With the current scandals blowing up and the deep state elites being exposed as what they are, pedophiles, I think it's time to gather all we've learned the past few days in a pedo hunting thread.

Drop what you have, whether it be knowledge, memes, photos, maps etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: i am fucking white9.jpg (800x440, 174K)

Other than Slick Willy, can you identify the other men in that photo?

Given that pedophilia is actually a mental disorder that touch 1% of the global population (mostly men), that's not such a big deal being a pedo, as long as you don't take action and rape kids.
In my view, loli porn is a great way to ça alizé these people, and it worked in Japan. A japenese friend of mine told me Japan was actually one of the countries with the most kids' abuses recorded, but with emergence of loli pron, the rapes and others fell down

To canalize*

Ricardo Cheaz, Bill Clinton, George Nader, José Calzada,
Rolando Gonzalez Bunster.

Sauce: truepundit.com/busted-muellers-new-star-witness-trump-caught-partying-exclusive-island-resort-bill-clinton/

See Q Drops 3131 and 3133.

And? Don't you see that Epstein ran an international sex traficking cartel linked to the Clintons and child kidnappings, rapes, and sacrifices in satanic rituals?

You're totally missing the point.
Never defend pedophilia again.

When sexuality is channeled into FUCKING KIDS then that is a sickness of society.
If a progressive number of men's sexuality IS CHANNELED INTO MASTURBATING TO LOLI PORN than society simply dies.
So get out with your bullshit.
Fucking kids isn't just wrong because it harms them-- it also harms YOU.
It is EVIL.
And must be driven out of existence, to the extent possible.

yes yes 1% will collapse society
take your meds shizo

it might have to do with the so called innocence of white girls around 18 being completely KIKED

kiked whores, thinking foreigners need to be twerked at

racist foreigners at that

You get the rope too


dafug is that kim jong un on teh left

Tony Blair was arrested for lewd acts while dressed as a woman while at university

His contact details were found in Epsteins little black book (not the flight logs)

This is one of the big ones to come

Attached: pmjs.jpg (537x281, 54K)

Is this the storm?

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Think this is related or not? Probably not, but seems odd.

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Shut up. We are not talking about 18yo being gangbanged by Tyrone and his friends here, we are talking about thousands of childs for the most under 10 yo being kidnapped, drugged, raped and sacrificed by some of the most rich and powerful people in the world. All this in an organized mafia.

Carl Beech revelations

Based and Blairpilled

Loooooll I love the projection. We all know who Epstein is taking down

Attached: KVUeS2znLZ0ngBVw3tE20knnI6wHvgEGYsMXmxxCQ2E.jpg (750x516, 34K)

And the powerful that flaunt morality and the law when doing it. But, we need the candor to face the fact that yeah, Trump did it, too. Otherwise: wasting time

Bella Thorne came out about abuse in Disney just the other day.

could've been a side effect of them drugging him before rape

Underneath the water little boys are sucking them off.

It's consistent. Someone Epstein might out is covering their tracks most likely.

>See Q drops

Attached: 1490498223957.jpg (900x568, 108K)

Maybe, maybe not. When a star is killed like that it usually is because they started to rebel against their masters/handlers.

Q predicted this.

I like it

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C'est toi qui te trompe igo, là tu me parles de violeurs et de criminels, le fait qu'ils soient pedos n'a rien à voir la dedans. Et je me répète, 1% de la population est touché par ça, que tu le veuille ou non, y'a statistiquement beaucoup de chances pour que des membres de ta famille, certains de tes amis proches ou que ton/ta conjoint.e soit un.e pedo.

Kys pedo

>the past few days
I've been down that rabbit hole for 10 years. It's such a relief that this shit is finaly coming to light.

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Gtfo here faggot, pedophilia acts has been recorded even with animals, that's absolutely not a society illness. Pedophilia is mental disorder, get your fcking keyboard and type it on Google before even try to talk

Attached: Download (16).jpg (474x445, 28K)

Explain user

Say what you want but the fact is Q led into digging this months before medias started to talk about it


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Guardians of the North members here.

We've got chatlogs from multiple high-level nonces and are closing in on a worldwide child trafficking ring.

Big Baz heading over there now with the chatlogs. Will keep you updated.

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Remember boy : your dad, your brother, your best friend is potentially a pedo according to statistics, think about it before talking :)

Prophecy by ACU from 2016 is uploaded again after youtube shoahed it iiii


Shut up fake user.
Shut up and shut down.
Your time is done.

Stfu. What do you gain by defending pedophiles?
Repent to God while you can user.


Ppfft you dont have shit. Look at the plave you post here, half the members are pedos themselves and your brandoshing that shit here? Fucking larp.

Attached: 1561221677027.jpg (1017x706, 137K)


- OP Brownstone
- Saville (royals UK connections) / Epstein (DC politicians + holywwod) / Dutroux (royals connection + euro politicians)
- Hampstead (UK elite)
- MK Ultra / The Finders
- Rachel Chandler / Laura Silsby
They do this shit to blackmail powerfull people and for the sake of their weird fucking beliefs

Or who brought him down in the first place.

kikes and their weird buddies

The swamp. If one goes down they all go down. It's starting today and it will be brutal

>t. Kiddie Diddler


Attached: 1575465774561.png (404x633, 125K)

We're coming for you. Repent now

That image was made mid 2018, here is the end 2018 image.

Attached: number of pedos.jpg (1024x546, 53K)

Very interesting and accurate, user. Who do you think the investigation on Epstein will bring down?

God's will

>George Nader flipped
This is what has happened


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I am nervous, if they all get exposed, will they kill everyone?
Or let Satan officially come and start the holy war?


Carl Beech claimed he was abused by vip paedo rings.

The police investigated but saw how deep the establishment wanted this covered up so in return they smeared him in the press, courts and everywhere else.

He is being tried for perjury but stands by his revelations and reveals them in detail in court as we speak.
Follow the trial on twitter from journalists like thisL

If you think he has made it all up then you'd have to concede he is one of the most forensic fantasists ever; the police believed him (until they were later asked to stop investigating) because he detailed the inner buildings that are security-sensitive.
That requires some really hefty imagination to conjure up.

Mentions clear rape, group gangbangs, violence, murder and abuse that everyone has heard of but no witnesses have presented in court until now.

Attached: heath 5.jpg (1241x1584, 330K)

BASED norf postings

Hard to tell, no "investigation" has really taken down anyone that matter until now.
But the Cinton's and Prince Andrew would be the first targets if Trump gets real with this... I doubt the royal family would let that happen easily though

Regarding Pedowood

Disney star Bella Thorne: "Getting molested from [the age of] 6-14... being abuse all the time...I was being molested....people have no idea the type mistreatment I was dealing with [while a Disney star] that everyone around me saw and did nothing



>UPDATE : Cameron Boyce was going to fire his agent Tyler Grasham in light of multiple allegations of sexual abuse
Sauce queerty.com/disney-star-cameron-boyce-next-fire-agent-sexual-assault-allegations-20171020

froget pedo
this looks gay as fuck
can u even imagine how gay trump is?

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Bill should tan more damn

Incredible how many of these stories UK has.
I wish this man courage!

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Is he having an orgasm? Wtf the chinese girl is not even touching him?
And Obama taking a photo kek

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Draining the swamp.

Prophecy by ACU from 2015 is uploaded again after youtube shoahed it many times. This is fitting for the thread.


no Clooney is staring off into the sky, Obama is taking a photo.

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>George Nader brought him down
Notice how you only have public pictures? Now do the ones on the plane and island. (You won't)


anyone who claims that old men fucking young women, who then have babies, increase the lifespan of the human race are not telling the truth

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate


God is a deception, and remember that priests are the biggest pedos on Earth.

Then, I defend pedos because fcking 1% of the world is pedo, but not all of them are fcking rapers. Type "pedophilia" on Google and you'll see.
Many people in your circle are certainly pedos but you didn't know, face the truth.

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This is how the fake internet works....

Attached: LB.png (1001x976, 318K)

Time's up poisoner.
Out you go.

Richard Branson's fuck buddy

Attached: obamabranson.jpg (310x163, 10K)

>muh your time is done
Pick up some args faggot, I dismiss rapers, but pedophilia isn't raping, and I never it would be good to let pedos take action without punishment, I'm just saying that they change, this is engraved in their brain, and even if you kill them all, new ones gonna appear, it's a natural disorder that even animals are experiencing.

They can't change*

PEDOS should be killed automatically for even having those thoughts.

Roll call on this picture?

Attached: 1561139983597.jpg (338x506, 42K)

Q predicted this

Your eternal torment approaches

Attached: 1561313499292.jpg (1600x1183, 246K)

Would you like to argue that the number of pedophiles in any group of humans in an invariable, fixed percentage, entirely independent of social and spiritual conditions?
Is human sexuality FLEXIBLE?


No source on pic!

Bill Clinton because he dismissed the SS on multiple flights.