Gun thread

gun thread but someone has to post some gun politics shit to keep it Jow Forums related
missed out on pic related when an dude sold it out from under me
been looking for one for 3 years ever since I missed out when they were first imported and I got my hopes up and now I'm sad

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also should I get my AR cerakoted? I think it's a meme but pic related would look dope

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REPORTED, say hi to the fbi for me!

what is that?

you just rattle can, never cerakote anything its the biggest boomer gimmick there is

We really need to start locking you retards up.

What the hell is that? I thought it was a b&t apc, but it's not. I dig it.

The only acceptable gun finish is baby shit camo.

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Even knowing you're LARPing, why would you tip the FBI about someone wishing he had a gun which he doesn't have?

Guns are trash for insecure pussies.
In 1995 Gary Kleck, a criminologist at Florida State University, and his colleague Marc Gertz published a study that elicited what has become one of the gun lobby's favorite numbers. They randomly surveyed 5,000 Americans and asked if they, or another member of the household, had used a gun for self-protection in the past year. A little more than 1 percent of the participants answered yes, and when Kleck and Gertz extrapolated their results, they concluded that Americans use guns for self-defense as many as 2.5 million times a year.
This estimate is, however, vastly higher than numbers from government surveys, such as the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which is conducted in tens of thousands of households. It suggests that victims use guns for self-defense only 65,000 times a year. In 2015 Hemenway and his colleagues studied five years' worth of NCVS data and concluded that guns are used for self-defense in less than 1 percent of all crimes that occur in the presence of a victim. They also found that self-defense gun use is about as effective as other defensive maneuvers, such as calling for help. “It's not as if you look at the data, and it says people who defend themselves with a gun are much less likely to be injured,” says Philip Cook, an economist at Duke University, who has been studying guns since the 1970s.

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It’s not about statistics you fuckin autistic doltard

My post is actually politics related like the OP requested, nigger.

it didn't have to be gay politics


Guns are phallic objects and you're gay for desiring one, faggot.

Vote Lambright 2020, free machine guns!

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>self-defense gun use is about as effective as other defensive maneuvers, such as calling for help.

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I would like to unsubscribe from your faggot blog, please.

>Donald. I need war.

he really didn't like this guy

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Do we get free Orbital Ion Cannons too???


Listen man, I want muh LOIC

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I just realized that Orbital Ion Cannon and what I wanted were two different things. I was talking more about shit like

My baby nearly loaded

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the NPC of guns

>>Jow Forums
All fields

Jow Forums is gay now

Sights on carry handles always weird me out

mods pls no move thread to Jow Forums it's politics related

shut up nigger it's patrician

It's my first gun kek, what I'm getting an ar next. Any recommendations. I need cheap and durable


I love that it's made of aluminum, the XDM has a nice plastic, but I give it, what, 50 year shelf life