What is "white"?

Been on Jow Forums for a bit, and it seems everyone has a different definition or standard for what's considered being white. Is it skin color? Is it features? Is it lifestyle? Is it a combination of those things? If so then which country are they from or originate from?

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The people in your picture are White. What's the problem?

Everyone in pic related is white.

Attached: CnYepmWUAAA6vmm.jpg (1200x679, 144K)

A person of European or European descent that’s well over 95%

Who cares? Its a very vague term at this point with practically nothing behind it.



Attached: amrNKJe.jpg (1057x947, 166K)

>Been on Jow Forums for a bit, and it seems everyone has a different definition or standard for what's considered being white.

That's because you are not actually a Dane. You're a shitskin posting from Denmark. Many people on Jow Forums aren't White. This is why an observer would intuit a discrepancy in consensus.

I'm a pure Dane and can trace my heritage (on both sides) all the way back to 1400's, but I would never label myself as "White". Nor would anyone else here in Europe. "White" is not an identity, just like "black" is neither, when will you understand this?

Why don't you call yourself European-American because that's what you are, I presume?

No you're not.

Replace the word white with European.

Are Spaniards considered white since they're European?

White = adamic or israelite descent

no everyone here is a caucasoid. first three would be considered white

Yes but they are mixed with lots of stuff through the ages.

If you agree with me = white

If you don't agree with me = generic flag-based stereotype parroted by npcs

you know when you see the person, you can just do it on a case by case basis.....i can tell when someone if white after meeting them

if you have to ask you're not white

It is a shorthand term for describing a pale-skinned person of European ancestry.

>but..but there are people in Southern Italy who look dark!
Continuum Fallacy. Just because you can't say for certain the exact point at which yellow becomes green, doesn't mean yellow and green don't exist. Just that there is overlap at the margins.

Of course it's an imprecise term, just as "black" is.

Attached: RGB.jpg (225x225, 9K)

You know what's behind it? When arab, african or chinese come to europe or north america they see white people not different ethnicities. Sometimes your enemies define you more than yourself.

Yeah, but they need solid eugenic program to get rid of non-huhwhite elements.

Slavniggers are not white.

White is being European only

whiter than you jose

Attached: the races of the world.png (1550x1336, 57K)

"White" is a spectrum based on a linear scale. The closer you are to the "Scandinavian" mark the whiter you are

Find some book and read it you lazy ass. I won't give you a full answer because you don't deserve one, but here is something to begin with - there are separate groups within the white race itself, hence why there is such a thing as ethnic groups. Most primitive grouping among European Caucasoids would be Mediterranean, Alpine and Nordic, or something along these lines. You can also establish such groups in other Caucasoid-populated areas. North Africa and Horn of Africa are admixed with SSA populations, so you can consider that area to be transitional, just like most of India being transitional between Caucasoid and Australoid. There are no strict borders in anthropology, it is all relative, but a concept being relative doesn't mean the concept is solely arbitrary, there is science to this as well as has been shown by many genetic studies in the recent times. If you are too lazy to grab a book, at least read this blog from the very beginning.


>What is "white"
pink dicks and pussies

Everyone with white privilege

DUH I don't know whats white means. Just flood my country with niggers and spics like Israeli's want cause I don't knows the difference

White is how we describe mose people from europe that genetically cluster, which is made obvious by white skin and perhaps other features. It is blurry on the edges, for instance some italians are whites while others are not. Rather than use this word or this classification, a european classification is more useful because then skin color is not a part of it.

If your dick is circumcised you are definitely not white, period.

>Father is not blonde-blue.
>Not true blonde-blue.

Not white.