SPAIN IS OVER? Where a latin man should go?

Hi anons,

I live in France, my familly is Spanish but I was raised here. I finished my studies and I am thinking to move to Spain, I never felt French and the immigration and the politic of France is just killing me, to a point I start to hate the country.

>I spent time with my cousins that live in Spain, all red pilled to the bone.

>All feminist + LGBTQ defenders.

>I told them I am not agree with them and explain myself with calm and logical argument and they where shocked, like if I was the Evil in person.

>I even had one of my cousin who was about to colapse after I told him I am not supporting gays, he felt a big headache and he needed to sit down.

>Spain doesn't have immigration like France but is really redpilled, with VOX any hope?

>Where are the most traditional part of Spain? País Basco? Asturias?

>Please don't tell me to go East Europe, I already tried Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia, I spent +3 months in each country and I cannot fit into the population or see myself living long term there.

>I am a latin man, a celt-iberian, I can only feel home in a latin country.

>Sometimes I question myself if I should live in Italy, I speak latin a little bit, I know very well the italian history and cultur and Italian are latin like Spanish, we are brothers.

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Find a small village in a rural area in your own country, be happy with a traditional family and a job that guarantees you and your loved ones the means to survive without any greed. Be a part of the life of your small community, and above all take care of the education of your children. The situation is the same here in Italy, you must find happiness and satisfaction in yourself and your family alone.

Chile probably.

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In France the obligate people even in some very small village to accept immigrants, what would you do if that happen to your small rural community?

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>Spain doesn't have immigration like France
Is even worse, 4 years ago we nationalize more people that Germany and France together.
>Where are the most traditional part of Spain?
Galicia, Aragon o Castilla Leon

I need to stay in Europe, don't want to be to far from my familly.

>Is even worse, 4 years ago we nationalize more people that Germany and France together.
Cataluña only, I now they nationalize anyone just to get their votes.

-->I heard a lot of migrants enter in Spain, but just "cross", the y want to go to France and Germany for the social helpings. Spain is poor compared to France and Germany and cannot help them with free money, aka, social helpings.

Move away obviously... Sell house and land, buy some land in an even more isolated area and live there. It wouldn't be easy, but still way better than living between left wingers and migrants

Fight for your country or perish with it.

Slavs act proud af but is only bullshit, I was in Prague last week I thought I was in Burkinafaso.

>I heard a lot of migrants enter in Spain, but just "cross", the y want to go to France and Germany for the social helpings. Spain is poor compared to France and Germany and cannot help them with free money, aka, social helpings.
Yes, there are a lot of these, but there are also a lot that stay here knowing that in the autonomies were the left and separatist have power they will have these social help, in cataluña they recieve more than 660 until they are 24-25.

I have the impression Spain is culturually very divided, somewhat like the US. On the one hand there is the LGBTQ crowd and the feminists (who are way more radical than anywhere else in Europe), but on the other hand there still are conservative catholics and even the centrist PP are still socially right wing (whereas the catholic centre in Belgium, Germany, e.a. all became cucktholics)

Yes, and? What does it have to do with your issue of running away at sign of problems?


The redpilling here is weird, people is very aware of the jews and the big corporations and polítical agenda, while none is againts lgbt, then people is racist, but are against letting people drown in the mediterranean, however spaniards do whatever it takes to preserve their traditions and culture

Dont mind the flag im just in peru for a little timeq

To be honest, that video made my blood boil.

Your comment is very accurate, there is 2 "Spains"

But sadly, left wing grows larger every day, right wing is mostly boomers.

We are done as a nation.

But I heared Galicia, Aragon o Castilla Leon is still okay.

I think people in those comunidad are moreconservative.

I know, true, speaking with people they are aware of certain things, but on the other hand they go in total opposite direction. I don't understand why.

Northern Portugal and Northern Italy are pretty decent. Spains rightwing is getting crushed. I work with a few Spanish and they were pissed off with me for a few days for being farfar-right. After that, their fakeness broke down and they were as prowhite as anyone. It is largely just a defence mechanism not a deep seated belief.

Galicia is being subverted by separatist nationalism. Old galician people are very based, but newer generations are just NWO liberals.

Also Galicia, Aragon or Castilla are dying, there is almost no birth, most of the people are 50+ or 60+ years old. They will be replaced by inmigrants.

If only you knew how bad things really are...

This brings joy to my heart. I hope native spaniards become a minority in their own land.
I hope they get even more mutted and their language dwindles into nothing, until it vanishes completely. Forever.

I wish you nothing but the worst.
Have a bad day, may you slip on a banana peel on your way out the door, all of you, collectively

VOX entered in the parliament and seems to change a lot of things. They are winnng more and more people.

You stole Spain's empire and now you wish them the worst? What is with you mutts.?

I am sure about one thing, you are not celtic, germanic, slav or nordic, only the tribe of Abraham behave like this and have no compation for whites.

I wouldn't say it's over for Spain though. It's good that there still are genuine right wingers. In Belgium and Holland for instance, even the right is pro lgbt. If you would speak out against gay marriage or abortion the entire political scene and the msm would brand you as an extremists and your carreer would pretty much be over. So Spain still has real conservative nationalists that can put up a resistance.

But the most important aspect is demographics though. Just compare your average large Spanish city to the equivalents in France, Belgium, Germany, UK... and you'll see that you are well off.

Que te jodes, macho iberico. Mas vale que te entierran con el podrido cadaver de Franco. Vete a la mierda con tus ideas antiguos, que mueren en paz.

>stole Spain's empire
IIRC, the spanish sold it to "der ewige amerikanische", and the spanish-american war was there for the sake of appearance.

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But the mutts falsely blew up their ship as justification if they gave Mexico money as well. Are you Spanish descendant? Dont idolize amerimutts.!

¡Chinga tu madre columbiano!

>Where a latin man should go?
to hell

Well, proud Czech, last week I was in Prague I thought I was in Nigeria. Immigration to the max + black drug dealer moving and selling freely in front of clubs.

I spoke with Czech girls (banged one) she told me that she is not attracted by Czech men, and I am not surprised you are cucks that let foreigners what ever the fuck they want in your country, from brits to african and arabs

Onions sevillano, hijo de puta...

whatever you say rabbi

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>El izquierdista es un newfag

>I live in France
Drop the meme flag first then.

Why you say this!?

>all red pilled to the bone.
>All feminist + LGBTQ defenders.
choose one, idiot>I am not supporting gays, he felt a big headache and he needed to sit down.
literally a weak faggot

you are literally a parasite that moves around looking for a host to destroy imo

>But the mutts falsely blew up their ship as justification if they gave Mexico money as well.
I do not understand.

>Are you Spanish descendant?

>Dont idolize amerimutts
I do not, I am just wondering if what I posted was true.

>I was in Europe last week I thought I was in Ecuatorial Africa.

I love Spain just don't talk bad about it OKAY?

STOP RIGHT THERE long nose JEW! You are not a true Med or Master race if you are quitting so fucking easily. You little bitch! Grab a pair and go get a job and start focusing on being financially independent. I did it. I went from a janitor peasant with peasant parents who were min wage workers all their life to making 6 figures. If i can do it so can you pussy! And no i dont have a college degree so no Excuses from you either pussy use internet do research.

>Just cherrypick goyim
>its not that hard :^)

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Well, to be such cucks I am sure you from Barcelona o Andalucía.

¡España! ¡Una!

¡España! ¡Grande!

¡España! ¡Libre!

¡Arriba España!

No te vayas confundir opiniones progesistas con cosas de los dinosuarios. Si quiereis que españa progreso más hay que abrazar el presente y mirar por el futuro. Las ideas machistas/populistas no te lleva a nungúna parte, solo al autoinfierno.

Y donde compras lo que fumas? Yo quiero!

Is what the mulato says.

>Latin man
You Arabs need to leave Europe. There is nothing connecting the Romans and your people. Maybe go to South America and join your retarded cousins?

Tu tienes de español lo que yo de irlandes

Divide and conquer another thread Anglo...

Thank you Superman, who is telling you I am quitting??? I am here to search for some opinion.

Italian western Alps or Swiss Alps.

Será que mi español es lo que uno puede aprender en cuarenta años de vivir aquí. Cuantos años tienes tu en irlanda?

I agree with you.

Si españa no va a progresar más, está al borde del colapso. Mira los ayuntamientos catalanes que les dan 660€ a los menas. ¿De verdad crees que así se puede sostener el estado del bienestar? Los ancianos estarán jodidos de aquí a 2030, puede que antes.

Y voy yo y me lo creo, ya has demostardo suficiente extranjero, vuelve a tu puto pais

Iberians aren’t Europeans. Your culture and genes do not match the rest of us. Remember: loud culture = not white, quiet culture = white. You might mistakenly think you’re in good company because our countries are in such a state, but quietness is white and stupid is loud

>I live in France
Nice larp but I can smell the poo

Seguramente llevo mas años caminando y viviendo en tu pais que el mio de origen, asi que te calle la boca si no tienes argumentos contundentes.

Well English retard you should be busy with Pakistanis men enjoying your women? Or to put camera in every streets, or with your 300lbs women?

How do you even have time to spread your hate? I am amazed.

PS: French and Scottish would be forever superior to you.

>Yo onions sevillano
El unico que se tiene que callar la boca es el raton del establo que se considera caballo

Wrong bong, Anglo especially English who go on holiday are notorious for being loud and obnoxious so by your own rules what does that make you?

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fake and unreal. The whole story is rather retarded, too.

Show flag, fagotto.

Venga, mas insultos bordes. Por supuesto. si es la unica forma que sabes para entrar en una charla, pues vale, lo admito...

You didn’t even read my post did you? We have louts because of liberal consumerism degeneration. These low class individuals didn’t exist until the welfare state.

They will be dealt with when this country turns itself around. We certainly are not proud of them, while Iberians LIVE for loud debauchery every day

is that the best you can muster?

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Si no mintieses, quizas se te vaya a tratar mejor, pero como ya se que vas a mentir por interes propio, tu palabra no me vale mierda

Pero ahora que lo pienso, porqué no nos metemos en inglés para los demas pueden disrutar? O tienes miedo?

The chick on the left looks like my wife.

De que mentiras y intereses propios hablas?

Look British cuck, Spain is at least 75% R1b (the celt haplogroup). Spain is a big country, you have Iberians, Celts, Turdetanian, even Phoenician back in the aniquity (the founder of the city of Cádiz).

The country is 75% celt, and if we don't count south of Spain I am sure is sometthing like 95%.

An remember that Phoenician are the father of the alphabet that you are using today incestuous british dog.

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Fear of what you dirty sandnigger?
People who have IQs beyond 80 can grasp several languages without major problems

I'm from Pamplona, Navarre (in the border with france) and niggers are just all over the place next to muslims. It's horrible. I get angry every time I take the public transport because I realize how niggers have 4 or 7 kids and white feminist whores are staring at their phones or talking about how drunk they were last night.
Not only have I seen this in my province, but in every other I have been to.
Spain is lost if we don't change our minds and go back to the inquisition.
VOX isn't going to save us, it's just more jewish propaganda. They post videos of gay interracial couples in their twitter just so people don't call them bigots.
Bad times for Spain.

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Forget will be Sweden of the South in 10 years.

How (I am new here) you fagotto?

whatchu doin' to change that?

Is okay, be a proud mulato at least, go do some capoeira or dancing and you will be fine.

Let's be clear. I am american and live in Spain. I have for 40+ years. I'm in the Spanish social security system and have been for 25+ years. I am a software engineer and have been for almost 50 years. So tell me, dipshit (o mejor, hijo de puta) what the fuck gives you the right to call me out on my skills. Je dis la meme chose au francais, o castellano. Cabrón!

Go back to your country

Estoy contigo "8NygaHOB", pienso que "74zzQ19L" es una mierda.

That’s bs, they got raped by moors for 500 years. I don’t see the moor rape baby genes even though their faces show pieces of Turk. And yes, congrats you were somebody a thousand years ago. Well done, but now your countries are shitholes

After all that I've contributed to yours? Hardly fair. What have *you* contributed to Spain? (besides taxes, of course)

Ey, I'm from pamplona too, most niggers are in one or two neighborhoods, and they don't even cause much trouble here. I agree VOX is not redpilled enough and Abascal is pretty dumb.

What is the context?

>What have *you* contributed to Spain?
I just told you, a rat, to leave my country

>They post videos of gay interracial couples in their twitter just so people don't call them bigots.
>Bad times for Spain.

Can you send a link? I cannot believe it.

>They post videos of gay interracial couples in their twitter just so people don't call them bigots.
Bad times for Spain.

I tried to redpill people but they just get angry or laugh at me
Can't do much appart from going to the gym and going to church

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Vaya niñato. Se nota que es verano...

Cs is a pro EU liberal party, and they try to go to the gay parade, but the gays didnt want them there so they kicked them out

>if it's new it must be good
Newfags are the actual proof you are wrong.

Your wife is ugly

If u don't care about money go to Greece. Despite the population being retarded they are redpill as fuck and u can make jokes about pretty much anything outside of a few circles in Athens(which u should avoid anyway).

Also Greek sluts will sleep with u just because you're Spanish, they have a thing for that.

So, you haven't done shit besides chupar del bucaero

Is sunnday, even is it wasnt summer i could be here, faggot. And is funny that you are saying that when is had been proved that you are a newfag

How come you can't speak proper spanish?

Your lies
Don't pretend to be a Spaniard

So Cs got cucked by faggots. Ok

Learn to spell. You haven't proved shit, BTW.