It's Happening
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My body is ready
For the love of god let the PM be Trudeau
the judge was a true hero.
Can't wait
It said “prominent”
The truth must be revealed
False flag immenant
nothing will happen because jews
Synogogue of sstsn must be put to the sword of vengeance
Where are the documents
oh baby lets get this started
I don’t think any underage boys have been abused.
That judge's name was Adolf Hitler.
This. It won't take a week or two like usual either. Jesus christ it's really happening.
ok mr president this is epic
Mass arrests tomorrow?
A whole lotta people will be suicided soon i bet
Not looking good for zognald
(((The Huffongton Post)))
hopefully we get names soon before the kikes fly another plane into a tower
To anybody doubting the source, here's Forbes saying exactly the same thing: "Jeffrey Epstein Documents Could Expose Powerful Politicians, Businessmen"
It has already begun.
>ongoing medical condition
seems legit
The pedo protecting media tried their best...
>ongoing medical condition
Oh okay then
>The world will never be the same after this July 4
Well, shit. Last few days have felt strange, and the earthquakes, now this... Can't wait for Monday morning your time to see what this becomes...
This is it fellas ,acosta the main prosecutor who let eipstein on the plea deal now works as United States Secretary of Labor and was consider for Former United States Attorney General positions.
again Cabal is going down by the hand of brave patriots of rogue nyc police department , Trump is gonna be indicted .
wwg1wga trust the plan
Committed suicide by climbing into a suitcase, shooting themselves in the back of the head four times and then throwing themselves into a lake.
Please be Juthtin, please be Juthtin, please be Juthtin
if i kms this is how ill do it i think
so does this mean cerno and dersh will go down??
They can have Trump if they also take down the rest of the elites. If it's just Trump we know it was a hit job.
is therno a pedo?
Pud me in the screedshod
So, PizzaGate disclosure, neat.
fucking media always gets a weasel word in there
Hi, I'm spreading this in every thread because shills are afraid:
Great copypasta to btfo the shills who try to insinuate Trump participated in Epstein's Island. The shills are absolutely terrified and desperate:
Because tards keep extrapolating Epstein's black book aka day planner with the FLIGHT LOG.
I promise you when I worked in a certain business my black book was full of every number of every person I ever met just in case at some point in the future I would be told to "contact blah blah and ask for blah blah"...
Trump would obviously be in his day planner as would any other number around Trump that Epstein could get his hands on.
Trump is NOT in the flight log to Lolita Island, not even once. He "hitched a ride" back from Daytona Beach TO NYC with Epstein's son one time...and I have little doubt they tried like holy hell to get Trump to Lolita Island. Epstein assaulted a young girl at Mara Largo and Trump had him banned for life.
At Epstein's first arrest Trump went voluntarily to the police to give a statement and at the time the Police commented "He could not have been MORE forthcoming".
Trump then hires Acosta, the asswipe that gave Epstein such a sweet deal that he got zero time...and then he waited.... Acosta probably sang like a bird and Trump et al waited until the "right time" to strike.
Trump knew what Epstein was up to "he's a fun guy, likes his girls young, really really young". People held that against him as if it were some form of agreement when in fact, in typical Trump fashion he slapped Epstein publicly..iron fist in velvet glove. He was NOT a politician and he had to do business with these people and he still managed to say something about what he knew was going on.
They're not going to make public a document that could cause World War 3.
yawn, nothing ever happens. Epstein will spend another 12 months in "prison" where he's allowed to go to "work" at his office from from 6am to 10pm.
>Trust the plan
>Even though there isn't one
>Just a bunch of turbo boomers
Okay user, take your meds now.
We’ve had like 3-7 false flags already
Read the post imbecile this isn't about Epstein anymore
Imagine being a Trump defender and not actually being an american. Finland must be boring as shit, huh?
Great copypasta to btfo the shills who try to insinuate Trump participated in Epstein's Island. The shills are absolutely terrified and desperate:
Because tards keep extrapolating Epstein's black book aka day planner with the FLIGHT LOG.
I promise you when I worked in a certain business my black book was full of every number of every person I ever met just in case at some point in the future I would be told to "contact blah blah and ask for blah blah"...
Trump would obviously be in his day planner as would any other number around Trump that Epstein could get his hands on.
Trump is NOT in the flight log to Lolita Island, not even once. He "hitched a ride" back from Daytona Beach TO NYC with Epstein's son one time...and I have little doubt they tried like holy hell to get Trump to Lolita Island. Epstein assaulted a young girl at Mara Largo and Trump had him banned for life.
At Epstein's first arrest Trump went voluntarily to the police to give a statement and at the time the Police commented "He could not have been MORE forthcoming".
Trump then hires Acosta, the asswipe that gave Epstein such a sweet deal that he got zero time...and then he waited.... Acosta probably sang like a bird and Trump et al waited until the "right time" to strike.
Trump knew what Epstein was up to "he's a fun guy, likes his girls young, really really young". People held that against him as if it were some form of agreement when in fact, in typical Trump fashion he slapped Epstein publicly..iron fist in velvet glove. He was NOT a politician and he had to do business with these people and he still managed to say something about what he knew was going on.
I don't know somebody said he was involved in some way
So...who killed him?
top right gets my pick. would stuff
Crust first? Wtf, Mr. President?
CA “earthquakes”?
i dunno i think he use to make vids talking about pizzagate didnt he
If a judge said that then probably there is something about Trump in there
Yeah... and Q is a LARP. We get it
It’s stuffed crust you fucking pleb
>its a tweet
Well sourced, my friend.
So little faith.
we will see the truth soon. expect lots and lots of “suicides” or “accidental deaths” these may be at the same time or over time. Also another judge could come to overrule unsealing to the public. prepare for the worst and only be certain of the outcome if they are found guilty
Just wait until they start blaming this on the "far right" for calling out pedophiles and articles talking about consent and why pedophilia is okay "and that's a good thing"
The blame will shift away to protect the left
We always lose and these faggots never go to prison
An ally may turn.
imagine being a kike shill.
God bless.
Should've put this in the OP
Why the FUCK would Trump send his own DOJ into an investigation that leads back to him?
If this is deep state elements working against Trump, why the FUCK, didn’t they do this 2 years ago and oh by the way, in doing so they are putting themselves in danger of exposure.
Trump is clean and it’s happening!
>medical condition
Sounds plausible.
Would be nice but my money is on Tony Blair.
imagine being (((you)))
20yo die of unexplained medical conditions all the time....
JK Simmons killed him?
FUCK! I was so psyched to see him in Spider-Man again!
So, when's the unsealing going to happen?
another one
Clinton is the one in deep shit
that the best youve got toothpaste faggot shill?
>So...who killed him?
Corey Feldman
>Why the FUCK would Trump send his own DOJ into an investigation that leads back to him?
Don't think.
Wow, I'm so sleepy now.
why not both ?
Yeah it works well when the media won't report on the Google leaks, the sex cults and pedophile rings, the Panama papers never went anywhere and all other leaks or anything that could bring change are memory holed from the general public
I wanna just live on my farm and not worry, but kikes keep fucking with my cortisol and ruining my country
could also be another source that’s leaking this to the public. trust me i get it, but we have to be open to the idea that trump is involved as well, they might’ve never used it against him because they knew he would testify against everyone else
ant wait to see the look on your stupid fucking face when you see Clinton going down.
so then you've got nothing huh?
He'll never make it to court alive
Trump is gonna be indicted .
Yeah after 2.5 years of Russian Collusion bullshit, the Dems go after Trump with real pedo allegations.
Well, it's tomorrow.
I’ve chosen suicide by cop.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
jew pedos.
I truly hope that this judge has a close-protection team that's not been subverted by Kikes, otherwise, they'll probably shoa him.
It's most certainly Tony Blair, this was known a long time ago, but getting it into the MSM here, especially with the blackmail footage aspect (although the BBC will definitely try and memoryhole this aspect) could lead to a domino effect that leads back to Iraq, MI5/6 and Mossad being behind the blackmail to affect policy.
Think of all the plea deals, if this isn't limited hangout it could smash the intelligence agencies.
Found something here
>Mike Cernovich Role In The Epstein Case
Why didn't they do that before he became President, retard? And why does Trump openly call out Epstein?