Be me

>Be me
>24 years old
>Work in finance
>Earn £50k a year
>Own my own pad in London
>Work out obsessively and in shape
>Intelligent and conversant in a wide range of topics
>Very well read
>Private school educated.

Yet I still haven't had sex in 3 years and have only ever had 2 girlfriends.

Meanwhile the women I know are going for completely unsuitable guys; druggies, store employees and general no hopers.

What's the reason for this sudden shift Jow Forums? It used to be the case that women flocked to successful, educated guys but that seems to no longer be the case.

Attached: bruce wayne.jpg (334x500, 33K)

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Sweaty, it's part of this illusive little somethin' I like to call charisma. Not everybody has it, hon.

ur prob a faggot bro

Money and muscles don’t make you not a faggot

patrick bateman nigger

>Be successful
>Browsing Jow Forums

Lul'd, kys

Women want to be mentally superior if they can

Western women tend to be very manipulative, and educated man wouldn't stand for that

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It's because you never returned the video tapes.

I like to think Im charismatic else I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today.

good lord, the man who stumbles on you is in for a treat...

Attached: AllEqualNPC.jpg (1125x1161, 98K)