Bibi Netanyahu is now pointing the finger at Ehud Barak and Ehud Barak is pointing the finger back at him.

>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former prime minister Ehud Barak intensified their rivalry on Sunday with below the belt attacks on each other, including Netanyahu accusing Barak of connections to alleged pedophile and sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

>Netanyahu and Barak fought over Twitter, where Netanyahu posted an article about Epstein, who was arrested in New York on sex trafficking charges. Netanyahu complained that the Israeli media was not criticizing Barak over his connections to Epstein.

>Barak responded by turning the tables on Netanyahu.

>“It pains me that people I know have gotten in trouble with the law,” Barak wrote on Twitter. “First came Netanyahu and now Epstein. I hope for both of them that the truth will come to light.”


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Other urls found in this thread:


Sloppy job????

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>to muuh light
That's the oven turned on light.

Come on, how many people in power are actually pedos? That would be fucked. Just because they knew him doesn't mean they are guilty.


The global deep-state is going down

Soon Trump will be able to turn the public against Israel. The time for the coming is soon. Praise kek.

So if Trump is outjewing the jews, does that make him better than Hitler?

Yes. Hitler straight up killed them, enabling half a century of zionist cabal ruling the world after that.
Trump exposes them. They are true EVIL

Wait, so the holocaust was real?

Enough so they could claim millions of jews killed in history books

Attached: Be Not Afraid.png (400x300, 282K)

Trump disablong the Samsungs

Mossad blackmail operation confirmed

Didn’t kill enough. Also the more you look the more it seems as though what hurt him most was the horrific betrayal of Europe by the US.

it's the jews.

please please please cry antisemitism

fuck off leaf

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Barak didnt say anything to tie Bibi and Epstein. He was referring to the "corruption" charges against Netenyahu and family, which is really the pot calling the kettle black

You retards have no clue how to go about this duplicitous business and it's quite amusing to watch you try

Netanyahu is talking about Epstein, Batak is talking about a corruption probe which is nothing more than Israel’s Russiagate. Netanyahu and Trump are allied in the war against the worldwide deep state. There is a reason Obama and the EU worked very hard to get Netanyahu out of office. Your Jew hatred blinds you to this fact.

Netanyahu is useless.
Alex Acosta and alan dershowitz are both in trumps admin and also Epsteins legal defense

JUST vote Zognald and shut the fuck up

Attached: Jewish group calls on Congress to make Holocaust education mandatory in US schools — RT USA News 0 (852x575, 1014K)

About 750k died throughout the camps, mostly towards the end stages of the war, succumbing to hunger and typhus.

Netanyahu was in on the planning of 9/11. Eat shit.

Enough with your fucking pilpul, shill. Nobody believes in good cop - bad cop in 21 century.

>elites jewing themselves
Is it actually gonna be something good this time?

Patrick Little was right.

Netanyahu implicitly bragged about 9/11. Stop trying to shill the idea that he's on our side. Get shitted, while you're at it.

corruption is worse memeflag

What does Netanyahu have to do with Dershowitz? Netanyahu is the political heir of Meir Kahane. You should have seen Kahane brutalize Dershowitz in debate back in the day.

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Derp de derp.

Fuck you kike none of you are innocent. Nothing wrong with hating evil parasites.

Dershowitz is one of Netanyahu's greatest supporters in the media.

>Netanyahu and Trump are allied in the war against the worldwide deep state.


ZyklonB yourself autist

That's no more than a fucking theatre. They are almost hivemind.

>Derp de derp.

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This so much

>the oven turned on light.

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They're not pedos per say, but they trade off doing some pedo stuff to be put in a network of power. It's more about blackmail and control than straight child-fucking. Epstein was using the girls to get as much dirt on literally everyone he was in contact with. So it wasn't even "have sex with this girl" it was "lower your guard around this attractive girl so you'll spill the beans about your insider trading deals" as well.

Subtlety is lost on the retarded. It doesn’t matter though. Time will tell.

You video shows Trump effusively praising Netanyahu. Don’t really see your point.

bibi's not implicated dipshit
bibi is facing a corruption scheme in israel right now
barak was implicated
then barak trolled bibi by saying
>“It pains me that people I know have gotten in trouble with the law,” Barak wrote on Twitter. “First came Netanyahu and now Epstein. I hope for both of them that the truth will come to light.”

It only seems unlikely if you think of it as people becoming pedos when they get power, but it's more like you're not allowed to take a seat of real power unless you're down with the sickness.

Imagine if the music industry only allowed people to get famous if they had drug habits. Normies on the ground would be like, "Oh, come on, they can't *all* be drug addicts," but if they're picked in such a way that ensures only drug addicts get through, then yes, they will all be drug addicts.

As for congress, there are different estimates on how many of them are pedos, from as low as 40% to as high as 90%. I'd sooner believe 40 or 60 than 90, but who knows? I'm open. It all depends on the particulars and details that we are not privy to, so we have to proceed with recognition of the fact that most of the details are not currently accessible to us.

>valet parks car for Epstein

All of them. Pesos are more common than people realize

oh no no no no no!

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Taking photos with (((them))) does not mean making deals or being friends with (((them))) shill.

Rich people rub elbows with other rich people without knowing everything there is to know about each other. Even if they know someone is into some pedo shit, they'll still do the "polite," "high society" thing and smile for the cameras.

I don't think it's fair to look at that as some kind of approval or consent and honestly, do you really think Ivanka and Jared would know that Weinstein has fucking Mossad ties? All due respect to the Trump family, but Ivanka doesn't strike me as particularly redpilled, nor would she really have any reason to be.


Tell me about it. Texas is nearly Mexico 2.0 at this point.

oh no no no no no!

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We've all seen these photos already, memeflaggot. Expand your thinking. Also, kill yourself.

lets learn from these jew tactics how the juden dukes it out.


It's going to be sort of funny in a sick way to see all the finger pointing implicating practically everyone and then how it turns out that all of them really did do it. The clown world show is coming to the climax.

get fucked satanic pedo shills!

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Shills who post zion don and MIGA shit all day hate when reminded that Bibi and Trump's most strongly shared trait is their nationalist views

>it's of no significance when it involves people I like
kek fucking retards

Trump is squeaky clean

These are ridiculously close connections but the "pedogate" The_Donald useful idiots will dismiss it as "6 degree of separation".

Is a rat Jew.

Gonna be interesting times ahead for you and your inbred cult you freak.

If Bibi goes down, Trump and all the ZOG will go down.
That's why Kikes are in full damage control, they want to save Zognald's ass at any price.

You retarded leaf Trump actually SNITCHED ON EPSTEIN by stating publicly for the first time that "he likes very young girls" he was not approving it my God what a kike tool you are canadians

>>it's of no significance when it involves people I like

>It's real if I don't like the person

See how easy it is to turn that around? For all this claims of denial because they are siding with the person, the same can be said about accusations being hurled because they DONT like the person.

But letting soneone come to your house and sleep in your bed....

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Huh, so it was all a Mossad con job. Still, if homeopathic medicine is anything to go by, rich people can be tricked into doing all sorts of stupid shit. Wouldn't be that hard to convince them that fucking and killing kids gives you eternal life.

>by stating publicly for the first time that "he likes very young girls" he was not approving it
In 2002 he said:

> "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

But surreptitiously slipping this quote in the tabloids and continuing to befriend him for almost two decades was just a long-term plan to out the pedophile amirite

Occam's razor... except when it goes against your dogma, then you'll trace the dots in the most circuitous route as long as it concludes with your point (eg Trump being rampantly pro-Israel and having a Jewish son-in-law = he's going to break Zionism!!!1!).
Too bad you can't see things with your cognitive dissonance lenses removed for just 10 mins.

inb4 they used to go together

I think Trump and the rest of them are all degenerate elites, regardless of their political leanings. I also think they all use politics as a divisive tool to simply increase their networth and power too.

I don't see things with the "home vs. away" corporate sports franchise fanboy mentality. I am well aware of the debauchery on both sides of the political spectrum and don't turn a blind eye to people I like or overly-scrutinize those I don't like.

And proceeded to ban him from his properties and volunteered witness statements to the police.

The holocaust was the first world war, the second was the peasant uprising



>Netanyahu and Trump are allied

No. Israel is the demon

Attached: Trump Pissrael.webm (1280x720, 962K)

>And proceeded to ban him from his properties
...after he sexually assaulted a minor at his house. Obviously you don't shit where you live and don't want to open your properties/businesses up to investigation (eg all the illegal immigrants working for you, among other things).

>bibi buggered kushners cooter
I can see the headlines now

This. Also friendly reminder shills are going to kill their masters pushing the Trump and Epstein connection. If that tooks hold in normies mind they will never bury or hide Epstein. They could never kill him to quiet him everything would be under a microscope. Everyone will go down. They can try to draw attention away with earthquakes and ayy's but something negative about Trump is programmed to stick in normies minds. Epstein is their doom.

Bibi is also a high ranking member of the Khazarian Mafia.

Immunity deal.
Epstein cashes in some compromising dirt on a couple anti-establishment people.
He walks.

The rule of law doesn't exist anymore.

This actually makes impeachment less likely

Context of that webm?

and therefore, production of ZyklonB likely

I thought the pizza shit was BS, but I guess there's a shred of truth to it, but people didn't know exactly what or how they were connected, and now we know Epstein is at the center.


By us maybe

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Fucking dead on. I’ve had a spring in my step all day.

Shills are starting to sound like blithering idiots with normies jumping in to laugh in their faces and it’s absolutely fantastic.

I think this is the kill shot frens

Pizzagate kikes all scrambling to get one way tickets to Israel I see

Pure coincidence I'm sure

>Hey goyim didja hear about dose UFOs? Can yah balieve aliens are here on oyth?

I love that one! Trump just ignores Bibi-the-baby-killer. LOL

what should I do with these pesos?

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florida just passed a law making it illegal to say jews are secretly in control of hollywood, government, ect.


Watch your whore mouths

I mean, I don't mean to jump back onto the "hurr 4d chess" bandwagon, but maybe the reason Trump did fuckall in his first term (at least where immigration and national security were involved) was because he was waiting to actually, well, drain the swamp. On both sides. It'd explain the hysteria of the MSM and incessant attempts to start a war with Iran/Russia. Only time will tell.

You’re missing an entire second half to that story that btfos your retard shilling.

Buy a mehican coke in a glass bottle. One of those big ass half liter bottles.

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Checked Netanyahu has always been our guy


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