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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump has been planning to drain the swamp for 30+ years.

Wait Epstein is the guy who runs pedo island?

well yeah this has been common knowledge for a long fucking time retard

holy shit

Yes, both a money-making operation and blackmail operation

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He probably runs it. It's his Island.

yes, keep up
Epstein ran the pedo island in the carribean, which at one point had the temple on it, it was recently destroyed, but theres still an underground structure.

Re election secured.

Except no you fucking retard. Nobody ever really thought he would get indicted because he usually skips and also, Bill has never be hauled in about any of this shit (yet).

Trump sounds like he knew something very specific was in the works.VERY specific.

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i listened to that interview. Some people wrote it off as referring to the media making fun of him for eating pizza with a knife and fork

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He was hanging around the Clinton's for 15-20 years back in the early 90's and late 80's. He knows what they're up to. He probably wasn't ever involved. It's probably what has lead him to distance himself from the Clinton's and the DNC as a whole, and is probably also the reason Hillary Clinton said "if he win's we'll all hang".

>the temple

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that's an incredibly tiny building, definitely a huge underground area.

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>"i listened to that interview. Some people wrote it off as referring to the media making fun of him for eating pizza with a knife and fork"

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>is probably also the reason Hillary Clinton said "if he win's we'll all hang".

Was that quote confirmed to be real?

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Yep and it explains the full court press to get him out by every means they have.
If the light comes out on all this and Trump puts an end to them. It will be THEE greatest happening of all time.

Whats the year? It didnt say on link...


You know, I can't say with 100% certainty it is but I do feel like I saw a video with her saying it on a hot mic. I'll see if I can find anything.

Posted in the summer of 2016.

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Thats the upload I think..looks and sounds older

More doubles. Damn
She also recently canceled a PAID keynote speaker gig at a cyber security conference.

She probably cancelled due to public humiliation.

kek maybe one of her many deep state lackeys tipped them off to some moves about to be made?

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Trump doesn't drink. Think of all the parties he'd been to where these fucks were discussing doing this kind of shit because they got too drunk and forgot what was going on. Trump knew for DECADES what they were all about.

It's never been confirmed true but multiple sources cite a Comcast employee and an NBC official (unnamed of course). I just find it interesting because apparently she said to get rid of Matt Lauer...wasn't he fired for sexual assault allegations or something? Hmmmm....

that elevator led to underground chambers. Too bad the whole island was destroyed by professional demolition crews hired by Jeff

After the town hall debate with Matt Lauer--who didn't give Clinton the softball questions she expected--a number of staffers from NBC and also the Clinton campaign reported this outburst. The subsequent metooing of Matt Lauer ("he has a button in his office that locks the doors so he can rape people") is thought to have been Clinton's revenge.

He is a time traveler. What did you expect?

He had to have heard some shit that turned his stomach. The same way those NYPD guys described the weiner laptop

He was also a zionist before he was even president
>2004 Salute to Israel Parade

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>we’ll all hang
I thought that was quoted in a book after she lost? ‘Shattered’ maybe?


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How many NYPD saw that laptop? Because at least half of them are dead.

She didn't say that.

This clip is so fucking significant. How is it that I have only just seen it now?
Has anyone else seen this before tonight?
I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Did this just appear out of nowhere today?

Businessman in Jew owned Jew York in Jew owned Jewnited States has to make nice with the long nose tribe until he's ready to strike. You fucking shills don't know dick about the real world.

Check the video I posted. Literally shared the day after the election.

He was also a black nationalist

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I don't have any legitimate proof saying she didn't. And she seems like a sour off the cuff cunt. Especially after losing an election. I'd like to believe she did, because she should be hanged.

Trump has known about the child prostitution and ritual murder of children because his mentor ran the operation, but he stayed quiet in order to live long enough to become president

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Trump is the central informant.

The numbers in this thread. Something's up!

Epstein is mossad

Mentions the Island completely unprompted, sounds more like a projection, he knows hes also been there and did the same things.

They have to have some idea what is planned. They just don't seem to be able to stop. God knows they have tried.

Q predicted this

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So am I correct in assuming that some of these politicians may not have even been aware some of the people they were getting sexually involved with were under 18, and then that instance was used to blackmail them in order to get them to bend to Epstein and his friend's will? Or was it just kind of a "Hey, you fuck kids and I fuck kids, neither of us could really black mail one another so now we're locked in for good. If I go down, so do you" kind of thing?

I've known about Epstein's Island for many years. Does that mean I've been to it?

Please explain this numbers stuff. Ive ignored it as long as Ive come here but im curious.

>It's a deep fake goy!

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>le 6gorillionD dreidel spinning
fuck off retard. He was a jew lover years before he ever considered being president so he could btfo the kikes in his second term? t_d wants you back. He has done plenty for Israel and nothing against them.

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Trump is in control bud just sit back and watch

Did some Police Chief who resigned recently also get "suicided" recently? As well as a couple of politicians? You think they could have been key witnesses for this and they were taken out?

Trump was a close friend of Epstein and was on his "plane" several times.

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Meme magic my friend. It's what got us into this mess in 2016 and by golly there will be chaos, but it is what will get us out of this mess in the end as well.

Police Chief in New York, I should have added.

All Trump's grandchildren are Jewish.

Ya, arkansas and Oklahoma retired senators. 2 to 4 nyc cops too..i lost track

Little of both. Probably some entrapment with underage prostitutes and also some full blown pedos who he recorded.


Not an explanation...

Trump never took part in any of this shit. Digits will confirm. I am telling you, he saw how disgusting the Clinton and their entire ring are and decided to do something about it decades later.

clinton was indicted? sauce?

I'm aware
>I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel
>I sent my plane because I backed the mission for Israel 100 percent.
>In spring of 2004 at the height of the violence in the Gaza Strip, I was the grand marshal of the 40th Salute to Israel Parade, the largest-single gathering in support of the Jewish state.
>It was a very dangerous time for Israel and frankly for anyone supporting Israel. Many people turned down this honor. I did not. I took the risk and I’m glad I did.
>But I didn’t come here tonight to pander to you about Israel. That’s what politicians do: all talk, no action. Believe me.
>I came here to speak to you about where I stand on the future of American relations with our strategic ally, our unbreakable friendship and our cultural brother, the only democracy in the Middle East, the state of Israel.
>My number-one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.
>I have been in business a long time. I know deal-making. And let me tell you, this deal is catastrophic for America, for Israel and for the whole of the Middle East.
>When I’m president, believe me, I will veto any attempt by the U.N. to impose its will on the Jewish state. It will be vetoed 100 percent.
>When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.
>Meanwhile, every single day you have rampant incitement and children being taught to hate Israel and to hate the Jews. It has to stop.
>We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.
>And we will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel.
>I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel. I’ve been with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel, my father before me, incredible. My daughter, Ivanka, is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.

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He said he hasn't been dragged into any of this "yet". He's implying he thinks Bill will be indicted at some point and subpoenaed.

Is that Dr.(((Ruth)))?


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ah ok. So.. Is nothing?

Do you invite Epstein over to your hotel and praise him as a great guy? That would make it more likely.


I don't know

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Fuck your stupid fake videos retard
Until Comey's kid is off the case and we know it's in the hands of real pros and not more agents of the Clinton et al criminal cabal then this is just more bread and circus

Assad still in power, ISIS defeated, and no war in Iran. Short of Trump bombing Israel, he’ll always be a Russian... eeerrr Israeli puppet according to the discord trannies

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As the other user said it's a bit of both, some are entrapped by an underage sex slave and that is used to blackmail them, but everyone is aware of how to get a promotion.
Think back to that Ronald Bernard guy who didn't want to go through with ritual murder in order to get a promotion within the bank, that is what's going on

>Trump calling someone a great guy
A real shocker

Like it's clearly footage of Trump recently meant to look vintage i guess. really bad job again bong tards

trump doesn't know shit

thread theme (suicided)

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>2016 was soooo long ago
Um, most of his supporters were talking about pizzagate at that time. so of course Trump knew about it.

Here is another one about Hillary and Haiti. 14:40

>we know it's in the hands of real pros

Barr is running the show you fucking tard.

Freddy Mercury is AOC
>life is a deepfake

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Trump mentioned "pizzagate" back in 2011 around the same time Weiner was getting into trouble for sexting

Obama was just up in Canada saying there would be some videos come out soon that are deepfake. Holy fuck. If this shit comes to light.

What did kek mean by this

The other thing is that being aware of it and not going along with it can also be a death sentence.

Based moly88meme

Some people are going to start having unfortunate accidents.


This whole thread is sprinkled with kek digits

refer to

>if he doesn't start a war with Iran then he isn't a zionist
>if he didn't remove Assad then he isn't a zionist
>if ISIS was still around maybe then he would be a zionist
I can't possible imagine what it's like to have this much cognitive dissonance. see
>red arrows between anonymous imageboard posts
>s-see? he not a zionist!!
wew lad

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