ICE will begin rounding up 1 million undocumented immigrants for deportation

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they'll get 1/50th of the job done!

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Go go Operation Wetback 2!

The optics need to be huge. I hope ice has camera crews ready to film the crying babies

Nah. This will happen while Epstein's documents are being unsealed. That way the Jews can't kvetch as much.

Another million?

Are we at 6 million now?


20 000?

That would be great too.

When did the Cooch start working for Trump?

White people need to see what it looks like to take back control of their countries. So much of our current state is do to the lack of will over decades of inaction.

White people need to see what it looks like to take back control of their countries. So much of our current state is do to the lack of will over decades of inaction.

>white people
Hahahahahahahah Zionists like you are such losers. Wasting your lives shilling on Jow Forums watching your entire world collapse.

Big if true. That would be some fucking wild 8d chess

1 million would be but a dent in total illegals population and we're lucky to get even a third of that.

>With four months left in the fiscal year, it puts Trump's deportations in perspective and shows the reality behind the anti-immigrant pledges that have come to define his presidency.

>Under the Obama administration, total ICE deportations were above 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009-2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012. The numbers dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.

>Under Trump, ICE deportations fell to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then ticked up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year (as of June).


That's what my intuition tells me will happen.

why are you denying the tacocaust

Just like ice raids that were "delayed".
He's a cuck who will say a lot but do nothing

>Cuccinelli pushed back against claims the number of those being targeted by ICE has increased from "thousands" to "millions," but rather that the pool of people here illegal is "enormous."

So, Cuccinelli confirms it's millions, then he denies?

Wtf are you talking about. Christchurch already proved that big optics has a huge emboldening effect on whites.

Cool story, bro. Also Newsweek's dad works at Nintendo.

oh thank god.
next we need a back to africa movement.

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>Wtf are you talking about. Christchurch already proved that big optics has a huge emboldening effect on whites.
Can't wait to watch Arabs kill Israelis like you.

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Any day now, goy.
Maybe next week, you never know, it could happen.

it's TENS of millions

protip: nothing will happen

>t. Jew rat that is terrified at the thought of whites taking action


>taking action
>false flag mossad shooting
Enjoy watching your friends and family die when the arabs invade! I know I'll enjoy watching the livestreams.

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how is pretending the jewish president will round up immigrants while he also lets the business owners off the hook "whites taking action"?

Why are all the Twitter heads who criticize this always white?

Beat me to it.

the only way to stop illegal immigration is to put in jail anyone who hires them.

>pic unrealted, just a really bad movie.

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Trump says it and everyone knows it is bullshit,Ken Fagginelli says it and people believe it.

You deserve Trump 2020.

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>deport 20k
>100k new arrivals every month

I hope ICE does like the Victorians and drugs them with cough medicine so they are passed out as they're carried past
Kiss your optics good-bye

It won't happen. But one can dream.

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Hey, it could happen.
You can't prove that it won't until after it doesn't.

Notice he never denied being a kike?

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I want to belive.

Can we avoid announcing this ahead of time this time wtf

>undocumented immigrants

They are illegal aliens.

The announcement is the thing.

You missed upto 17mn there.

Also you missed the "hundreds of thousands" of west Africans now invading Mexico via trafficking routes for the journey north now that Europe is becoming increasingly hostile.

Thought so. Isn't it amazing how gullible people on Jow Forums are? It seems like there's a new promise from Trump every week. Literally, none of them have come true. Yet Jow Forums gets excited each and every time like a dog (and not a smarter dog, either).

Maybe they will throw in some legals as well? We can hope

maybe that's how you know it's bullshit, even their communication is all cucky.

Fake and gay. Fuck MIGA

Im thinking he wants to have the dems look bad in aiding criminals

>Obama turned away illegals at the border and called them deportations
>Trump was being forced by the court to let illegals stay in the country after illegals started in mass using the tactic of claiming asylum with a child
>HUUURRRRR Trump has lower deportations


Go fuck yourselves. I want to see results not promises.

>will begin
it should have already been happening already

Can't wait for tomorrow when they'll drop the plan and 200,000 new illegals will be reported for July

Trump's not doing a goddamn fucking thing.

They wont round em up they wont detain them they wont throw them the fuck out and they wont keep them the fuck out. Not one.

non stop winning since july 4th

Ok, shill :+1:

Best part is they are doing secret votes on letting in hundreds of thousands new H1Bs as well.
Fucking whites from everywhere possible

>1 million
>tfw there's literally between 16 to 29 million of them
I mean, it's a start.

It's everyone's fault expect Trump.

Go back to your fucking containment thread; Trump is willingly refusing to defy judges who are trying to destroy the country. I didn't vote for the country to be destroyed by judges acting outside the scope of their or any authority to replace us, and Trump refuses to deny them.

Lots of unchecked numbers at the beginning of the thread

These are people who already have final deportation orders.
We don't have a country any more.

Fucking finally!!!

You retards are so blantanly obvious and just bad at your shilling. " Hurr why doesn't he just break the law, so he gets impeached!!!"

Kill yourself please.


Flawless argument

Oh right, illegals can violate the law, and no one can do anything about it. Judges can violate the law too, and no one can do anything about it. But Trump, he can't violate the law, or else someone will do something about it, therefore Trump doing nothing is okay. Fuck your mother.

Try like 40+ million.
It's so bad we aren't allowed to know.

They are all over my state

Ken “Blueball our supporters” cuccenelli

Trump cuck time

Ken Cuccinelli works for the Trump admin now?
Fuck, I wish he had won the governor's race years ago.

Enforcing the law is breaking the law.
We don't have a country anymore

I'm aware, which is why Trump can eat hot lead if he doesn't want to do anything about it.

theres easily over 50 million, and over 80 million legal mesitzo citizens, almost half the US is spic at this point

When will people learn how many 30,000,000 people is? It is literally taking all of the biggest cities in America and removing them from the equation. Just think, New York City and Los Angeles together only equal 11,000,000. The two largest cities in the country, by far, and they only equal 1/3 or even less of the number of illegal aliens in this country.

Ask yourself, what would happen to this country if New York, LA, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix, Miami, Chicago, Denver, Detroit and Washington DC were all removed from the country in a split second. That's about 30,000,000 people. Some autist do the math to verify. I don't even know if that adds up to 30,000,000. Fucking shit, DEPORT THEM NOW YOU ORANGE DILDO

I live in SE Michigan. There's a freaking billboard ad for How To Train Your Dragon down the street from me is completely in spanish.

You're a fucking idiot

Fuck you, nigger. Trump is a kike spy AT BEST and at worst actively trying to destroy the country.

You think you're actually making an argument here, nigger? He had two years to do literally anything, because surrender is not an option, unless exterminating the 7 million Jews here also is.

Sure they will

If they target swing vote locales with strong illegal penetration then it would be a valuable strategy.

Kill yourself, retard.

>1 Million
That is the most unrealistic shit yet.
ICE doesn't have anything near that capacity, no agency does.

The whitest states, like Michigan outside the metro areas, didn't really "get it" when it comes to why immigration is a problem until it's right in their face. You kept voting for democrats. Guess you should have listened to all those "racist rednecks" in the south for whom you had so much contempt, since they were warning you what was coming.

wow only 60 million more to go, great work Drumpfy

It's why only using the federal bureaucracy is a strategic attempt to lose and surrender the country while maintaining order. Trump is either complicit with this or doesn't want to go down as the guy who responded to the second civil war with activating the unorganized militia and plunging the country into a very necessary armed conflict. He just wants to be a business-oriented faggot while everything falls apart. Fucking useless.

75% of my Cali town is illegal according to our mayor. Removing even half of them would be impossible because they pump out 80 kids a year

Shall I start laughing now or late when Orange Cuck folds again?

No they won't. The Democrats will say no and Trump will just shrug and say "I tried, what else can you do lol"

It would be impossible if the task was left to bureaucrats, rather than motivated citizens.

come back when they are 6 million. Don't you dare coming back earlier

Start laughing now because Orange cuck never does anything.

What would happen if the president of the United States gave an address saying our country is occupied by people seeking to destroy what remains of the constitution and that he cannot reign in the corrupt media, politicians, and bureaucrats and that he will give blanket amnesty if patriots rise up and retake this country by force?

It would be over very quickly for the Jews.

>activating the unorganized militia
Even more far fetched than saying ICE can round up 1 mil.
The number of people who are actually at a level or readiness and competency that could in any way be useful to an insurrection probably are less than 1000.
Most militias are full of fat larpers with too much money in their firearms budget, alphabet agency plants, and washed out ex mil guys who like to reminisce about the old days when their knees worked. Trust me, I have been around several of them.

A million is a drop in the bucket. That's virtually none when you account for the 30 MILLION of them already here.

I just went by the most recent research (the Yale paper), also neither CIS or NumbersUSA has the numbers as high as 40+. But you might be right.

If they have guns and can point them at things they can be useful when it comes to expelling aliens.