>I want $15 an hour
I want $15 an hour
The most effective way to stop this happening is by going back into the store and demanding the worker's full name. They don't have to know what you'll use it for. But you save the next 50 customers from garbage meals.
Learn to grill
Hahahahaha! I was going to lurk... Oh well.
The real minimum wage is zero.
that looks like a machine did it and not a human
Used to work at McDonald’s after high school into college, a machine doesn’t make them. The box probably just got flipped over when it went to the hot tray and the end and melted like this. No they don’t deserve $15 an hour but this boomer Facebook bitching is fucking retarted
You'll just look like a clown asking for the worker's name.
true. dat be filet o' fish
yeah these dudes are clueless, that was my first thought too.
How incompetent do you have to be to NOT make a cheeseburger properly? It's the most simplistic sandwich to assemble.
if you have to lift 50+ pounds more than 5 times per work day it should be mandatory for at least $16-17, enough to get a decent insurance.
>work graveyard shifts
>occasionally forget food at home
>only place open at 1am is Taco Bell
>dumb niggers that work there cant ever get any order right
I don't even fucking order anything complicated. It's always either a fucking chicken taco or a tostada without any of their fucking stupid sauces on it. But they always fuck it up, give me their fucking shitty beef or spooge their shitty orange sauce on the tostada. I hate fast food workers and I hope they all suffer in a purgatory of 7.50 an hour.
Don't you want this guy get $15 an hour?
Got darn niggers cant make m'cheeseburger right hyuck hyuck
If you want 15 an hour, better start sucking more Paki dicks in between serving those Starbucks coffees
I make 15 an hour and if I fuck up people die
I might get a job at fucking McDonald's
Let's just get rid of minimum wage altogether, along with social security, medicare/medicade, unemployment insurance and taxes.
This. Don't forget debt based currency.
If I could work for a roof and a hot meal I would be happy.
Yup. Gold and silver all the way!
whatever it is that shit is burnt.
to be fair anybody who orders cheese on the side of a sandwich should be publicly caned.
>order hamburger from drive thru
>literally only person there, its 8am (work nights)
>"do you want everything on it?"
>"That's fine, just no mustard please. I hate mustard."
>receive sandwhich
>drive home
>fucking slathered in mustard
goddamn it
It’s a filet o fish, pro tip never order them unless you see them come out of the fryer because they either sat around forever or in this pic they probably tried to fry it twice to make it seem fresh
midnight taco bell is shit, from my experiences the employees there tend to be people who normally go home earlier but drew the short straw and got to be closers for a shift, so they hate their job situation and are tired as fuck because they arent conditioned to the graveyard shift.
If you have a mcD's nearby try that instead. They usually have dedicated 3rd shift workers who are used to the hours and the stress, and are much more willing and able to not fuck up their food.
Maybe if they got it your burger would be less shit
Work at McDonald's is basically for teenagers and college students who just want some bonus money. This job has really low requirements and is not that hard like for example digging holes with shovel.
People who complain about salary are just losers who can't get different job otherwise, they will just get other job.
maybe get a single order right the first time without me having to say "dude I said no onions, I'm allergic. I TOLD you I'm allergic. The label even fucking says 'NO ONIONS.'"
Do that once, then we'll talk about a raise above $10.
Would more 'Falling Down' like incidents rectify bad service?
no job should ever pay $15 an hour. low skill labor should be done by those in apprenticeship with a path to advancement in the company, mid level is graduated salary, master level receives profit shares and retirement comes with a reasonable pension (just to suppliment).
not when im grillin in the backyard
thats pretty classic, i always exaggerate the negative because i know they only hear the noun. "everything on it but i dont want any mustard" ex.
I demand $180,000 to $460,000 a year.
stupid socialists don't realize they're trying to price themselves out of their own job.
Almost every filet o fish I've ever had was messed up to some degree. What the fuck is so hard about making it?
same, like I get it if I just said everything but mustard. I worked fast food before, I know how it works. The cook also has a headset on and starts making the order as soon as he hears it.
now at 8am I doubt he had any other burgers, or food at all, on the griddle so idk how, especially since i Added the "I hate mustard"
fucking $15 an hour my ass lads
>flag is aussie
>post is entirely american boomer mentality
>order no tomato
>always find a tomato hiding in there
It's like they're deliberately fucking with you
I bet $15 a nigger made that burger
It's all going in your stomach anyway. Who the fuck cares where the cheese is?
Maybe in Poland.
In America its a full time job exclusively filled by mestizos with barely a grasp of English
I will pay you $15 an hour to stop making these shit threads
McDonalds is so streamlined that they probably have specific guidelines for how each item has to look at minimum. If the employee can't even get that right it's their problem.
they do, they even changed the time for cooking the meat here to try and improve quality
I don't even eat the shit and I can tell that's a fish patty. get your shit together on american cuisine bong.
If you haven´t developed any skill by the time you´re 18 you deserve to be paid a shit salary, I hope minimum wage keeps increasing so machines actually start pushing people to learn to do something
What are you doing that a robot can't do?
I’ll pay $15/hr for commies to shoot themselves in the faces with buckshot. Even birdshot will be accepted, I suppose.
That could mean they put the wrong patty on too.
A picture is literally worth a thousand words hahahah
Then you go back and shoot everyone there.
worked in the food industry for a few years can confirm.
My favorite is when co-workers would drop tongs and spatulas on the grimy floor and then stick it in the fryer to "sterilize it". Trust me we didn't and still don't deserve $15 an hour. Maybe $12 tops for actual non-chain back of the house, but for chain restaurants like McDonalds or Red Lobster start them all at $8.25
The industry doesn't even drug test anymore because they can hardly fill positions with druggies as it is.
A corporate owned McDonald’s is actually really good. A franchise store in a slow area sucks.
yeah I noticed that too. also depends on who the staff are. my local is mostly white teens. one near work is niggers and it's shit. also the KFC near work is Muslims and it's shit but like 1km away there is one near all these lawyers offices and it's staffed by whites and is always good
>taking a step is easy
> marathons must be easy then, they're literally just taking one step after another
Is why minimum livable wage exists, retards.
minimum wage exists to make some people feel like they have a chance.
These coupon clipping cash hoarding poverty units we call families can stick around for as long as they keep paying my airline miles
dont worry guys...
Robots with good general ai is going to replace all human labor "soon". Then you'll all starve to death and stop ruining the environment. the top 0.5% of the wealthy who own the machines will eventually use the machines to hunt down and kill off the survivors trying to live off the land off grid.
once all that uglyness is out of the way humanity can focus on exploring space.
history will look back on your eradication as the best thing that ever happened in human history.
I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.
She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.
I went to McDonald's for dinner later and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.
That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.
Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?
How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
i think you're fat, autistic, and afraid of women.
>minimum wage exists to make some people feel like they have a chance.
No, it exists so people can survive doing the shit jobs you don't want to do to give you the chance to pursue the jobs you do.
take your meds schizo
that will put positive pressure on wages in your field to go up
McDonald's "workload" is an Olympic level competition of who can shirk off as much work as possible without arising attention from the shitty middle managers
what you're saying a fish patty in a cheeseburger is not actually a fail?
that's not a fast process
meanwhile prices go up
it gives people in high-risk low-reward jobs much more options and prices always go up regardless of minimum wage changes
I want $15/hr and I'm also a transgender lesbian and I want my reparations for black and Chinese slavery, and about $50k for what whites did to the Indians. I identify as 1/3 black, 1/4 Chinese, and 1/3 Native American.
I want my fucking money RACISTS!
You know we live in an oligarchy right?
Fucking worthless suckasses and snitches, we've had thousands of years of the worst kind of eugenics imaginable.
>eats burgers at 8am
you fat fuck
in Canada the minimum wage will soon really be 15 but our currency just gets worse and worse. Canada is literally making 77 American cents to 1 American Dollar. Speaking of wage gap.
you fucking newfag
Its better they do a job poorly than have no job and resort to crime.
>allergic to onious
That's probably more than the contractor that the Koch's are paying for pays this poor douche.
Fuck useless nigger employees. 10 year olds can do this job.
>asking for their name. enjoy your cum sandwich.
>german autism
This. You should never eat this; they are doing you a favor
3oz slugs for a bonus.
Accurate. Company I worked for was going over and about to hit a meal penalty, and instead of having to pay out all 40 employees a lunch cost they sent me to Taco Bell at 1am to get four party packs or whatever they’re called. (Shitty and sneaky loophole to save a few hundred dollars but still claim you fed the workers)
So basically four dozen tacos.
Sweet girl takes my order and there is nobody in front of me and nobody behind me. Hear employee in the background “OH MY GOD IM GUNNA NEED HAAAAAAALLLLLPPPP WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT”
How fucking hard is it to make four dozen tacos the exact same way when there are no other customers?
Obviously I didn’t touch the fuckin food
Fastfood workers earn 20 usd an hour here
>implying even $15 an hour is enough to live off of.
in america unless you're super rich or exploiting government programs. you're fucking screwed. ever wonder why the majority of homeless people are white males?
>I want $15 an hour
Sees post^
This is why you want it but aren't getting it.
>Oh shit they onto me, dont ask names y-you c-clown