What did Millennials get to experience that Zoomers are unable to nowadays?

What did Millennials get to experience that Zoomers are unable to nowadays?

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The experimental forms of ADD/ADHD drugs

Kike slide thread

A phone still wired to the wall.

We had those in elementary school.

A world without social media

A non cancer Jow Forums

>takes up more space than what it contains
>won't even fit in your fucking desk
>ever take it out to fiddle around looking for something
>instantly told to put your god damn space maker away
good times

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are bomb threats still a thing for zoomers?
I remember we got off like 5 days of school a year due to multiple bomb threats

Having sex

Witnessed... what?

good cartoons
urban areas playing outside without helicopter parents or the fear of being abducted

A childhood where the cultural icons still looked like them and things like transsexuals or genderfluid were unheard of.
A school experience where only a couple fringe try hard listened to nigger music instead of everyone.


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white neighborhoods

I have to know, did any of you at your schools do the thing where you colored the "spacemaker" part with markers and then filled it with glue and let it dry and peel it out and make weird colored plastic glue bookmark things? That was the thing to do at my school.

Not having the internet

Non niggerized teenage American culture. I'm so glad I was a teen during emo culture. That shit was gay but id prefer it a million times before this niggerized xxxxtenticon shit

Those emo chicks were hot and easy too.
Niggerized rap chicks are pretty much completely unappealing and probably fucking their drug dealer.

How are you posting?

I'm a zoomer and the nigger music thing hit hard. Nigger culture is running rampant. I hear wigger girls unironically say "nigga" more than actual black people. Fuck this gay earth.

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>Uncontrolled internet
>Analog technology

Yep. No one really thought niggers were actually cool back in the day. They were a little sideshow. In their own little corner. Something happened and it became mainstream. They became the benchmark for what cool is. Cancerous.

Just a side point, I hate when you bring up how degenerate hip hop culture is and niggers screech about how rocknroll is too.

Rocknroll is degenerate, but rap is D E G E N E R A T E.

>wigger girls

You mean the average white chick in 2019?

A world that had not yet become a dreamless Zionist dystopia run by Jewish pedophiles and the grays

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This. I'm gen Z also, and this whole "gen Z is based" meme just isn't true.

This thing always broke pretty quickly.

This is what happens when jews tell you your culture is worthless, or worse, you even have a culture, then fill your life up with nigger raps.

Life without internet

They kind of are and they kind of aren't.
They're actually less pozzed than millennials and since they are so plugged into the internet they can actually see all the degeneracy and recoil from it.
But while millennials at least had some kind of culture and beliefs zoomers just have nothing. Just this huge sucking void that they fill with Instagram. They're also all autistic, probably because nobody talks to each other and is just on the phone 24/7.

Y'all ever put glue with food coloring in the SPacEMakeR area and finna botta make a bomb-ass bookmark?

>Owning a semi automatic
>Jow Forums

Zoomer culture is literally just smoking weed, playing fortnite, and listening to shitty el goblino sound cloud rappers.

> they are so plugged into the internet they can actually see all the degeneracy and recoil from it
Tell that to all of the zoomers turned pansexual trans faggots thanks to internet degeneracy

>Something happened and it became mainstream.
White rappers happened

The wild west of the internet.
When everything was new and there was a better "signal to noise" ratio of content. Back when people used to give a fuck about original content. Before all the recommendation algorithms made people chase eachothers style of content in a desperate attempt to capitalize on memes in different ways

Things really changed pretty soon after 2010. Maybe it was because of the army of pewdiepie "bros" and 9Fags enabling cancerous normies to take up more space in internet culture

>Something happened
Pic related
Not all white rappers, listen to E-Dubble Freestyle Fridays for good shit about real life ups and downs. I really miss that dude.

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This. Security standards weren't as strong, there was little encryption used, few people had antivirus, and most websites were amateurish since they were self-written rather than made by templates and professional web designers.

Even big companies did stupid shit. I remember a big security incident where they made it so anyone could log into any hotmail email account by using the password 'eh'.

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Dial up interwebs