If holocaust was fake then why the fuck there are jewish coffins washing ashore in Poznań ex german death camp that...

If holocaust was fake then why the fuck there are jewish coffins washing ashore in Poznań ex german death camp that was later turned into a lake by communists?

Also, fuck you mods.

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How many coffins?

Because communists faked the holocaust because the communist leadership was jews. Israel was founded in 1917 through the balfour declaration, explain that timeline.


6 million coffins

Why take the time to give them coffins if your just gonna burn them or use a jewdozer to push them into a hole?

Jews died in concentration camps because Allies bombed supply lines and train tracks. The Germans had no way of stopping the typhus epidemics in the camps and no way to deliver food, so the Jews starved and died from diseases, a couple hundred thousands from all camps combined. The Germans actually used Zyklon B to delouse the beds in the camps and prevent disease. The Allies found out the deaths they caused later and created holohoax story to pin the deaths on Germany. Soviets also helped Allies achieve this.

Wow, those evil nazis gave them proper Jewish burials?
All 6 million of them?
How kind

Less than a gorillian and 3 times more than a thousand million

why are there coffins if they were burned?

why would you put jews in coffins if you consider them vermin?

löl what a dumb fuck you are


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if you were going to kill a bunch of people, and wanted it done as cheaply, but also efficiently as possible, and absolutely had to keep it a secret, would you make a fucking coffin for each little yid?

In Sierra Leone there was a huge outbreak of ebola. WHO had to create an impromptu hospital to treat the victims, but the African villagers were suspicious of the foreigners. They started spreading a rumor that ebola "was fake" and the doctors were trying to "steal blood." Because of this rumor, a lot of sick people were afraid to get treatment, and that's how an outbreak of ebola became an epidemic that started spreading outside of Africa and into Europe and the US. Be very careful what you say. Words have power.

wait.... they told me they had a Lava pit there

>stone sarcophagi
real generous, adolf

why is this only the 5th post wtf

>be evil nazi
>gas sixty zillion kikes
>make them each a grand coffin?? while you are fighting a war on 2 fronts and running critically low on every resource??

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Why the hell would they use coffins when mass graves and furnaces were a thing?

so in your imagination, the nazi's were giving each of the millions of jews they gassed to death individual coffins and a burial?
do you imagine like the SS writing each kike an obituary and funerals they made the other jews attend?
>damn we are so lucky that the germans spent all their time and effort building jew coffins and burying them or we might be speaking deutsche now!
>careful not to open those caskets, the gas might still be in there and leak out, millions could die
thousands of holocaust museums, but the actual camps are hidden under lakes and you will be arrested in your home and imprisoned for even questioning it.

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Nowhere in the holohoax stories are the Germans accused of burying the jews in coffins. It's always mass graves, burn pits & etc.

Those coffins were deported from elsewhere.

Why the fuck would you put ashes in a coffin?

Ding Ding Ding

They say germans destroyed a Synagogue and a jewish cementary (located at Głogowska street) as building material for the camp. That's why you can find not only jewish bones but also matzeva stone plates.

Shlomo, typing from Poland, looking to get some free shekels.

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Or, you know, it could be tombstones from a german protestant cementary and tbqh the style of those tombstones look more like it.

Everything in your post about “Muh supply lines” is false.

The German labour ministry wrote to the SS to beg them to stop starving the Jews deliberately in 1942, and feed them better as they needed the workers. It was deliberate policy, not allied bombing

This question. Why coffins? Weren't they all burned or thrown in mass burials?

Not all were burned.

Basic historical fact. Why do you not know that?

> conspiracy theory
The post

That is a stone, not a coffin

So you give the rest nice coffins instead of mass graves?

Damn germans were nice

Well done OP good troll
Which I fell for, and so did Well done sir.

Explain why they tried the 6 million Jews bit pre-ww2

No. Didn’t you spot that the thing in OP picture is a stone?

Not a coffin.

Not washed up.

Of course the people shot en masses were just buried in pits, no coffins. Or burned on pyres. Germans were not nice.

But they said that the one not burned were buried in mass graves. You don't do mass graves with coffins.

Perhaps he's wondering what kind of man puts a jew in a coffin before dumping them into a mass grave/crematorium?

They didn’t. There are some stories about Jews in Russia being persecuted. How many Jews lived in Russia? Oh, that number.

Big deal, not a conspiracy.

Fast forward a hundred years “Muh giant psyop conspiracy for decades” mumbles tinfoil hat wearing neck beard. Why are you listening to the tinfoil hatted neckbeards?

And they didn’t at this camp either. Look at the photo. It is a stone sculpture- not a coffin. It washed up.

That isn’t a coffin. You got trolled.

It didn’t wash up - it is a fucking stone.

>If holocaust was fake then why the fuck there are jewish coffins washing ashore in Poznań ex polish death camp that was later turned into a lake by communists?
Fixed that for you polandbro.

Are you fucking goddamned retarded? The answer is in your fucking question, fuckface. WHY WOULD THEY BOTHER MAKING COFFINS FOR THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? You are one stupid goddamned mother fucker and should probably just fucking kill yourself!

Nope. Sorry

You’d think they’d be better with the numbers, being who they are and all.

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Are you fucking retarded - they didn’t make coffins for them. The picture is a stone.

I thought they burned the bodies?

Nope what? Nope they are not stories about Russia? Yes they are. Nope this isn’t a conspiracy theory from the 1970s, oh yes it is.

Nope they didn’t have many more stories at the same time talking about lesser (or greater) numbers of Jews. Why yes they did, and the denier conspiracy theory retards just cherry pick the ones saying “six” and don’t mention the ones saying. 1,2,3,4,5,or 7.

Not all. Many were buried in mass graves.

But not in coffins. OP is trolling

>jewish coffins

Begging your pardon bit I was under the impression they were all cremated

where are the mass graves then? I notice it's really hard to find the infrared satellite data on treblinka for some reason. shouldn't it clearly show the evidence of 900,000 jews buried there as claimed?

also, why were the germans burning millions of bodies, made up of 60% water, when they were so fuel starved that they couldn't leave military vehicles idle? it is literally thousands, THOUSANDS of times more fuel efficient to bury a hundred thousand bodies in a hole than to burn a hundred thousand bodies. why were the germans doing something so cartoonish, ridiculous and wasteful?

Why? Whoever said that?

You obviously know nothing about the subject then.

Millions were buried in mass graves, or in single graves - people were killed all over Europe. It didn’t all happen in one camp with a crematorium.

Also, OP pic is a stone. It a coffin. He is trolling. They didn’t use coffins.

No matter how many times you say it's a stone doesn't make it true, Shlomo

where are the mass graves? do you have any proof?

6 million didny die in Russia either

Yea, FUCK the nazis, FUCK the moderators

why do you need coffins for ashes?you moron

millions, damn. that's something that's going to show up clear as day on infrared satellite data. where is the proof?

are you sure that allies didn't bomb german supply lines that led to the front lines as well as labor camps, causing many people to starve/die of disease, and when the allies discovered the role they played in civilian casualties they went with some retarded story that doesn't make any sense to help villainize their enemies as well as hide the fact that they were negligent with these labor camps? and that because of the internet the retarded story is falling on it's head now because it's retarded and there's no actual evidence backing it up?

They did gas them and either mass bury them or burn them.

where is the evidence? mass graves leave clear as day infrared satellite data, it should be super easy to present evidence of these graves containing hundreds of thousands to millions of bodies if they exist.

also why were they burning hundreds of thousands to millions of bodies when it's literally thousands of times more fuel efficient to use mass graves? do you have any idea how starved for fuel resources germany was in world war two?

Niggers tongue my anus

Treblinka has been surveyed with GPR, and the results are to be published soon. The initial findings were of several mass graves the largest two being 27x25x5 metres each - enough for the ash from about 700,000 people. There are others, smaller, and also a fair amount of scattered ash and bone across the whole site. The locals did a lot of digging after the war, hoping to find gold teeth...

There was a denier who claimed to survey the site in the 1990s and claimed that it was undisturbed since the ice age - clearly lying, since the pits dug by the locals have been photographed along with the many skulls and bones they unearthed in 1945-46

There is also a difference between the fuel used for vehicles - often precious petrol, which was in short supply, and the fuel used to burn bodies. You can’t run tanks on wood, or coal, or coke. You can’t run them on old engine oil. It isn’t wasteful - you have a dedicated killing centre, efficiently killing hundreds of thousands with minimal staff, and stealing and sorting their valuables and useful property try briught with them, also efficiently selecting out slaves for war work,. What do you do with the hundreds of thousands of bodies? Bury them - polluting the ground water? (Also leaving potential evidence - the Germans learned the dangers of that at Karyn). Or hygienically cremate them, leaving less evidence.

This was a major war aim - the destruction of the Jews. It was a major war achievement. They could spare a few bags of coal at Auschwitz which was on a coal field and beside a slave manned factory that processed hundreds of thousands of tons of coal to make rubber and oil.

Look at it you mong

Just google Holocaust mass graves and see. Thousands of them.

Fuck sake, do you want a spoon as well?

it would take 10k tons of coal to cremate the bodies and diesel to operate the bone crushing machines

the entire gaschamber/cremation complex doesn't make any sense under any examination

No, they didn’t. and no story says they did.

There were six million Jews in Russia, and they were all threatened with pogroms, legal restrictions, persecution. That is what the stories say. None claim six million died.

Ohh boy they kvetched over dozens and hundreds of genocides that never happened

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Source for that figure?

If bine crushing machines existed, why assume they were diesel powered?

Most agricultural machines pre 1900 were hand powered, or even animal powered. Gravel was broken up by people with hammers. Why assume an industrial machine solution, especially when you had tens of thousands of slaves to do the job?

>6 gorillion coffins, goy!
>well, actually it was only like 5 or so
>but the 6 gorillion!

Do you listen to yourself when you speak, retard?

You've been fooled, it's ok, we all were. Time to grow up and realize it literally never happened and there's no solid evidence to support it. There are NO remains of 6 million dead jews, and there never will be

Also remember it's illegal to this up and it's illegal to search for the remains to prove they don't exist

It never happened.

The only reason they'd get a grave that nice is if they were the camp leader or some shit

so they got coffins instead of mass graves now?

>the ever evolving holohoax

You have not even read the stories have you?

Most are not about anything you could even remotely call a genocide.

Why do you not read your own sources?

6 million has been a part of Jewish mythos for 3000 years, in the 1920's they kept making news stories 6 million were in danger

It very clearly has a lid

Stones don't have lids

Therefore its not a stone, sorry Shlomo

> I have been trolled and fooled by OP, so that means it must be a jewish lie

The picture is a stone you fucking idiot. OP was trolling.

Stop being a credulous fool.

>nazis killed millions of jews and gave each one a coffin


So all5(4 mass graves don’t exist then...

You really are an idiot

let's see the proof, I don't care what some propaganda claims until I see the proof with my own eyes.

it takes a lot of resources to procure wood, coal, and coke, especially to burn hundreds of thousands of bodies that are mostly comprised of water, and a LOT of time. compared to digging a ditch and burying bodies. it doesn't make an ounce of sense. also, since you are going with the "death camps" cartoonish nonsense, why were they housing, clothing, and feeding these people when it was supposedly a "killing centre", as you claim? you literally haven't answered my question at all, you've only demonstrated that you don't understand how fuel resources function, how burning a human body functions, or how groundwater functions. you've been fed on lies your entire life and you ate it up. you even go on to point out that auschwitz had a lot of labor going on at it, that it was positioned somewhere where germans could gain fuel resources. why would they build a death camp somewhere where they needed laborers? that's just silly. why were they wasting coal on burning bodies when they could just bury them? "groundwater"? lmao, you know nothing of geology. a forest bed is literally comprised of rotting material, the meters of near-solid rock beneath don't give a fuck about that.

I'll ask again: proof? where is it? provide the proof. burden of proof lies on you. you're just telling stories that don't even make sense, no proof.

>If bine crushing machines existed, why assume they were diesel powered?

Because coal powered bone crushing machines would be gigantic. Thats the advantage of liquid fuel you can scale it down, start faster and generate more explosive energy.

Steam powered auschwitz bone crushing machines lel.

You're either dumb or willfully ignorant. but your memeflag says 'neither'

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I no it’s difficult for you to try and think through things when you have been brainwashed, however it doesn’t make any sense that people would be mass murdered and then be put into elaborate coffins.

I've only ever found pictures of allies bulldozing piles of starved bodies(that they caused by bombing german supply lines) into mass graves. that's all I can find personally. I can't find anything demonstrating that 900,000 bodies are buried around treblinka, or really anything suggesting that there were ever that many people processed at the tiny facility in the first place.

I seriously hope you go with the idea that germans had prisoners crushing up bones in assembly lines at death camps. exactly the kind of holocoaster stuff I love seeing. really demonstrates how absurd the claims surrounding the holohoax really are.

Those are air tight coffins that were able to store the gassy remains of a whole kamienica

holocaust victims prolly weren't buried in coffins.

the whole gaschamber => cremation => bone crushing stories are ridiculous

it's cartoon villian stuff so the default assumption has to be atrocity propaganda always

especially since they got the auschwitz figure wrong by 7 times during nuremberg and had to revise all western camps as non deathcamps

how come if they had to revise so much shit that they are still confident about stuff which they have so little evidence for due to claimed massive cover up operations

>"stop being a credulous fool"
>unironically believes that a nation fighting a war on two fronts expended an enormous amount of resources to transport, house, clothe, and feed people they intended to kill in expensive inefficient ways and then dispose of the bodies in even more expensive an inefficient ways, with no tangible evidence that it ever happened and plenty of reason to believe that the victorious army might be covering up a supply line bombing mistake

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they were mostly buried by allied bulldozers after starving because bombs got dropped on german supply lines that brought food to labor camps.

Soviet Jews literally faked the whole thing and it is known. President Rosenfeld was in on it of course. BTW he didn’t use a wheelchair much of the time.

it was a giant kraut coverup
>they hid it from the redcross
>hid it from their own population
>lied about it in their propaganda
>demolished the facilities
>burned the document
>didn't speak about it in their secret communication
>hid all the bodies
>crushed all the bones
>left 6000 eyewitnesses alive at auschwitz


Not an argument

Der ewige Pole

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most likely scenarios would be
>1grave robbers getting rid of evidence
>2polish catholics desecreting jewish graves
>3some river flooding and washing out shallow graves
1 is small scale coffin finds
2 is medium scale coffin finds
3 is large scale coffin finds

You mean to tell me that that solid piece of concrete or whatever it is, got "washed ashore" in a lake?

80 years later coffins washing ashore by pure coincidence

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ya it goes both way .. it is called a lie .. and its meant to deceive .. that what lie do its like magic

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no U

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6 billion coffins

What's the problem with POOLISH DEATH CAMPS?