Hi anons,
I live in France, my familly is Spanish but I was raised here. I finished my studies and I am thinking to move to Spain, I never felt French and the immigration and the politic of France is just killing me, to a point I start to hate the country.
>I spent time with my cousins that live in Spain, all red pilled to the bone.
>All feminist + LGBTQ defenders.
>I told them I am not agree with them and explain myself with calm and logical argument and they where shocked, like if I was the Evil in person.
>I even had one of my cousin who was about to colapse after I told him I am not supporting gays, he felt a big headache and he needed to sit down.
>Spain doesn't have immigration like France but is really redpilled, with VOX any hope?
>Where are the most traditional part of Spain? País Basco? Asturias?
>Please don't tell me to go East Europe, I already tried Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia, I spent +3 months in each country and I cannot fit into the population or see myself living long term there.
>I am a latin man, a celt-iberian, I can only feel home in a latin country.
>Sometimes I question myself if I should live in Italy, I speak latin a little bit, I know very well the italian history and cultur and Italian are latin like Spanish, we are brothers.