Are American schools really like this?
Are American schools really like this?
full of niggers yes
I only see 1 tho.
Imagine being that much of a beta in a fight. Stop bullshitting with your fists and just tackle him to the ground. If you're lucky he'll crack his head against the pavement
1 too many.
He's trying to block you stupid fuck. If he actually fought back the 10 niggers in the background would all gang up on him.
Yes and every nigger is 1-2 years older than his fellow classmates because they often fail to pass grades and get held back to repeat the grade. So you end up with a bunch of large 18 year old niggers sitting in class full of 14 year old white kids
there were no coloreds at my school except for like two asians and a dunecoon
also this
True, kek.
that's for slavery you dumb Wh*te bitch
Is your skin made of paper?
god this vid makes me fucking hard.
Not all. I went to schools that were majority Hispanic. Though seeing these oompa loompas walk around everywhere talking in accented English was annoying as fuck, at least they kept the minority nigger population in line.
Why can't burger "men" fight back? This is painful to watch. Just fucking learn how to hit a monkey, you spoiled liberal cucks. Get inspiration from your grandfathers.
only ones that allow niggers
>pussy ass white boy
>strong af african alpha hardened by racism
Seems American to me.
>tfw grew up in New Zealand
>tfw high school was literally 100% white with 1k students
Except they travel in packs. You hit one the rest pounce on you. Of course you wouldn't know eurofaggot, seeing as how you've never even seen these animals in person.
Who do you think is holding the camera?
Yeah if you live in an area full of niggers.
I grew up near Atlanta, and my school was about 50% niggers. Only reason I never got my ass kicked was because all the "rednecks" (ie white kids who didn't like niggers) stuck together and we wouldn't let them jump us. I had a friend get his ass kicked by four niggers tho after he left school one day. One on one they'd get btfo, but as you know niggers are pack animals.
10 more are outside of the frame waiting in case the white kid wins
Yes, schools with a lot of blacks. There's like a critical mass when it comes to niggers, and not knowing about it is why liberals love their niggers. Let me explain.
One or two niggers surrounded by a bunch of white people will tend to pretty calm and "chill". You always seem to hear blacks described as "chill".
>all you racists are dumb, I knew a couple black dudes in school and they were pretty chill. We'd smoke blunts.
As I've said, they are chill because there are only a few of them. You take that same school with those "chill" black dudes, and start adding more and more black guys. Those black guys who you thought were so chill and cool won't talk to your dumb white ass no more. There comes a point when you reach a nigger critical mass and they begin acting like this. Wanton violence, hooting and hollering, and doing pretend basketball shots in the hallway.
So? Form a pack too and haunt them, dumbass. Just throw off your burger, forget about your Blacked porn for a minute, put balaclava on head and beat some of them. Stand up for yourself because your kiked system will not.
I will say this warms my heart tho, because every time a nigger attacks some white kid, a new racist nigger hater is born. You'll find the "racists" are always the ones who've had to deal with niggers first hand.
You can't do that or you'll be called a racist. For some reason white people in the US don't have nigger pack mentality.
For example if you're out on the street and get into a confrontation with a nigger, and there's nothing but white people around, they won't get involved. They'll just stand there like dumb asses and watch. You can see it in almost every video where some nigger is beating on a white kid. Every other white person just watches. Now on the flipside if you get into a confrontation with a nigger every random black in sight will want to come over and get involved.
Blacks attack in packs. If you make one see their own blood they will run away while threatening to do a drive-by on your house or something.
I can't speak for the kids of today, but back then we used to fight them. Most of the time niggers no matter how scrawny or weak, think they're a badass.
Notice how many of these videos of niggers punching other kids they wail on them and the victim is barely phased most of the time. I remember some nigger punched me right in the face, and it hurt a little but it didnt stop me from delivering one right back to his face and it knocked him right on his ass.
Fight back.
wtf is that retard doing chest compressions for!
that nigger belongs in prison
it wont be long
he will breed so many white whores before that kek
try to fight 10 niggers all by yourself then tell me how much of a chad you are
I went to a white minority school in Bridgeport, CT. The behavior there was true to the stories everyone tells: Blacks not giving a shit about class, hooting and hollering, banging on their desks. Teachers basically phoning it in or focusing on the very few students who were there to learn. One of the black teachers just sat around during his class, talking shit at the students. The school was brand new, and in a year's time had broken windows, dirt and graffiti. And yes blacks picked fights, and I always fought them back. That's the only thing they understand.
>Varg drones will defend this
>You can't do that or you'll be called a racist.
The rest is not even worth reading, you utterly worthless mutt. kys and do the rest of western civilization a favor
I cant imagine how awful it would be to be born american
Blacks compose 12.3% of the US population
Males compose 50% of the US population
Teens&Adults compose 81% of the US population
Blacks compose 51% of US homicide offenders
Males compose 96% of US homicide offenders
Teens&Adults people compose 99% of all US homicide offenders
Research done by the FBI and world census has shown no link between violent crime and level of income unless the individual was raised in a ghetto of preastablished gang activity.
With that math, a demographic of 5% of the population is committing nearly 50% of all homicides.
If all black baby boys were demanded to be aborted by law, crime levels would plummet on a scale never seen before
>Teens&Adults people compose 99% of all US homicide offenders
To be fair, I don't think chlidren and the elderly would be very effective at killing people
this lmfao.
its literally just another shithole latin american country with English as a spoken language.
That wasn't blocking. He's a pathetic faggot. If he had any fighting instinct whatsoever, he would've done as the other user said and tackled that nigger. Consequences be damned
For all the eurocucks asking "why doesn't the white kid x?" do you see what happens when the white kid gains the upper hand? The feral pavement apes all jump in.
Schools are purposely feminizing (predominantly) white men and punishing them for physical strength/self defense. Being a pussy beta is promoted. The blacks are simply expressing their culture and historical outrage at whitey.
It's literally the same in your country, euroqueer
Oh look, this thread again.
Mate you can't win in a fight against four-five other people.
wonder who could be behind it?
finally a nigger appreciation thread
Why doesn't the white kid have friends that will stand up for him?
Racist against blacks? Yes, terribly so, just as that video demonstrates.
>historical outrage
jews taught you a lot, I see.
Go back to Africa
No it fucking isn't, you corn syrup mongoloid. Nobody's backing out of a fucking fight with a shitskin because muh racism, you thick cunt.
Don't project your cuck mentality onto Danes, you worthless sack of shit
He was actually trying to finish the job.
That webm is pretty accurate. It's like being trapped in a daycare full of retarded kids. The "heroic teacher who reaches the students" is a meme. Teachers do the bare minimum to earn a paycheck because they know the students are too stupid to learn, or just don't give a shit about getting an education. Students who did actually participate were looked down on by the blacks for "acting smart" - let that sink in. All they did was eat candy (they fucking LOVE candy), run their mouths, make noise, destroy the environment, and fight. And the smell was constant. I learned a lot about blacks in that school, I am glad I only spent a year there.
Mehmet, stop spamming your random garbage nigger folder from 2011. You genuine autist.
We need more people like the blonde dude here.
>This is painful to watch
tell me about it
and then they wonder why no one wants those animals here. The thought of having entire neigborhoods and schools full of niggers is sickening
Yes. If you're lucky you'll go to an all white school, or home school. If not, expect daily chimp outs
>You genuine autist.
Dont tell me what to do Denmark
lol @ the golden one going ape shit
It does seem like the majority of the middle school to high school “prank/meme/fight” videos you see on YouTube/twitter/vine/tikwhatever/Snapchat are these white minority schools
But maybe they’re just more apt to post them online. I don’t watch a lot of these so maybe I’m biased.
go back to france
What happened here?
>leaves the driver seat
>leaves door open
>bails on the other people in the car (probably his family)
What a fucking coward.
go back to living in your primitive huts you worthless subhuman
they were friends and the black guy died iirc, it was an accident
>robbing a hobo
Is this peak nigger?
This is America in the modern era. They're all afraid.
I feel bad for innocuous whites that think not fighting back is the answer. So weak. Barely eats meat. Never took a life. Wears mom's jeans with grandma's sweaters.
That's not what being white is about.
Find your mettle, fags, learn to love to fight and spill your opponents blood.
Every day you should be cultivating the savagery of your ancestors.
Every day you should be expanding your mind in pursuit of knowledge for the sake of it.
If only more white men had been born like me then I wouldn't even need to be making this post.
What people are saying is true. You get the upper hand in a fight and if other niggers are around, they'll all attack you at once. Niggers have no sense of shame and they are pathologically prideful, so any deviation from MUH DIC in their brain results in a full blown chimpout. It wouldn't be so bad if all the white kids also jumped in when the niggers attacked, that's how they used to do it I hear. Fucking white pussy faggots.
i was wondering- is it wrong to try to get him up too quick?