/krg/ Klan Recruitment General

Welcome to Klan Recruitment General.
This is a thread for all Klan recruiters to post their Klan recruitment information/flyers.

>Is their just one Klan?
No, there are plenty of Klan groups. Some of these Klan groups are FBI honeypots.
>Are there Klans just in America?
No, there are multiple Klans that recruit in multiple countries or ones that are based in Europe.
>Are there Klan groups that accept pagans?
Yes, but most of these are very trashy skinhead types.
>How do I find a Klan that is legitimate?
Read this pastebin written by a legitimate Klan leader: pastebin.com/0JH8647H

Legitimate Klans (list will be updated in future):
The UNSK (United Northern & Southern Knights) unskkkk.com/?page_id=31
The TAK (Traditionalist American Knights)
The KKK (Ku Klos Knights) kuklosknights.com/application.htm
The MWK (Mississippi White Knights)

Illegitimate &/or FBI Klans:
The LWK (Loyal White Knights) (both)


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I haven’t seen a glow like this in a long, long time

>don't organize goyim..

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Fuck off FBI Deep State Niggers. Go rape children and cover up crimes like the worthless faggots that you are.

If you don't like our threads then get the fuck off this site Jew.

You are glowing too hard

Just join the FBI and they will assign you a chapter to join, so you can be a member and get paid. Is it true that half the members are federal agents?

Klan recruitment? Why would anyone want to join those low iq red neck trailer park faggots?

Prove you're not FBI then

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Everything i have said on this board is satire.

Fuck off government nigger

t. noodle arm wigger

isnt that just the cringey, white trash version of ISIS? Thsts what we were taught is history class anyway....

Look mom I’m in a jew thread!

Bump. Jow Forums is the wrong place to organize something like this. They believe in their heart of hearts that every single Klan is an FBI honeypot looking to entrap them in some kind of scheme. You even said how to be on the watch for feds but people can ignore it and call you a glownigger instead. Its a shame. They'll never have proof of glowmanship other than the fact that you arent already destoyed. Its a catch 22, all real white nationalists would never recruit others because the government has already infiltrated them.

Even if they aren't a honeypot you are a fucking dumb cunt if you think that flying under the banner of a poisoned well like the fucking KKK will solidify any movement and garner meaningful change, grow up you spastic faggot

Klan only recruits people they know
Any clabber that doesnt is a fedpot

don't worry some on 4chins want to be Christians that Larp the pagan symbols like the Swastika.

You don't know Klan history faggot. The KKK saved the South from military occupation, its an enduring symbol of American liberty and White Supremacy. Read a book nigger.

Memeflag slide, fuck off


sure my fellow user my name is Karim Smith, I'm a software analyst, l was born on 01-12-1989, l have been arrested 3 times in the past, 2 for drunk driving and 1 for assault and my address is 44 shirley ave west chicago il. boy l sure hope this isnt a fed



Been a long time since I've seen a kkk thread. Weird. It's almost like antifa faggots are trying to set up a doxing honeypot trap. Real anons would never fall for this obvious trap.

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