.12M)

>user doesnt know how fucked a man can get if he got married
havent you heard the stories or is this bait?

Well I agree you should watch out for people like that. I'm not saying you should go to the whorehouse and find a bride. I'm saying that as long as you find a decent person, you are perfectly safe to start a family with her. It's possible that things might go wrong, but you have to try. The alternative is wasting away in a lonely, miserable, and meaningless existence. Most girls are not giants sluts like we see on the internet. They usually are desperate to find a long term boyfriend and usually it's the guy that doesn't want to commit. So they have to find another guy, but the point is they aren't just banging random dudes. Also, you have to make yourself worthy for a quality girl. They are out there, but they aren't going to be interested in surly mgtow types.

Sure you can but that's why you don't marry crazy bitches and be a good husband. Those things are totally exaggerated on the internet. Women aren't all evil vipers trying to destroy your life, that's ridiculous.

ha i guess this is a christian thread now

>the reservation

I feel ya

how does prenup work?

Did you really just fucking use I'm a Believer lyrics and no one noticed

it's the actual contract of marriage. since all standards of behavior have been destroyed by the left, you'd be a fool to not have one these days...

it's a contract, outlining what you want out of the marriage and making sure you both are on the same page. it also covers division of property in case of divorce. you can put basically whatever you want in there except child custody i think, but you have to word it neutrally or a judge will rule it unfair and ignore it

Stop looking at domestic then go foreign.

yeah, that's an option, language barriers suck though

i wonder if mormons and amish are still pure, or if they've been corrupted as well

It's all very simple

Penis = bad

No penis = good

Amish yes but they have annoying rules about marriages and language does not matter as long as she knows basic english to get around.

I would try for a slavic girl from a traditional area or just go asian and dont get scammed.

The problem is we’re not in a bubble. The degradation of women is a problem for all of us. I did not wish to have to air tinder thots instead of watching (((Internet porn))) and cuckolding people I used to call my friends but when I’m clown world I must do as the clowns do

annoying rules like what?

now that i think about it limited english could be a blessing in that she will be more introverted and less likely to whore around

This might be specific to PA Amish. The Amish here want you to adopt Amish lifestyle before you can even talk about dating a girl. Take their vows and practice what they practice or you can take the risky move of taking a rebellious amish girl that will be shunned for life.

and yes little english will make it so that she will get naturally nervous around other men that she is not familiar with.

I felt compelled to stop lurking and let you know what an utter faggot you are

well yeah, of course, why would they let you take one of their women without being one of them

yeah that makes searching abroad a bit more attractive