Leftists who turn right with age

Why do leftists usually turn more right-wing when they get older? Is it because age makes you more delusional and less intelligent causing one to adopt more right wing positions?

Attached: hitch.jpg (1381x1033, 124K)

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they dont have the energy to fake it anymore more likely

Nah it's because you realize you'll die and what's important is family and friends not trying to save everyone like some hippie tree hugger faggot


You start noticing patterns

i don't believe hitchens did that
if you're a leftist past like 30, it's set in stone. you're done.

imagine how Hitch would be called Nazi now.

source for hitch?

He was never right wing, he just just switched from being a trotskyite to a neocon.

Outgrow the brainwashing

Remember he said god is not great and died of horrible cancer 3 years later?

This is it, Ending it all on stream. Starting it in 10 minutes.
Thanks for the good times bros
>No Sleep in 30 Hours

More life experience

>Si nasce incendiari e si finisce pompieri
>we born firestarters we end up firefighters

Because the Western world has trended leftwards for 100 years now. These guys see their own formerly "liberal" ideas become has-been and "problematic" and realize the foolery they've engaged in.

See: Biden. This guy is going to spend his whole campaign defending what was an objectively pro civil rights, moderate record, now considered racist.

They slowly beging to realize they world they convinced themselves existed was just a oxytocin an dopamine injected hallucination brought on by the privileges of youth.

They begin to grow old, ugly, and the world is not giving them the time of day anymore.

Do a flip faggot

>Why do leftists usually turn more right-wing when they get older?
they don't.

>Is it because age makes you more delusional and less intelligent causing one to adopt more right wing positions?
you're projecting

someone thread me

Life experience washes your immature and naive delusions away.

Overton window shifted.

I did it.

I used to be socialist, power to the people and all that.

Once I hit 30 I started making big bucks and boom, I became right wing.

I managed to drag myself up, I'm not going to subsidise the poor.

I was always socially conservative, I am Catholic after all.

wow god really works in mysterious 1095-day cycles wooOWOOwowoOWOWOWo

I think cancer killed him, not god. I think radiation put that cancer there, not god.

Hitch didn't leave the left, the left left him.

Because leftism is just a form of this in humans:
Once they have secured a mate and reproduced, they no longer need to engage in the social equivalent of conspicuous consumption to signal their fitness.

you dont think at all, these are things you have been told and you are now repeating.

>power to the people
>I'm not going to subsidise the poor.

are you saying we can sink the value of fiat and just use the 30/hr as an effective psychological brace? I like it

>these are things you have been told

Who told you about the light? or did you open your eyes one day and see!! your esotericism cannot take you further than platitudes.

Attached: random democratic candadate you probably never heard of.jpg (1024x1024, 973K)

>Is it because age makes you more delusional and less intelligent causing one to adopt more right wing positions?
Literally the opposite lmao.

I think it has more to do with the Left is swinging wildly left than switching political ideologies.
The NYtimes did an article about it recently.
Obama 08 is closer aligned, politically, to Trump than the current left Democrat.

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-040125_Chrome.jpg (1458x895, 266K)

Yes indeed, the smaller your life experience the wiser and more thoughtful you are. Anyone who has spent multiple decades observing, thinking, and collecting experience is much too stupid to understand anything.

Conservative formerly Liberal

Attached: f71.jpg (680x556, 63K)

The brainwashing from high school and college gradually wears off if they don't constantly reinforce it by consuming talmudvision. Another reason is that they get left behind by liberalism. For example decade ago a narrow majority of Democrats didn't support gay marriage, Obama campaigned on being opposed to it in his 2008 campaign. Now, now only is gay marriage taken for granted it's a litmus test and they're already moving onto the new frontier of trans rights. A lot of people just get stuck with what they were brainwashed to believe around the time they were fresh out of college and spend their whole lives believing the same thing. If a liberal keeps the same positions that they held for a decade to a generation 10-20 years without revising them they will just be a conservative. Conservatives are just a generation behind liberals.

didn't hitchens still consider himself to be a marxist? i read something along those lines but maybe he changed his mind

Because you realize the personal freedom that liberalism grants can only be handled responsibly by western peoples

>>When you're young, if you aren't a liberal, you don't have a heart.
>>When you're old, if your aren't a conservative, you don't have a brain.

Attached: rpi111msn -- 0044 -- myu111lvt'.png (1000x1000, 37K)

Because age comes with ownership and responsibility. You realize how hard you worked, and how entitled you were as a kid.

>turn right
he was a trotskyite since youth user. neo conservatives are trotskyites. he didnt turn right, neocons are just pretending to be right.

>”if you’re not a liberal in your 20’s you’ve got no heart. If you’re not a conservative in your 40’s you’ve got no brain”.

He has supported 2003 Iraqi war and wanted for US to go against Iran. Fuck him.

With age comes WISDOM.

A young conservative has no heart,
But an old liberal has no brain

bunch of Jews LARPing as neo-Trotskyist then neocons according to the role they are expected to play. Usually you start as leftist intellectual to attaract college students. When you make a name for yourself the oligarchs will buy your services . from Harris to Hitchens to Horowitz. The Same fucking story

Hitchens was always a boomer trotskyites.

Cracked put out an article claiming they debunked this. They said that the reason old people aren't left is because leftists die before they get old.

Do they?

>Still talking about Christopher
>Peter is the patrician choice

>left wing

Trotskyism was literally pushed by the CIA to turn potential communists away from the soviet union.

> leftists die before they get old.
I guess this must be at least partially true, when you consider that like 80% of politically active niggers are democrats.

It's also probably because young people are dumb and reckless; note how originally, nobody was supposed to vote until they were 25.

This is before conservatism jumped off the deep end. This will be a dying trend post trump.

As you get older you start questioning people who use emotional arguments on you more. That just like false bravado there is also false empathy.


Nonsense Hitches was a pragmatist and a right-leaning centrist. He was neither an ideologue, nor was he a brainlet.

He was for example pro-Iraq war early on, despite being more left leaning on many issues.

And make no mistake, he wasnt against Islam, he was against ALL religion, which is why he used to be called a LIBTARD LEFTIST RADICAL ATHEIST.

Why do you say that?

Conservatives dominate an overwhelming amount of state governments, hold a SCOTUS majority, a Senate majority, and the White House, and are looking to have another strong showing in 2020.

Please tell me what world you're living in, to think that conservatism has been harmed in any way by Trump.

as the old saying goes, if you're not liberal by the time you're 15 you have no heart. but if you're not conservative by the time you're 30 you have no brain.

As the old sayin goes, Americans are dumb as fuck.

this is just a childish way to insult people who think different than you. I think dumbfuck Churchill said it

Quite the opposite, cuck sōy eating nigga. They learn more, they experience life and see reality with their own eyes and that makes you change. I turned right when I was 17 years old because I began to know what the jews did to white people, clown

1 year ago?

It's not a coincidence that the left markets themselves as young and diverse. Those are the groups that haven't been around long enough to notice the trend. They're always trying to get new people in the system bc any logical human realizes they're full of shit within 2 election cycles

This. The real keepers of knowledge and wisdom are the 60 year old toothles rednecks sitting on a porch in a swamp in Missouri talking about how their grandpapi used to hunt niggers for scalp money, while sipping on 70% moonshine, after fucking his daugher.

He’s a butthurt nervous liberal who still thinks muller is going to drop a bomb on Trump, that “resisting” matters and is anything more than virtue signaling aka irl shitposting, and thinks that Trump will be impeached any day now. Nothing logical or factual supports his claim. Even liberal media outlets are starting to admit that if the economy continues to do well “it will be hard for Trump to lose” in 2020.

The non-braindead left realize he isn’t “literally hitler” like they were told in 2016 by now.

real experience with the world around them will make them disregard the fairy tails they heard when they were younger

Two. If you're a faggot from reddit/discord and some guy whose name ends in FK told you it was a year ago, I was lying. Began to saw the whole refugee crysis and learned they shouldn't be allowed into our societies, and that we should segregate them until they either choose to behave/leave.

Biden is literally in 'trouble' for doing what a politician is supposed to do which is find common ground with the opposition to come to a mutual agreement to get something done.

The modern left is nothing but ideologues that would have no problems with having a dictator as long as the dictator represented their views.

Winston Churchill.
Love his quotes. Here's a few favs:
>Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.
>There is nothing government can give you that it hasn't taken from you in the first place.
>A nation that fails to honor its heroes, soon will have no heroes to honor.
>The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
>A nation that forgets its past has no future.
>Appeasement is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last.
>I'd rather argue against a hundred idiots, than have one agree with me.
Oh, did I go OT? Well, I don't give a shit.

Fuck. ID is gay+ez K?
I'm out.

pretty much


Those redneck hillbillies were the first democrat pasties. Due to their retardation, they were loyal for nearly 100 years but even they figured out the game. Eventually even American blacks will figure it out. No worries though. Dems are already importing their next useful idiots.