Film a stranger outside. He accuses me of being part of scientology

>Film a stranger outside. He accuses me of being part of scientology.
What does this mean?

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jesus can you not leave the people in peace and alone...

1st amendment audits are annoying but provide a valuable service. You cant tell other people what to do in public. Boomers lose their minds over this.

He might be former scientology himself and thought you were part of the scientology guys who go out and film old members?

Based CCTV-autist strikes again

You need to start using racial slurs.
Your sjit become blend and boring

this is the first thing you think about when a stranger is filming you?

that religion must be fucked.

when a NPC doesnt know whats happening he goes crazey


>Your sjit become blend and boring

dont watch it then, kek.

i filmed this and laughed so hard at the dialogue between me and him. fucking oblivion tier

Your doing Gods work brother,

Don't stop!

Scientologists will follow former members around to intimidate them.

Ha ha ha when Millennial clown world collides with Boomer clown world
So much random
So much insanity kek

they harass former members, especially if they're vocally critical about it

yes, it is a cult, they do follow and harass former members by filming them

i didnt know this. this is fucked.

I once rented a room from a Scientologist family, it was the most fucked up experience of my life. They are beyond MK Ultra'd.

So when I was in Uni I rented a room in some townhouse for the summer. The family's son usually lived there in the fall/winter but went home to Toronto for the summer. One other chink lived in the other room and the 3rd room was empty. So the family seemed kinda normal first month was fine. Chink ended up moving out as he got engaged and bought some house so it was just me.

Then the oddities started. Despite the family liv ing in Toronto, I'd wake up some days and their cheap ass ($2000) Dodge Caravan would be parked outside and the son or dad would be mowing the lawn. Fucking weird to drive 100km+ to do that. So I offered to do it but they declined.

Then I started working on my car, replacing cv joints, brake lines, muffler, etc. I smoked in my room but right by the window with a fan blowing (odor was undetectable). Then one day I wake up and there's like literally, literally 20 cars/vans parked outside, 6 cars in the drive way (boxed in my car), parked sideways on the street and on the grass across the street. I heard a lot of talking downstairs, so I go downstairs and there's literally 50 people in the kitchen/living room area. As soon as I come downstairs they all go silent instantly and stare at me. At the kitchen island is the son sitting in a stool with a ripped out piece of card board with a list written on it.

"user, I need to talk to you"

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So I go Ok... I walk up and there's like 10 things listed

"First user you need to do your dishes, second you can't work on your car, third you can't smoke in your room, fourth you can't have guests etc"

I was taken back, wondering if he was joking but they were serious. Now the smoking thing creeped me out because the only way they could tell is if they went into my suite (which I always locked when I left), so they went into my room when I was gone (or sleeping). I replied back that I didn't smoke in the room (literally outside the window), then the little fucking creepy son said we know you keep cigarettes in your jeans in your closet (WTF, they searched my room?). So I was like wtf, you fucking went into my room and searched my shit? And they literally just stared emotionless at me. I told them look I pay the rent, I don't cause problems, the dishes thing is ridiculous and I can work on my car if I want. I just found the whole thing creepy and unbelievable. So after a while they left.

Then the next morning I woke up and the mother and son were in the living room watching TV devoid of all emotion.

They had literally driven 100km in the morning and just sat on the couch watching TV all day. They didn't do anything except watch TV and go get fast food (always KFC too). Then the dad would drive down with the second shit van and the mom would drive home and 2 would always sleep on the couch.

Now the weird thing was they would watch TV emotionless. I could ask them a question and the son would usually tilt his head slowly and stare right at me and answer in a catatonic voice then go back to watching TV. I was confused as fuck as to what was going on but thought they were just weird. For the next 2 months they lived on the couch.

One day I'm in the garage looking for some tool and I see some lawn signs. Curiously I go through them and boom, one is a Dianetics seminar at the Church of Scientology. So I go to the son and mom on the couch and I confront them asking if they're Scientologists. The son slowly tilts his head and just stares at me for a good 10 seconds then tilts his head back to the TV. I was like wtf you guys are freaks.

Now here is when the really weird shit starts. I had a lease until the end of summer but they tried calling the cops to evict me arguing because I shared a kitchen with them (and they had moved in on the couch) they could kick me out. I consulted a lawyer and had it ready when the police came and told them I don't share a kitchen (my suite had a microwave and own bathroom/shower). I told the cops they were Scientologists and the cops were legitimately freaked out because they were put off by their behaviour (zero emotion, robotic voice/mannerisms).

So when they couldn't kick me out they decided to completely renovate the basement and hired at least 15 contractors to work with heavy machinery from 7AM to 10PM every day.

Why don't you go film some niggers? I would be interested in seeing that!

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>Then one day I wake up and there's like literally, literally 20 cars/vans parked outside, 6 cars in the drive way (boxed in my car), parked sideways on the street and on the grass across the street

This shit is nightmare, paranormal activity tier.

> I heard a lot of talking downstairs, so I go downstairs and there's literally 50 people in the kitchen/living room area.

Wtf. They wanted to sacrifice your ass or what

He can't keep getting away with this!

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What we have here is a case of kook meets kook.

So now I can't sleep that well, and there are construction workers everywhere downstairs. I was away working most of the time but I was pissed and put up with it.

Now our relations had broken down, as much as is possible with a Scientologist (again, they don't get angry, it's very strange, it's as if they were lobotomized and given robot bodies). But I'd insult them and laugh at them, telling them I wouldn't fucking leave. When I paid them the rent I'd throw it over the sons head, and this was creepy. He calmly laid there for a bit, then after a minute covered in cash, he slowly sat up and calmly started collecting the money. Then he counted it and turned his head towards me with 0 emotion and said "It's all here", put the money into his wallet and laid back down and kept watching TV. His mother/father were always beside him on the couch.

After a while I started to get creeped out a bit. Then I noticed people were following me.

yeah, nah. Maybe in the future.

The thing with blacks or marrocans is that they fucking follow you untill the end of times and argue. I want to film more reactions that devote all my attention to one fucking person.

>follow people around taking videos of them

>man gets up and follows you, taking a video of you


Fuck you retarded chimp

Your autism is going to get you locked up user. Stop recording strangers...

My mom once dated one of the higher ups who left Scientology in the 70's. They were constantly fliming and harassing them, saying that he signed a 1 billion year contract and shit like they. My mom eventually broke up with him because she couldn't take it anymore.
I like your YT channel OP, but people who have left Scientology are extremely paranoid about being filmed in public, for good reason.

Could you go and do this in a bad area then report back to us from your wheelchair? that would be an interesting video for sure.


i-is t-this a copy paste?

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If you did that in the US you wouldn't need toothpaste anymore, Aquafresh

I thought I was paranoid at first but noticed people watching me in public, and this was in Toronto, so people were following me on the 401 for 100+ km. I'd notice the same group of people in totally random locations. When I went up to them I could tell they were Scientologists, total fucking zombies. They would ignore me most of the time. You could literally wave your hand infront of their face and they wouldn't react.

One time they left so I left after to go to Taco Bell. I go into Taco Bell and right after I enter the son and his mom walk in right after me (they had driven off, then waited on some side street then followed me when they saw my car). I said something to the son but he just acted as if I wasn't there, was deciding with his mother what to order.

Now here is another fucked up thing. This family owned a house in Toronto and had an investment property in my city. Yet they were total rundown shitboxes ($2000 vans), wore the same clothing and basically looked poor as fuck. I forget what the dad did but he made good money apparently, yet they were broke as fuck. I'm guessing they were giving away all their money/assets to the Scientology cult, apparently this is common.

Now the scientologists were stalking me around the clock. I started telling friends and they thought I was bullshitting but everywhere I went, sooner or later 1-2 guys would just show up in the distance and stare at me and whoever I was with. I could actually do this. I could tell my friends watch, we'll go drive to a random place and within a few minutes 2 random fuckers will show up out of nowhere and watch us. This worked basically every time. I started checking my car for a GPS tracker daily but couldn't find one, so I don't even know how they could stalk me so well, it was creepy as fuck.

Kek i was mimicking what people always tell me. I did that for the entire day today not just this clip.

No this actually happened to me. More to come, it gets even fucking creepier... I ended up basically going psychotic

That these are the fat ugly fuckers behind mutt memeing

You're like an autistic unfunny version of Surveillance Camera Man.

Atleast my mom loves me.

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Dub and you get shot filming your next video

blessed image

heres some of the same genre for anyone who wants it

do you guys not understand the point hes trying to make? especially you, britbong

Godayum, I wonder how intricate and influential the upper tier of Scientology is, this makes me want to go watch a documentary or something about it. Any suggestions?

You are enlightened. That is what it means.

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So now it's later in the summer, towards the end, and I start to notice weird things, like a battery would go missing from the remote control, or a painting would disappear, then reappear, or the order of the paintings would change. Various decorative items would just move around, disappear and reappear. I thought I was paranoid at first but I started taking pictures of the paintings and sure enough while I was gone the crazy scientology fuckers would re-arrange the paintings or take shit out of the house or bring it back.

Now the fucked up thing was this happened even when I would run errands. The mother/son sometimes wouldn't be there for a day or two a week, but whenever I left, even to run a quick errand, shit would be rearranged in the house. The only way this could happen is if someone was watching the house and would go in, re-arrange the paintings, put things back in the house, take things out, etc.

Even the number of forks and spoons would change (there'd be 2 instead of 3, then I go to Taco Bell and come back and there's not 2, not 3, but 4 fucking spoons). And the fucked up thing is I only bought 3 spoons, so they must have found the same identical spoon, bought it and put it there.

Needless to say I never cooked in that place again after this shit started happening.

I live in Clearwater....the Scientologists I used to work with weren't anywhere near this weird- but then again they were higher up and way smarter than your average Scino.

I still get followed when I drive by the "Sand Castle" (their new security compound on Ft. Harrison) because they legiitmately don't know how I feel about them (I am utterly ambivalent, I'm not scared of them nor do I really care what they're up to).

I don't actually get followed by Scientologists though interestingly enough, I get followed by PIs they hire. Apparently the PIs in the area get paid very very well and will actually work in shifts to follow people who ping on the License Plate Readers the Scientologists have set up downtown.

Yep, just reported your incel ass to youtube crime department.


They never stop. He thought OP was a glownigger of sorts.

And I thought the American Mormons that have approached me in the street were weird, yikes.

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Based amstelbro.

Now by this point I'm telling my friends these stories and they legitimately think I'm crazy. So one night while we're partying I start telling some people that I have scientologists living on my couch and following me and so forth. So everyone is calling bullshit and I go no it's fucking real it's like a nightmare. So I tell them they're there right now, you can go see, so someone said ok let's go.

So about 8 of us guys, drunk, drive over there to my place and get out of the car. Everyone thinks I'm bullshitting and assumes nobody is there and we're just going to keep drinking. So we get there, I open the door and they all walk yelling "Where the zombies at" "Scientology!!!!" as loud as they can while laughing. We get to the living room and there in the dark, with the TV on, is the son laying on the sofa with his mom laying on the other side, they're watching TV. Everybody was taken aback, like ok we shouldn't have been so rude these must be normal people..

Then things get weird, real weird...

bump for spooks

Mass false flagging has been done by the reddit army on my channel time and time again.

It doesnt work with youtubes new systems

Many Scientologists are actually ex-Mormon, fun fact.

kill yourself OP

Yeah I do but going around acting like a moron in public isn't going to change anything.

I can't say I'd be surprised if this were true.

Type faster, faggot. I want to go watch a movie.

Seriously though, shared accommodations suck. At least you didn't live with a psychotic fucking mega-kike (the kind that's actually Jewish and a living breathing stereotype).

Are you kept up at night thinking about suicide when you think of all the people having actual interactions with other humans while you stand there autistically saying just a video

What.. WHAT HAPPENED? Ahhhhhhhhhh!

used an extension to completely block your gay channel from ever simply appearing in my browser ever again

I doubt he is. He's obviously semi-capable of interacting with people. If he wanted to, I'm sure he could have real moments like that all the time.

So everyone kind of freezes. I just grab a bottle and start pouring drinks and sit down at the kitchen island (open-concept living room / kitchen area).

"So, these are the Scientologists I was telling you about. That's the son, that's the mom. Isn't that right (son's name)?"

No reaction. A friend asks "You guys are scientologists?"

No reaction.

"Look, you can wave your hand in their face and they won't move" (go to son, wave hand infront of face-- no reaction). One friend goes lol this must be a joke, so he lights a cigar and grabs a chair and sits beside the son laying on the sofa and tries talking to him, no reaction. He starts blowing smoke in his face-- no reaction. He's literally puffing away. Then someone turns up the TV really loud-- no reaction. So loud that everyone in our group is like OK let's turn it down that's too loud. We couldn't find the remote and then all of a sudden the son "turns on", tilts his head slowly and speaks in a robotic voice:

"Here, let me turn it down for you guys. (starts lowering the volume back to normal). Is this good guys?" while staring at us. Someone says "Yeah" then the son slowly turns his back to the TV. He wasn't mad, he wasn't annoyed, absolutely 0 emotion.

At this point everyone is shitting themselves. Everyone starts booking it for the door, one guy runs out screaming (literally) and another guy apparently locked himself in his house for a week and had a mini nervous breakdown and had to be taken to the psychiatric ward.

>semi-capable of interacting with people

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i have a scientology centre in my hometown, hidden in the countryside. digits decide what i do

haha you fucker again, i hope you get beat the shit out of you one day

haha you fucker again, i hope you get the shit out of you one day


Nigger you best be filming whatever you gonna do

Another time I had a girl over and we were watching a movie and talking, and the son is downstairs and he gets up off the couch, walks over to the staircase and bellows telling us to keep it down. So I was pissed and go to the living room where he's sitting on the couch and I tell him to fuck off, then the girl I was with comes down and I'm like this is the Scientologist, "he actually talked for once". Then he eerily goes into a little rant and mentions that he knows where my family live (knew street name) and everything about my family. Then he gets up and was actually sitting on 2 claw hammers the entire time and slowly walks upstairs to the third room and locks himself in there. The 2 claw hammers creeped me the fuck out, so I grabbed a knife and we went back to my suite. Turns out he called the cops, and I had to explain to them again the situation, they were Scientologists, insane, he had two claw hammers, if they could remove him and they said no, he's a part-owner of the property (his parents put him as owning 1%) so he was legally entitled to stay in the property.

Anyways the next week was my last month and I go out of there ASAP and went to Europe for a while. It took me a good 6 months to fucking decompress from that shitshow and stop being paranoid. Scientologists are completely fucking batshit insane. I don't know how they brain wash people so well but they literally lobotomize them and take all their money and make them their slaves.

pretty smart actually. godspeed user

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no you weren't, you stupid people harassing faggot

why in case they try to kill me?

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nobodys gonna kill you for filming.

Why are you such a fucking massive weirdo, OP?

yes, i completely ruined peoples lifes by filming them for 3 minutes.

why do people like you get so mad at this? also, your flag is dutch.

born this way, might aswell accept it

Your content is top notch

You should do live filming so when someone bashes your skull to death we will have the vid

good read user, kek, they're fucking lunatics and likely controlled at the top the same way everything seems to be

Schizofrenic lunatic at it again, stop bothering people. Trieste kankermongool

he is a government agent

>He accuses me of being part of scientology.
>What does this mean?
Your cover's been blown, mate.
Lord Xenu will feast on your soul for billion years for this failure.

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Does everybody speak English there?

Can someone redpill me on Scientology? Why do they follow former members around?

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These scientologists made the stepford wives look like maniacs, they literally had 0 emotion, even psychopaths can be happy and feel pleasure, these were total robotic zombies. Even the way they moved, like robots. Eeriest shit ever

Oh and I also barricaded the door at night with a cabinet and set up booby traps with pots and pans so in case the psycho tried to break into my room to kill me while I slept. I also slept with one eye open the last week or two


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Don't know if this is a creepypasta. But it has to become one. You should gather all this shit in one post.

you are glowing


Yep. Everyone works at CIA now lel

if youve been in scientology, yeah.

>craving attention this bad
you are worse than a woman

Scientology does crazy shit like this with people who get involved with them and leave. I don't blame him.

>Film a stranger

They're pretty selective in their choice of victims, I once sat a test, in my teens and having no idea what they're about. My guess is they choose people specifically who are easily suggestible and I guess families often exhibit similar traits so multiple members in a family isn't so rare
My opinion is it's another kike scam pyramid scheme with greater sophistication and cult like adherents. I believe Witnesses are pretty similar, wasn't there that case of that mormon guy coincidently being at the scene of multiple terror attacks? So they're likely deep state assets, often these cults are started by Masons or spooks

why not?

People are being watched and monitored in the street and in their homes via online yet they don't care if they don't know about it but point a camera in someone's face and they lose their minds. Peak retardness.
Carry on doing what you're doing op, that restaurant video was hilarious btw lol.