why Jow Forums so mean toward Japanese?
I just want to be frens and talk about politics
why Jow Forums so mean toward Japanese?
I just want to be frens and talk about politics
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Asians lack empathy and a lack of empathy is the root of all evil
Because we know jap posters are vpns or expats, japs do not come here
Ok faggot.
Neurotypicals who use Jow Forums should be eviscerated and hung by their entrails
>used to hang out in Japan General on Jow Forums
>friendly people
>too friendly
>found out 70% of the posters were women
and that's when I stopped
anime is gay
but not as gay as this fucking faggot
If you have friends irl or a gf you should leave Jow Forums
Rare photo of Janny
Those are normalfags in the background
It's because you people just don't get Western Civilization and your language looks like it comes from another star system
I’ll be your fren JapAnon
the guys who say "Israel is our greatest ally" and "check out this based black guy" and "Ben Shapiro is awesome"
Nigga, this is an anime forum.
This is a National Socialist forum.
Jow Forums rednecks hate everything that isn't inbred or has over 105 IQ points.
>english teacher pedophile complains when people call him out on his bullshit
>can't 2ch
>can't even 4ch
>maybe 8ch
>no hope
It's just bants, user, don't be a faggot. Nips are the one kind of Asian that Jow Forums likes at all, we're united in our mutual hatred for the insect people and kikes.
you need fren?
fresh delivery!
jews hate you not Jow Forums you asian arian bro
Fuck off newfags. Get off my Vietnamese basket weaving forum.
t. 16 year old
Don't worry Japanese poster op. I like Japanese. But you should respext your elders
There is no such thing as evil
Psycho pls get off pol now
Return back our islands, Hirohito
It's cool, I like you
I love all of them. Be happy. Get rid of all the darkening.
Empathy is the root to all evil. The Japanese have it right.
For example, someone with empathy might say “OMG, DONT KILL THAT WHALE”. But that same person eats chicken. Why does this matter? Think about it. No matter how small an animal is, it feels the same amount of pain. So you can either kill 10,000 chickens to feed 10,000 people, or one whale to feed 10,000 people. So 10,000 pain, or 1 pain.
Or look at people that help Africans. 2 starving kids being helped eventually becomes 2 adults that procreate into a family of 8 kids. Now 8 kids are starving. Look at all the suffering Bill Gates has caused throughout the world with his ballooning of the African population.
Empathy is the root to all evil.
Aaaaand it's retarded.
This is why you need christian values.
japan use to fuck things up
japan is now weak and infertile
that is why japan is hated
Love you Nippon!
OP’s probably not even Japanese.
Don’t forget that there are over 2 million foreigners in Japan, user.
I used to live in Japan and most of the shitposters there still use futaba and other japanese boards
Japs use 2chan
expats come to Jow Forums
post proof you're a jap or go away
Every nip that posts on this board is actually a devil dog in disguise
You make us Velly Velly Angly!
I no chengdu!
Fuck you I no chengdu!
because you are not a Japanese
>1 post by this ID
お前日本語喋られないのかなぁ( ̄∀ ̄)
I absolutely adore the Japanese.
They are more based than Whites in many many regards.
Neat flag and correct.
2ch isnt japanese u retard its russian
stop making the burger flag look bad retard
The fuck are you talking about, you fucking slope? It's the chinks that we fuck with. You nip motherfuckers are mostly ok. Freak.
>>Anime everywhere
What??? We love our based Japos.
Its ok Ricebro
Nigger, are you really so retarded you got completely different forums mixed up?
>t. English teacher
Fuck off nigger faggot go back to your shithole
I'll be your fucking fren if you somehow magically can compel the animu fuckheads over there to make a couple of OVAs for the farm chapter of pic related, motherfuckers ain't gonna do season 2 and Imma fucking shit myself in this chair in protest if they refuse to do the right thing, which just happens to be fucking minotaur cow bitches with the leaky titty.
Pol is alright with japanese. But there are some jews posting behind a japanese flag — which it will be rightful to stand against the jews.
???? its the same fookin name ya cunt
2 c h
none of u wankers can read or speak japanese im 100% sure so why the fook would u lot even being mentioning the zipperhead 2ch? its more likely that 4:10 posters ITT speak bloody russians than japanese
>>found out 70% of the posters were women
i call bullshit
Your .jpg reminded me of some poster I saw in an AV store earlier this year lmfao
says the leaf
This is a Mongolian llama herding board
But I like you.
You brought me enlightenment...
Historically it's been 90% weaboo engrish teacherus. There's the occasional actual Jap who might pass through, but you can always tell them from expat faggots.
>fuck you post 2008 newfag buttpirate
Because shills want to separate us from our real allies. Japan is honorary.
Kikes hate you.
This board is invaded by kike shills. Stay strong Japan. Keep niggers out, America is fucked by their kiked nigger invasion but cannot say anything about it anymore, as the kikes control all media, news, stations, hollywood, senate... whatever have you. The same kike slave trading scamming goldsmiths are the ones that bought up everything with fake federal reserve money. Keep niggers OUT.
Also, you have a nice country. It really is. Keep it.
Used to actually work for a porn store in Tokyo. I have more if you want lmfao
after learning that its not real feces did it bum you out? it bummed me out big time. dyed pistachio ice cream and funking shit
Jow Forums are envious
Can’t relate to the shit fetish user but I guess
I actually got fired because of these photos since it was prohibited to take photography of any sort
Once caught a old fart wanking in the store b4 too since we used to have pornos playing on the TVs on the walls. Fun times
>doesn’t know about 2ch
This is a national socialist board, you don't even believe in evil, how can you be on pol?! if you don't salute the fuhrer you are not welcomed...
Don't worry,everyone is hated equally by pol
I wasn't aware we hated the Japanese
I'll be frens what's up dude?
Cause you japanese are nothing more than disgusting cockroaches, go watch hentai chink nigger
Nope. Subhumans like you niggers and arabs still have a special treatment.
dude i never noticed the lampshades in this pic before LMAO
Show flag faggot
those are a lot of assumptions you're making there,
japan loves natsoc though, they still teach hitler book in high school
this is actually retarded though
you are definitly fake japanese beacuse release nihongo know about china
ofc i do i mean cmon
o u speak zipperhead and go to 2ch often do you? fucking wish m8 ure just a fat wagie phone poster
|Ching Chang Chang goood morningo oshiro sama maybe somo raw rat meato today friendo dono
And seriously i hate how souless asians are. You can be the most fucked up people but wont show a sign of single emotion in public cuz muh social strict rules. No wonder males in your country glorify anime if its normal to shit on people and destroy their lives because some social rules tells you to lol
> calls someone else retarded
> practices a Jewish religion created by the followers of Abraham
>he believes there are no social rules in poland
Holy fuck, you're an utter monkey
Of course stupid polenigger has to hate and dont understnad what i typed lmao. I never said there arent any here just that this is nowhere close to east asian countries in terms how much pressure it has on you. Go watch your le based anime japan videos faggot
You gonna cry you fuckin' impotent little faggot? Lmao you're practically on the verge of tears, bitch. Go fuckin' drink a potato you drunken monkey.
desu even idk what the fuck you were trying say
Wipe that spit off your monitor monkey. There's a reason the fucking chinease had to be summoned to do public works in poland, the polish can't cooperate worth shit due to fuckstupid social rules fit to make a group of monkeys like yourself live with eachother
>burger talking like a chav
what the fuck are you doing lmao
Hinin/Barakumin also called untouchables are "unhuman" group of people which families in the past did work that had "sin" in it like butcher, gambling, everything connected with the dead. They were locked in their own parts of town by "human/clean" japanese and could only live in their territory and marriage their own class of non humans which mins all they children all non humans from the start and cant escape that.
>A government survey in 1993, listed nearly a million people living in more than 4,000 communities around the country. The Burakumin Liberation League (BLL), a rights organisation founded in 1955, puts the number of communities at around 6,000 and estimates that the total number of Burakumin is closer to three million.
The "non humans" are discriminated to this day by refusing them work, any contact with "human japanese" and are treated like shit in each way possible by common japs as its is part of their social strict rule
Wow so based. Too bad after wwatching anime and liking japan so much we dont have such wunderful rules as they! I can find shit like that non stop about east asian rats shitheads
just avin a giggle m8 cant take this board so serious all time u kno wot i mean?
Real Japs are based as fuck
But most Jap flags on Jow Forums are dumb, smelly Amerimutts. That's why we hate 'Jap' posters.
You fuckin' cunts are so stupid for: (1) Replying seriously to this thread, and (2) For thinking that this guy is actually Japanese. Why are cocksuckers so fuckin' dumb?
>we know jap posters are vpns or expats, japs do not come here
You and I do, the rest of the cunts on pol can't seem to get this through their thick fuckin' heads, though.
Japs are the True Greatest Ally.
We love you, Tall Chink Bros.
Keep your nation pure.
We'll be over shortly to fuck all your bitches.