Why didn't they take out Epstein when they had the chance?
Why even risk him spilling the beans? This isn't adding up, the Clinton's usually handle these things before far before it ever gets to this point.
Why didn't they take out Epstein when they had the chance?
Why even risk him spilling the beans? This isn't adding up, the Clinton's usually handle these things before far before it ever gets to this point.
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Do you really believe clinton/all these people WOULD WILLINGLY WRITE THEIR NAMES ON A PIECE OF PAPER
if you do you're retarded.
Doubtless Epstein has deadman switches that would see appropriate data forwarded to authorities if something were to happen to him
anything to buy him a few more moments of existence; nature of a rat.
Is/was Epstein a glow nigger. They use sex to blackmail, extort etc.
Epstein was fucking arrested today.
It's a game with no winners - and that's a good thing.
Yeah but they have to know that Epstein would try to save himself if he was cornered, no? Why even take the risk?
I suppose.
So he is going to take the fall without taking down anyone with him? I doubt that.
Yes I know, what I want to know is why they (The Clintons) allowed him to potentially endanger themselves? Unless they are that arrogant and confident they can still get away with it?
He's a billionaire. Most certainly has top notch security. Makes him harder to get to.
A goy whacking a chosenite? That would be like killing a made man.
>Unless they are that arrogant and confident they can still get away with it?
They are and they will get away with it. Nobody will talk about this by tomorrow
Give him a deal in exchange for actual or manufactured dirt on Trump. Release right before the election. If Trump wins despite, push for impeachment on more legitimate grounds than current efforts.
Just spitballing here.
She was going to win remember.
What about the NYPD cops then? She offed all of them in no short time.
>the Clinton's usually handle these things before far before it ever gets to this point.
Yeah... damn shame for them huh?
>Yeah but they have to know that Epstein would try to save himself if he was cornered, no? Why even take the risk?
Clintons were secure in their belief that they would maintain power, Epstein brought them entertainment at a reasonable price. Addicts don't usually prematurely kill their drug dealers.
Remember when Barney Frank got caught on the news with a gay pedo in his house and he just told everybody to shut up or else he'd expose them?
And then he went on to be a powerful member of the banking committee?
Part of his plea deal in his prior conviction was that he would cooperate with the FBI
Epstein was protected by the same mechanism that killed JFK and did 911. Hillary isn't that stupid. If the samson option is off the table, taking Epstein down now fits.
fuck of Jacob
They knew Epstein wouldn't let Bill in serious decline starve for young pussy. Useful man, anong.
Because Epstein’s arrest is a smoke and mirror show to help bolster support for our Zionist and chief going into 2020.
i, for one, do not want the cheeto zion man to get the nuclear codes
His name is on flight manifests to that island 22 times, quick Google search brings up the records
Taking down Trump is more important.
It's over.
You guys are so paranoid it's getting sad.
Hillary is a grandmother, an accomplished public servant and a damn good politician.
She isn't some sex vampire, reptile or crime lord.
Give it a rest.
>Why didn't they take out Epstein when they had the chance?
Because he has dirt on them all, and a network of others to nuke them all if he falls, plus they get to wet their beaks with his billions so long as they continue playing ball.
It doesn't take rocket appliances to infer a little.