What do when 4chins is kill?
What do when 4chins is kill?
Soon probably
Social media is dying on it's own.
Jow Forums exists in a weird gray world. I doubt anything of consequence will happen given how easy a chan is to set up.
start murdering people in the street
what kind of shit name is that for the article author?
>dying on it's own
Not while marketers and influencers have something to say about it. Unless humanity suffers a mass extinction/crisis, social media will likely follow us through the century and beyond. Facebook, Twitter, may follow the likes of Myspace but others will take their place.
Shitpost as over the top “pro democrat candidate”
I'm personally going to play some minecraft and cut the power lines to a big minecraft city
i am not going anywhere
>Online Trump supporters will be kill
Good, they are the worst kind
It's okay. You don't spend a zog penny. They can't have no real power from the beginning.
It's Iranian AF
They did shut down r/the_donald, or at least quarantined them. I wouldn't be surprised if Jow Forums gets targeted. Also guys stop making threats and adding 'in minecraft' at the end because I really doubt that is gonna save you.
Advertisers are already pulling off social media.
They've started realizing it doesn't benefit them.
GM yanked their ads off Facebook
It's just a matter of time before companies do it en masse.
considering Soros already has experience carrying out a holocaust...
Kidnap and torture Soros to death in Minecraft, obviously.
soros silences um not a fucking person.
sounds like a threat to me
Lolz. Jow Forums you know what to do.
>article from 2012...7 years ago
Facebook ads do work if you use them right
How can we get off CAPTCHA?
Well with no containment board in place
My guess is are autism will spread like a wild fire across the internet and then consuming the world into a orgy of violent chaos and carnage
Jow Forums will survive because it is not a multi billion dollar corporation susceptible to blackmail via regulation and taxation in the same way as Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.
R*ddit is a cancer site but now all those fags are going to flood here. Jow Forums and cripple chan are the quarantine zones where all the autists run around. The Jews need to rally as many people here as they can to keep tabs before they shut it down and start picking us off one by one. We could also play Roblox
Dude next time I see you on my minecraft server I'm going to shove my diamond shovel so far up your ass king Arthur wont be able to pull it out
Sounds like shitposts in the street are in order.
Google will uptick its already stringent Captcha "filter" by severely punishing you for the content of your posts. Expect 10 minute captchas for saying the n-word, for example. 9 minute captchas for pro-Trump watchwords.
there are plenty of alternatives
Hiro just needs to add them
Minecraft is the new swim
Over half the ads I see are longform rants by weirdos emulating the lambo books in my garage guy. They charge a thousand dollars to attend an online webinar about how to create the exact same ads and program they're using. I've seen at least a dozen different goofballs all with the same pitch
>finally freeing all of us
Never interior your enemy when they are making a mistake.
Check out the Hundred Handers. Stickers for everyone!
Like the nsfw4chan servers haven't been hosted from Langley for years now.
Probably just work with others to make p2p chansites not worthless. Either that or give up on shitposting
What is Jow Forums waiting for to rise up?
Give me legitimate reasons.
>we could also play Roblox
god i'll miss you guys if they destroy this place
>no link
Leftists will soon start murdering their fellow travelers as the purity spiraling continues. I hope.
Good! Things have to get worse before they get better.
>Marketers and influences
Most followers of these losers are bought, which is why is not at all surprising.
>Mr. Soros, how would you create more real Nazis?
>OPs pic
>senile old man rambles about communist utopia
Didn't (((Facebook))) and (((Google))) just come off of a MaSsIvE Ddos?
isn't that some kind of illegal threat and a threat against america and election tampering
>I still don't know what a no-script captcha is
>shitposts in the street
Poos will be our greatest allies.
Move on.
It's like church. It doesn't matter where we gather, only that we do.
Make it my goal to assassinate that kike and his literal faggot son.
meanwhile drumph has assange arrested
Seriously though, be thankful for Hiro (and Moot). There's no doubt Soros and other lefties have offered to buy this place for a lot more than it's worth but we're lucky Hiro has a commitment to free speech.
This guy's good. The Nazis trained this Jew well.
It's like they want to be killed.
We are a big board for him.
Jow Forums died in 2006. What we are using is it's rotting corpse.
Anyway, when this site shuts down for good, i'll go either to 8ch or 7ch
Soros bailed out Trump and is business partners with Kushner take your zogbot posting and scram judenrat
We start praising our greatest ally.
Eh, worst case he is saying that on purpose for the reverse psychology to have opposite effect.
>implying "in minecraft" at the end isn't done by some communist ZOG faggots
We still have the Daria forums, I’m sure no one will find us there
go to voat
Maybe we can all chip in and start a pizza shop. I hear he loves pizza.
I don't know why I laughed so hard at this. Just imagine someone trying to get the daily memes and the site is down so they just go on a rampage.
Yes silence the Trumpkikes and give me my natsoc autist board back please.
unlike old reptiles, we truly are immortal.
The digies though
Soros should just buy Jow Forums
Fuck Soros. I hope Trump gets re-elected. He's done more than any of our presidents.
>when Soros becomes the new moot
i honestly can't wait desu
I've seriously been suspecting that human beings, which are incredibly adaptable, have become used to advertising and that these so-called advanced marketing techniques will soon turn out to be scams. Like the flu evolving past the vaccine's efficacy.
Jews are the enemy
I don't support trump
2020 is gonna be fought at on ytmnd. Checkum
I've never even noticed that this photo is from Britain before. God damnit. Someone should find him in minecraft and blow up his house with redstone bombs.
Wtf is this pic of?
This. There are locations in minecraft where the fiber and other cables come up from the ground and go up towers, in minecraft. Theyre right there...
I do this all the time anyways. I have several youtube LARP accounts of insufferable Marxist onions boys and violent gang-banging niggers. It's hilarious.
I think its fake..
People representing the number of Jews that died in the pool of Jewish death built by the Nazis at Novaky.
Doesn't Soros have 6 kids?
Why would he do this?
Does he want to suffer alone?
If I had 6 kids and was doing this I would be too worried they would all be assassinated.
Oh ok.
Good tactic...it would blend right in under the radar
Plus it's fun as fuck
How is this guy still alive lol
so many have come before him
he will fall like the rest.
there is a decentralised version of Jow Forums ready to go. it will appear when Jow Forums is truly kil
He can afford ridiculous shit like regular infusions of young blood etc. The truly rich have no moral qualms.
>what do
millions of Tarrants finally going outside.
That's not what I meant. How has anyone not killed this guy yet? A lot more people know about his meddling now than they did 3 years ago.
>Jow Forums
>Without Trump supporters
Do you have any idea how much protection that motherfucker has?