I thought pizza gate was over

i thought pizza gate was over

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it just took a short hiatus

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Pizzagate has been debunked multiple times.


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Oh please Shlomo

Traitors justice, and it will be dispensed on you

I'll have the veggie pizza. If they even have one that is.

With the news about actual, important pedophiles being busted, you can expect that distractionary pizzagate bullshit to pop right back up.

Vegge pitsa on the mener :)

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vongle plongler

vengtimbler punkle

vejgn piytjkfkffn

Sure, sure, Brock

buble, piza

what is veggie code for?


vlorp pists


Hello GCHQ.

piz,sa.. eat Munch

>when all you have to do to send your opponents into a frothing rage is talk about pizza pie

If I was Podesta or Hillary, I would order out pizza every single week and tweet about it in different ways just to fuck with you guys.

o shit here they come

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anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the truth

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

Cheeky flag there skippy

>5 reddit spaced paragraphs that will make you say "fuck law and order and kids"

Nope even Reddit is looking into it now


what do glowies even mean when they say this? I've never heard any explanation of all the talk of pizza in the emails. No other meaning than little kids would make sense.

Nigga did you read those comments? They're all meep meep meeping like the anchovies from Spongebob, getting absolutely nowhere. What a fucking useless people. Muh Trump Muh Trump Muh Trump! They should be thankful there are people like us around who actually get shit done.

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>no meat on the bones
they cook the children after raping them then eat all of their muscles?

On the lake. Isn't China lake (earthquake epicentre) where they were brainwashing kids

what did he mean by this? i've been researching for hours and am feeling a little overwhelmed of where this can go

>tfw ate pizza on the beach over the fourth

I’m not saying this guy is innocent, but sometimes pizza is just pizza


Buddy, you're positively glowing

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maybe age, hair color, etc? Sometimes I wonder if that "pizza related map" they talk about in the emails was actually a legend of some kind, this type of pizza means this type of kid, and so on.

pizzagate is /x/ tier bullshit

And your a brainlet

says the guy believe politicians and "elites" have an international ring of child kidnapping to drink their blood for their reptilian masters or whatever, and that it is all hidden in a pizza place.
Leave this place while you still have 2 working neurons


>100 shekels has been deposited in to your account

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Did you even read your link? reddit is a useless shithole and op is pretty much getting shit on.

Veggie = vegetables. As in children put into a medically induced comatose state.

Pizzagate is schizo bullshit and retards lapped it up
>friendly reminder nothing ever happened and pizzagate faggots are left to seethe and cope

jesus christ niggers, pizza is one of the most popular foods on the planet, is everyone a fucking pedophile in your world?

Sure enough Bill Clinton might be a sex offender and most likely is. But pizzagate as a whole is bullshit.
>muh satanic pedocrat pizza parlor controlled by the reptilian space nazis

Same b.s. as the Q larp


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I don't understand this mentality. Everyone says pizza gate is debunked but never explain further. How the fuck is this shit in any way debunked. The artwork in Podesta's house, the emails about the kids in the pool, the "say my name" video. It's fucking real dude. Wake up.

>debunk something that has yet to be proven
that’s not how it works

>canadian doesnt understand humor and satire

imagine my surprise

If it's real report all the materials and proof you have to the FBI and police
>n-no they are pedophile democrat space nazis as well! I'm the only sane person!
Watch less Alex jones my friend

Keep digging, you´re still in the metaphorical world.

Enlighten me then, oh superior omniscient being

They lie because demons lie

Vegald Plunglefdrimpf

fuuuuuuuck dude

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See? They try to get out of it with rhetorical fuckery. No actual explanation of anything mentioned. Fucking laughable my dudes.

So why have you not reported all the irrefutable evidence of pizzagate being real to the FBI and the police, which are the ones that could do something about it. If you are so sure why do you spam it on the chans instead of bringing the case to the proper authorities? What's the hold up?

>trust the pans

Kek. Remember the CBTS bullshit?

[Minus] peanuts
Sneezing rhino


Debunked has debunked multiple debunks.
t. Deeebunk

Pizzagate was never real

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Ugh. I was just forgetting this stuff.

Who the fuck tweets about having veggie pizza on a lake or anywhere. Pretty lame tweet by itself.

How do you know when it’s really just pizza? Explain.

You think the FBI is not aware of the podesta emails?? Think they don't know about the whack ass pedo art all over his house? The reason we talk about it here is because there's nothing else we can fucking do. The cops, FBI, etc already know about this shit. Go ask THEM what the hold up is.

Also, Operation Broken Heart did take out a shit ton of pedos recently. Just no high profile ones.

>FBI knows about pedo rings
>doesn't intervene
I doubt it. Anyone more evidence is always welcome I am sure. And if you have damming evidence you should contact them asap and provide it if you actually care about stopping this.

But it's made up and you know it, so you won't because you are afraid you'll get a lawsuit for defamation

it's not over till every pedo is dead, op

Actually its the other way. I call libs pizza lovers and they start shaking

not once

>anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang
wtf is wrong with leafs?

shit, if yo don't know that already, you are really retarded

keep up

rich powerful men have no reason to tweet about pizza

fbi runs pizzagate, retard

>more evidence is always welcome
THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT, BRAINLET. There's enough evidence to strongly suspect pedo shit is going on, but not enough for them to act on. That's what we're doing here. Looking for more evidence.

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>I doubt it.
oh, my sweet summer chile

>one of the clintons might be a sex offender
>but that doesn't mean pizzagate was real

It literally means that you pozzed fucking retard.

Found the hook nose

>some foreigner polack knows what our FBI is doing in the US
>even though he doesn't know that the FBI allows people to commit crime they can prosecute on

This is the end for you and your lies. Filthy kike.

>hey we have mountains of extremely convincing circumstantial evidence of large pedophile networks in US politics, and literally everything we collected was in the public domain, do you think maybe you could investigate this?
>"What? you think theres a secret sex dungeon in my pizza parlour hahahahaha
>*invites msnbc to come in*
>see nothing
>no, that's not what we said
>what, are you still talking about that debunked pizzagate? hahaha fucking pizza gater

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Haha is this the guy from playstation access?

you know pizzagate is real, because every news outlet tried to "debunk" it

I'm glad this faggot isn't leading my state anymore. I'm more pissed about who's leading it now, but at least the fucking roads are getting fixed. Holy shit.

Why? What is your problem.

A celeb promotes veggie pizza and vegan/vegetarian food on Twitter.

It's a good thing.

Sometimes a pizza is just a pizza, it doesn't have a hidden meaning. Not everything is part of a conspiracy theory.

>that pic
Too bad it's true. Literal state of this country right now.

>anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang
Good thing there will be no fucking leafs left in just a couple of generations. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>day of the gas soon


Lol no it hasn't it just keeps getting more and more obvious its true

Lol you lose

It’s just getting started

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How ya doin' rabbi?
Say hi to your friends at e-shuushuu for me.

on the lake = on a boat where the kids cant escape because they cant swim

I know Im preaching to the choir, but what is going through an ADULTS head when they unironically use social media? I understand doing having an account for your brand, business, keeping up with family, etc. But a fucking useless, twitter post about pizza on the lake?

Just NPC things, I guess

No it's now the pizzacaust. Shit got worse. It's like pizzagate and the holocaust combined into the ultimate terrorizing evil.

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You're not as exciting as you think you are.

Fool. You're too small now. We must live in the faults of our ancestors.

James! RUN!