Sex Trafficking Jew gets a (((friendly))) prosecutor

Imagine my shock The Jew gets a prosecutor that will let him go. Fuck this court God damn court system.

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Remember the 2nd if justice does not prevail...

Of course she is his lawyer... Her family is fighting for their lives.

this is how it's worked for (((them))) for decades, and if by chance they can't get one of (((their))) judges, well, that's what Presidential pardons are for, apparently

She's not his lawyer... she's the lawyer that's "supposed" to put him away... she's the prosecution

Told like 40 booms and zooms so!

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No Clinton. No Trump. This is a one off prosecution, like the last bunch, where his wrist is slapped, and the system keeps eating kids.

Fuck. Our only hope is if by some miracle that the Mueller family secretly flips.

Like Harvey Weinstein part 2?

That’s fucked


The police or FBI (or whoever arrested him) are going to have to file conflict of interests.

Attached: mueller pedophile.png (583x552, 285K)

link to source please

Attached: 1562511797238.png (581x611, 345K)



Imagine his arrest was staged so he can make it look like he was raided. Setting up his own court trial and everything else ahead of time.

>Fuck this court God damn court system.
The trade is international and organized.

It goes from the Volga to the Atlantic and beyond.
If you ever see statistics or local reports of children getting kidnapped, teenage girls getting into relations with pimps, almost certainly the employer or a partner of these is Jewish.

Attached: trade.jpg (2299x1682, 372K)

I would not be surprised. Fuck the Law, the Law is nothing but a fucking crock of fucking shit. Call me a fucking normie all you want but Jesus Christ man we need some vigilantism done, the law is fucking worthless and it has been compromised.

need to fill that court room with angry hillbillies and rednecks to stare her down

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

Impossible for the world to be this small.

Comey is part of the Hillary-Mafia

So, yeah

we need to round these fucking kikes up.



Elites don't jail elites

Pretty open and shut conflict of interest.

There are at least 50 shill threads trying to tie Trump to Epstein. It won't work idiots. Trump worked with law enforcement on the Epstein case back in 2009. It's documented. HAHAHAHA.
The deep state shills are panicking SO HARD right now. I've NEVER seen it this bad.

Rachel Chandler just set her instagram to private:

>pic related is your future

Attached: exterminatus.gif (320x180, 1.18M)

maybe, he could be getting ahead of it....

actually there is plenty of reason to be encouraged by the arrest. It's very clear Epstein leveraged his contacts and perhaps used a little blackmail to bargain down his sentence last year. Now as a result of considerable backlash, he has been indicted again and this time the odds are stacked against him, there is just too much out in the open now for him to get anything but a stiff sentence. It's a victory for those that stood up to power and it shows there are limits to even what the most well connected can do to remain above the law.

>Epstein leveraged his contacts and perhaps used a little blackmail to bargain down his sentence last year
So you are doing damage control for him and trying to make it seem as though he was a pedo first and any blackmail was just incidental? It doesn't matter whether he goes to prison if his blackmail material is still usable by Mossad.

what can be done OP?

Attached: dayofrope.jpg (540x281, 29K)

Jow Forums if he gets off how hard do you think it will be to abduct said abductor?

what the hell are you talking about? it does matter if he goes to prison, everyone should be accountable. Who knows who would have access to the information or dirt he has on other elites, it's all speculation.

Hopefully Maureen Comey does as good a job prosecuting Epstein as Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's brother did on the Imran Awan case.