Based American Christian is saving souls in London.. God is great, Amen

Based American Christian is saving souls in London.. God is great, Amen.

But, Anons, why have you not given your lives to Jesus?

Attached: godbless.png (1240x658, 1.88M)

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bump for Jesus.

Jesus bump


We are an overtly prosaic people, foreigners in london might need religion ?
But generally we have little use for it.

Evangelicals need to be gassed.

disgusting. Britain is a Christian nation. i m english-Canadian and a subject of hm queen Elizabeth and I disagree with you

>Will you let your daughter suck nigger cock for Jesus
Nah, he’s just ruining Britain even more. Europe and North America will be saved once they return to their Irreligious roots.

QAnon believe that there is this vast, world-wide organisation that works to protect powerful people from being accused as pedophiles.

The thing is, this organisation actually does exist. It's called the Catholic Church and I know it's true because the fucking Pope came out and said it.

>North America will be saved once they return to their Irreligious roots.

You need Jesus, brother.

t. boomer evangelical spreading bastardized theology

I have :)

The supernatural life is natural for a born again Christian. God is amazing, and it's so tragic that most people don't seek him.

Maybe this will encourage some: (Hysterical Reactions from Encountering God)

Have a wonderful Sunday all!

Bump for Jesus.
He’s coming soon, lads. Are you ready to meet Him? He offers the free gift of eternal life.

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>Literally just using hypnosis on the ignorant.

>But, Anons, why have you not given your lives to Jesus?
I was raised Christian, but I've been redpilled. Christianity was invented to be GOY CONTROL. And it works damn good too. Plus there is no proof that any of it was true in the first place. That's why (((they))) programmed us to indoctrinate ourselves at an early age before critical thinking kicks in.

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That's just a small taste of what God does all the time.

I'm in this life my friend, I've seen miracles and God has healed people through me as well, and I've heard men of God talk to me things about my life that nobody else would have known.

It's more real than you and me, and I have absolutely no reason or desire to lie to you. Seek God my friend, he waits with open arms, but he is a gentleman and will not push himself on you, ever.

No matter what you've done, come as you are, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

this, but gonna get christfedora'd hard with schizo circle logic

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Go to a church here today and see for yourself.
Half a dozen oap's, couple of families ..
Religion is not part of daily life here.

It will be mate.

I doubt it.
In the 17th century Brits were prosecuted for going to taverns and not churches on sunday.
We're not a religious people.
Why did the pilgrims leave here for the USA?