The absolute fucking gall of these people
The absolute fucking gall of these people
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why would non-citizens be allowed to influence our elections?
So I can just walk into other countries and vote for their leaders?
Because my feelings said borders are racist, you dumb Nazi!
It's called chutzpah.
Does that mean I can vote in the next us election?
only if you vote democrat
always jews pushing for shit for illegals
representation in government for illegals?
might as well let them vote too, right?
how else would they be able to be represented in congress?
just let the whole world vote in US elections, no borders, no walls, no citizens at all
Where do i mail my vote to?
Stop being anti-Israel/Arab/Chinese/Mexican
Correct, glad she finally understands
Why can't I walk into Israel and vote against Netanyahu despite not being a citizen of Israel? The man is a terrorist and a war criminal. I'd vote for the first ebony-skinned Ethiopian jew I saw because Israel needs diversity which is strength.
Non-citizens? You mean like Russian hackers?
>non citizens should have political representation
the fuck is wrong with these people
((Frankel)) every. Fucking. Time
This isn't about voting, user. They can't vote anyway. It's about redistricting for US House seat apportionment and votes in the Electoral College.
No, we just walk in and remove them usually.
>effort to deny political representation to non citizens
What are jew even trying to say here?
And it's beautiful.
>MUH russian interference
I’d like to believe these people just lack self awareness, but it’s hard to think that someone could be that blind. They know damn well what they’re doing
Imagine being this much of a retard. Where exactly is the line for these people? Do you even need to be IN America? Can I just swing by on a month to month basis and vote?
>this is effort to deny political representation to non citizens
Citizenship isn't the benchmark of "political representation". According to the founders the benchmark is paying taxes.
Like i keep saying
They use words differently and the mean and intend different things than normal people.
They are so cocky and cowardly they cant even tell people what they want without lying and manipulating.
This is EXACTLY why the civil war was fought and it looks like we are headed back there
So Russian collusion is ok too then? Right?
Aw the jew cries when shes not the one doing the manipulating .
>break into foreign country
>buy a soda at the corner store
>dude i just paid sales tax now I should be allowed to = vote in your federal elections
It’s not about voting, it’s about money allocation and more congressional districts in democrat strongholds (i.e. urban cesspools)
What a stupid cunt.
Youd be shot by any decent country and tortured by any halfway decent one.
Our officials advocate for foreigners rights over how to spend our taxes and change our laws to suit them.
If they are not citizens, they'r enot eligible to vote in that particular nation.
Surely this is the norm in virtually all nations on the planet?
since when do non citizens get representation?
if that's the case I want to vote in your election too, as whatever turd you elect ends up causing trouble for the entire world
Nobody said that they get to vote. Just that they are entitled to petition their Representative in Congress for redress of grievances in the congressional district which they reside.
Of course it's a balding thin-haired curly headed kike
>Surely this is the norm in virtually all nations on the planet?
You're swedish, you should worry about the retarded mess your own elections are.
Not even Congo would have accepted swedish standards.
Will I be able to vote in your next election?
Let me guess, she's a fucking jew. It's all so tiresome, lads.
I want to start killing people.
They also have to be here legally.
They have representation... in Mexico.
a citizenship question is normal in other countries. only in USA is it controversial
It's not even that
she's implying that congressional representation (which is based on population of districts) should include illegals and other non-citizens, which is explicitly not true
Oh I'm worried all right.
But that wasn't the topic of this thread.
Stop trying to change the subject, Olafstein.
i dont see why not try it out then make a post about your results
Its actually being a citizen AND paying taxes. Kike.
I don't understand the problem. I have a vote, why shouldn't Mexicans?
It's feigned outrage. The obvious reaction is to ignore them but you have to win over everyone in the middle.
>deny political representation to non citizens
holy fuck our forefathers are rolling in their graves
violence is never the answer
America is the land of the free and home of the brave
The people who struggled to come from all around the world to be free are braver than your ugly stupid lazy ass
Let them have their vote let them have their voice
Thanks for the new word.
Non-citizens are not guaranteed representation nor should they get it.
I don't quite understand that pic, qrd pls
Russian citizens demands representation
>being somewhere you aren’t by law supposed to be
>still entitled to have a voice in that govt
oy vey
>This is effort to deny political representation to non citizens
And that's a good thing.
Fuck off jew
kinda like the Democrats did with the slaves?
>this isn't about voting
>it's just about votes
Absolute fucking mad man. Next Drumpf is going to try to say every man and woman only gets 1 vote. IMPEACH NOW! CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSPERSON NOW AND DEMAND HIS IMPEACHMENT!
Here's Pelosi (my rep): 2022250100
>This is an effort to deny political representation to non-citizens
Uhhh, is there a problem here?
>Oh I'm worried all right.
>But that wasn't the topic of this thread.
>Stop trying to change the subject, Olafstein.
claim all nations on the planet are better than USA
live in sweden
cry offtopic like a cuck
Sounds to me Dems are mad their 3/5ths compromise is being taken away.
>This is effort to deny political representation to non citizens.
Uhhh yeah? Please tell me why non citizens should have political representation.
>spend years going through the process of becoming a legitimate citizen
>finally become one
>these assholes show up asking for “non-citizen” rights
Fuck this gay earth.
Their complaint was they were British subjects AND they were paying taxes that were levied on them without representation in parliament. They didn't claim anyone who paid any taxes was entitled to representation, only that they deserved to have a say in how they were governed.
The left is making the opposite case, that people who are not citizens have a say in how we are governed. The founding fathers would have stripped them and beat them under the Liberty Tree for this.
get in those comments faggots!!
If non citizens need representation and they can have their say in our elections then why is russian buying ads and shit a big deal? Dont they deserve to have their chosen candidates be elected to represent them?
Violence is not the answer, violence is always the question and the answer is yes
They can vote actually, look it up.
I hate them, I really, really hate them
OI Where's my American representation mate?
>Ashkenazic origins
>They can't vote anyway
>California (and other sanctuary states) have authorized no way to ensure that only citizens are voting
Hm. I think you're confusing "can't" and "not supposed to".
why the fuck do you morons think the census has anything to do with people voting?
If the people voting are members of Congress and the Electoral College, it has everything to do with people voting.
There's some quote by a Rabbi or some type of Jewish thinker that speaks about how jews thrive in multicultural societies because it shifts the giant red crosshair from their words and actions to the words and actions of the immigrant
only if you vote democrat
Imagine thinking we can vote our way out of this hellscape.
>deny political representation to non citizens
Fuck I hate these kikes so god damn much
some nig wrote a book and all of their sources were bullshit
Is that still the case though? They can do pretty much whatever they want now that it's literally illegal to boycott them. I'm sure criminalizing simple criticism of them is not far behind. And don't say 1A to me, we know that won't mean jack shit.
I really really do not understand this. Why do illegals need political representation?
>Reddit spacing
>Ugly, stupid, lazy
Is this considered an argument where you're from?
For some fucked up reason, your country's electoral seats are affected by the census and illegal immigrants.
Political violence is a game the right can't ever win
Go be bait somewhere else.
Dems rely on immigrant voters. They are lossing the moderates and old-school liberals. We all know this.
Abolish the demons and make america a one party system.
It's just democrats trying to steal power, as per usual. Remember veritas caught them on tape saying they bus people around/vote more than once, typical dirty cheating shit. This is the same thing. Also keep in mind she's a jew. Kikery is not just a Jow Forums meme.
Number of seats in the House of Representatives too.
Senate - represents states (2 per state)
House - represents people (seats based on population)
You keep repeating that lie. Push it and see the truth
The Russians were.
>For some fucked up reason
perhaps it would be a good idea for you to read a book and learn what that reason is rather than saying something so foolish
isn't the entire point of the census to help determine representation and districting?
>kike name
Color me surprised.
Why should illegal citizens affect how many electoral seats a state has? Retard.